



積分: 11879

發表於 07-11-5 15:12 |只看該作者
女讀3年班 有d天聰 但做事慢 做功課懶散 唔溫書 測驗考試要陪住至睇下
星期六 日問功課做完未 都話要睇完電視先 終于話做好 又要睇1星期播1次嘅(小魚仙)好啦 都做好咪俾睇囉 到夜晚10點几又突然話有1樣未做 0甘我個心當時就火火地 不過都無發到 就叫快d做埋啦 只不過距口中發出嗚嗚聲 跟住大力行路 大力拍書包 我 星左1巴 跟住去沖涼冷靜下 :-( :-(
出到黎 我 就陪距一齊做 再同距傾番 無事
我好後悔用武力 平時好少
我控制唔到情緒 見到女有做得唔好嘅 就想發火
同距平心靜氣傾時 乜都應承 轉頭乜都唔記得

對住好掹 深呼吸都唔得 我係咪要睇醫生


積分: 428

發表於 08-2-9 00:38 |只看該作者
My daoughter is also a 3rd Grader. Every day, she goes to watch TV after school. She starts to do at 4:00pm. We are in US. I am a working mom. She doesn't have lots of homework. She does a little on Monday. She saves lots of homework on Thursday. On Thursday, it is the nightmare between she and me. I need to correct her mistakes, she is not very patient to listen. She just waited for the answers. She doesn't want to do the book report. She only copies the beginning, the middle and the end. She never asks what she doesn't understand. Her result of course is not very good. I think I need to push her to work better again. It is my hard time now. We want to teach her to be more independent. The teacher won't do much on academic. It is the student's responsibility to learn. Teachers' responsibility is to give them homework. Teacher doesn't correct their homework too. During the teacher and parent's conference, the teacher only let you know what was the weakness of your daughter and asked me to do more on that part at home. I think every child has the same problem, not willing to do the homework, not willing to learn. The kids only like to play all the time. Is there any good way to motivate the kids to do their homework?


積分: 616

發表於 08-3-13 04:35 |只看該作者
i did the same thing yesterday. i slapped my 8 year old again cuz he didnt know where his homework is.....it's not the first time and i really should control my temper. he's driving me crazy cuz he's so unorganized and he is like your daughter, 做事慢 做功課懶散 唔溫書....dunno what to do..

i am in us too. i have the same problem. the teacher is not reviewing the homework as well so i have to do all the work for my son..meaning correcting his mistakes..public school teacher is really lazy..............

原文章由 lok^^b 於 07-11-5 15:12 發表
女讀3年班 有d天聰 但做事慢 做功課懶散 唔溫書 測驗考試要陪住至睇下
星期六 日問功課做完未 都話要睇完電視先 終于話做好 又要睇1星期播1次嘅(小魚仙)好啦 都做好咪俾睇囉 到夜晚10點几又突然話有1樣未做 0甘我個心 ...


積分: 11454

發表於 10-6-22 15:36 |只看該作者
Hi everbody,

I'm the new joiner start from today. Nice to talk to 1999 mom.

我女1999年4月架, 想起佢2年級果時, 真係好勞氣, 我有打佢.....but好短時間, 比左佢去補習班等人教, 免傷感情. 而家佢都好多野同我傾, 又會講學校發生d野我聽, 感覺好warm.

眨眼間11歲嘞! 大家d仔女有無改變? 傾下....


