




積分: 8819

發表於 12-6-29 14:21 |只看該作者
回覆 MW148 的帖子



cutecutetown  probably a biochemical pregnancy; did you tell your doctor?  發表於 12-6-29 14:42


積分: 897

發表於 12-6-29 19:54 |只看該作者

回覆+pigsmoomoo+的帖子 Dear+pigsmoomoo,

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 12-06-29 發表
回覆 pigsmoomoo 的帖子

Dear pigsmoomoo,
dear cutecutetown, cos the injection substance is fsh + lh, so out of curiosity i used red d to test my lh level....i has been thinking was i having less dose

Ok i will stay positive and wait till next tuesday. fingers crossed that i will have more quality eggs for retrieval.



積分: 304

發表於 12-7-1 07:52 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 parker123 於 12-7-1 07:56 編輯

回覆 cutecutetown 的帖


積分: 304

發表於 12-7-1 07:55 |只看該作者
cutecutetown 發表於 12-6-29 12:40
回覆 parker123 的帖子

Dear parker123,
Hi cutecutetown,
Thank you for your reply. Is there a 體外培植卵子?I heard that doctor can extract 卵泡 without using stimulation and grow the eggs in the lab? Is there such a method and if so, is it suitable my case? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Many thanks.



積分: 9231

發表於 12-7-2 10:03 |只看該作者

回覆:parker123 的帖子

本帖最後由 cutecutetown 於 12-7-2 10:12 編輯

Dear parker123,
Yes, 體外培殖卵子(in vitro maturation of oocytes) are available in some labs. In brief description, the doctor collects immature eggs from a woman's ovaries and the eggs then grow & mature in the lab; when the eggs are mature, they will then undergo ivf/icsi.
Pros: Minimal to no stimulation required > no OHSS risk (卵巢刺激過度症), lower drug cost.
Cons: Not available from all doctors/labs, success rate may not be as good as 'regular' ivf/icsi, no data on epigenetic effects.
In your case, the use of ivm may not be a good choice even if it's available because your high FSH implies a low ovarian reserve; even if it's done, the method itself does not improve egg quality, which is an intrinsic factor.Notice that you still have to go through egg collection, after which you probably wait 1-2 extra days for embryo transfer.


積分: 897

發表於 12-7-3 08:51 |只看該作者

版主 的帖子

cutecutetown, i am so upset and cried. this morning i came back to qmh, doctor said i just have one egg with size 17mm. the rest are too small. he suggested me taking 2 more days of injection and go back for ultrasound on thursday. he said i should try ivf this round otherwise previous medication is wasted. i was so disappointed and sad. he said next round of ivf will increase the medication. was it because i had herbal tea in the first 8 days? anyway i will stop it in next round.

one egg .... i dun have any hope on it.


cutecutetown  I didn't know you have been taking herbal tea or else I would have advice against it   發表於 12-7-3 11:44


積分: 1601

發表於 12-7-10 11:52 |只看該作者
rabbitboy 發表於 12-6-28 18:55
Hi! Cutecutetown How r u? 我第一次既ivf 失敗! 連植入都唔得! 開頭照的時候有7 卵泡!可是取卵時只有一粒 ...
Hi ! I 'm 29 years old !Thx you!


積分: 9231

發表於 12-7-11 11:24 |只看該作者
回覆 rabbitboy 的帖子

Dear rabbitboy,
You are relatively young to have that AMH level. Are you keen to pursue another ivf? Will your doctor let you try once more? Although your success chance is likely to be lower than those of the same age group, it is very difficult to get convinced that you should give up now and altogether.

While you may ask your doctor if you need to re-check your AMH, even if you have another ivf, the number of eggs will not dramatically increase. It will be nice if you will at least reach the "embryo transfer" stage. I give you some positive thoughts here, but still be prepared and open-minded with other options, such as the use of donor eggs, adoption, or simply keep a good childless lifestyle.

Good luck,


積分: 1609

發表於 12-7-12 13:33 |只看該作者
Hello Cutecutetown,

I finally changed to a new doc and did my egg retrieval yesterday at Sanitorium. The doc managed to take out 8 as he confirmed during our daily checkup etc. Out of the 8, 4 got fertilized this morning confirmed by Sanitorium using ICSI technique. The remaining 4 has yet to response. From your experience does ICSI give a better chance? Sanitorium also claimed that they will look at "assisted hatching" if this can be performed.

This time with a new doctor I have been asked to do blood test since day 2 of my period till my egg retrieval yesterday. I have also been prescribed alot of medication such as Panafcortelone 5mg/25mg, Cardiprin100mg to start using before and after egg retrieval. More medication to come after embryo transfer such as continue using Panafcortelone, injecting Gestone 50mg and Clexane 40mg. I am amazed how much effort my new doctor put on me as he claimed he cannot find out the source of reason for my previous failure. He suspected the medication I have been prescribed previously is not adequate plus no monitor of blood condition also will hidder reason for the failure. I'd like to get your thoughts on the above as well?



積分: 26045


發表於 12-7-12 15:04 |只看該作者
回覆 cutecutetown 的帖子

Hi cutecutetown,

醫院剛打來, 說驗血指數不高, 3十幾, 是有孕, 但明日要再回醫院再驗血確定。

我是26/6, 放了兩個雪胎, 一個是8cell, 一個是10+cell.

30/6, 4/7, 分別打了補針

今早自己用晨尿驗了, 驗孕棒只是出現很淺的線,是否反影我的驗血指數不高?

我有問題, 照我的case, 正常來講, 指數是多少才算正常的著床? 我算是太低嗎? 會是因為打針的關係影響了指數嗎?
我最擔心, 會是宮外孕或其他原因嗎?

Thank you so much!!

Everyday may not be good..but there is something Good in Everyday!


積分: 1609

發表於 12-7-12 18:49 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,

While I was reading previous message from JM, I have been drinking chinese medicine since I started by IVF cycle continuously non stop as well as doing acupuncture. When I changed to do my IVF in Sanitorium earlier this month, the nurses against me taking any chinese medication or even massage as they said chinese medicine can lead your hormones and blood level in a confusion. I am not sure if this is way all true but seeing my numerous failures, I stopped chinese medication since mid June 2012 and only rely on weekly acupuncture which nurses said that is fine. Does chinese medication really caused the confusion with your hormones etc? But looking into my case I was really crazy with addicted to chinese medication last few IVF.

The nurse yesterday told me not to drink any soup with dong kwei, ginger or red/black dates as this will trigger the wound...I found the nurses in Sanitorium really informative and caring for patient's need they alert you well in advance!



積分: 9231

發表於 12-7-12 23:10 |只看該作者

回覆:coolwinnie 的帖子

Dear coolwinnie,
話說回來,preg test 驗的是HCG,通常指數高過20就算是bingo了。因你的30+有點borderline,明天若再驗,是與驗倒30+的那天相隔多久?如胚胎著床穩定,指數會約每兩三天double,但這只是參考,一定要到懷孕5至6周,照超聲波照到胎嚢或心跳才可作準。至於宮外孕或其他,也要到照超聲波時才可確定,但在這一刻應該先關注胚胎著床穩定與否。


積分: 9231

發表於 12-7-12 23:31 |只看該作者

回覆:kakakaju 的帖子

Dear kakakaju,
You have started another ivf so soon! Good to know that you are satisfied with the new doc.
ICSI delivers a sperm into an egg; so theoretically, if the sperm has some problem fertilizing an egg with conventional ivf (simply putting a lot of sperm closely with an egg), icsi may give better fertilization. However, icsi does not increase bingo chance.
It is not my expertise to comment on how medical doctors prescribe medication. Based on my experience, your previous doctor had given adequate medicine and your current one is probably over-doing it. Bit since you are so happy with the extra medicine, be it. At least these extra medicine has no harmful effect.
I have on and off told jm not to take Chinese medicine if they are doing ivf, but rarely they listen. I am glad your nurse at Sanitorium said the same and you listen. The biggest problem is that many jm do not even tell their ivf dr about taking Chinese medicine and therefore we cannot even warn you.
Anyway, I hope to hear from you again in 2-3 days :)


積分: 1609

發表於 12-7-12 23:41 |只看該作者
回覆 cutecutetown 的帖子

Thanks cutecutetown. I am waiting for Sanitorium to call back and confirm when I can do the embryo transfer e.g. it might be day 3 or day 5. Whichever I am okay and will listen to the doctor. The nurses at Sanitorium warned me so this time I listen cos in the past with the old doctor I have never really told him I am consuming chinese medication. My current doc of cos told me he cannot guarantee anything but from my observation with other friends who undergo IVF, my previous doctor's way of treatment was far too conservative plus blood test was ONLY performed once at the start of the cycle. Anyways the bad experience has gone and I am hoping at least with the current service I can from my doctor and Sanitorium at least I feel it's worth the money though much more.

So ICSI doesn't mean it will give a better chance of bingo, but with your experience do you agree doctor's skill set is also important? As nurses at Sanitorium said there are no miracle or just "luck" everything depends on the doctor and how he can maximize chance. Agree? My past IVF was done via lab the only thing I must say is the space is very limited and with doing it in a hospital it was performed via proper operation theatre with good spacing and circulation.



積分: 26045


發表於 12-7-15 00:23 |只看該作者
回覆 cutecutetown 的帖子

Hi cutecutetown,
對上果次第1次驗血是11/7, 即放雪胎後14天(26/6放胎), 指數是30+
第2次驗是13/7, 指數是20+, 醫生說是在慢慢的下降中..
但是m無來到, 可能要等..
醫院叫我16/7再驗一次, 其實如果我呢兩日m到, 就唔洗再驗了.
我真係唔敢奢望下次再驗會有奇蹟發生, 我相信而家唯有等下一次再做ivf了.
心情難免有點失落呢..已經盡量俾自己好忙, 唔去多想..但好難啊!!

Everyday may not be good..but there is something Good in Everyday!


積分: 9231

發表於 12-7-15 12:47 |只看該作者

回覆:coolwinnie 的帖子

Dear coolwinnie,


積分: 2365

發表於 12-7-20 22:40 |只看該作者

回覆:cutecutetown 的帖子

Hi cutecutetown,

It's always gatceful to have you here to help all the Jm in the path of ivf.

It's my 2nd time ivf (1st time+ 1 FET failed) and today is day 4 of gonal-f injection. Unluckily, I fall sick today ad well. My throat feels a lot sore and very much painful with some headache. I did take panadol always as I know panadol should not affect the ivf treatment. But it dose not much to my illness. I want to ask you if any problem for taking 消炎藥or antibiotics . Will this kind if medicine adversely affect the egg quality or override the ivf drugs ? I will ask my ivf doctor for this but I also want to know your opinion.

I'm confident that I feel more relax than my last ivf. I m aware that there is nothing much I can do other than relax and keep my body healthy. But I m quite 無奈 I got sick this time..


積分: 9231

發表於 12-7-20 23:28 |只看該作者

回覆:BabyGaga21 的帖子

Hello BabyGaga21,
Taking antibiotics will not affect your treatment nor egg quality, but make sure you finish the entire course of antibiotics or else it becomes useless.
Many ivf doctors prescribe antibiotics to patients due to the low risk of infection associated with egg retrieval. Talk to your ivf doctor to see as he/she may want you to take a particular kind of antibiotic.


積分: 15364


發表於 12-7-21 08:57 |只看該作者

回覆:ivf Q & A



cutecutetown  There are different grading systems. In your case, is grade 1 = the best or the worst? Cell number?  發表於 12-7-21 14:22


積分: 231

發表於 12-7-31 21:43 |只看該作者
I am happy to see this forum discuss abt IVF, I failed last time, I was so disappointed. But now I saw this forum and realised that I am not alone.
I saw some of you doing the accuputure and I believed it should help,
anyone can suggest one or two.



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