



積分: 5695

hashtag影視迷勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-7-11 23:35 |只看該作者
雖然仲有 2 個幾月先生


積分: 768

發表於 08-7-12 02:09 |只看該作者
Hello 靚靚巧兒,
I am a mother of two. The first time I gave birth, I did not want to use epideral. But after 20 hours of pain, I still wasn't fully open (already used pitocin and break the water manually to induce). I couldn't eat or drink anything and I was exhausted. Finally I gave up and used epidural as the doctor recommended.

For the second baby, I asked for epidural right away after I got admitted to the hospital. I had pretty good experience with epidural so far, no side effect.

[ 本文章最後由 mrschao 於 08-7-12 07:05 編輯 ]


積分: 785

發表於 08-7-12 04:28 |只看該作者
I think I am one of those lucky woman ... I didn't use epidural and I didn't experience the pain over 3 hours.

I still remember 355 days ago, I broke water at home at 11:30pm, ran to bathroom to take a shower & wash my hair. We arrived hospital at 1am, by that time I still not feeling any pain. Because my parents went to hospital with us, I even told my husband took them home first and have 3 hours sleep then come back to see me la … I don’t want everybody wait in hospital for maybe over 10?20? hours since I didn’t feel any pain and people said first time mom used to take 10 hours before the BB born. I start feeling the pain at around 3am but I didn’t ask for epidural since both my husband & I worry about the side effect, and Matt was born at 5am. I’m so luck that Matt came out to see this world very fast, but too bad that my husband didn’t have enough time come back to experience with me.

I knew woman use epidural before said that’s the best medicine in the world. I would recommend you talk to your doctor regarding your concern of epidural, he/she can give you more professional advice before you make your decision. Different woman can hold the pain in different level, and no one know how long will the “level 10” pain last.

Wish you have a “fat fat white white” baby ah! Don’t be too worry ah … not all the first time mom experience looong pain ga.


積分: 253

發表於 08-7-12 05:50 |只看該作者

I just had my 2nd child 1 wk ago.

When I had my 1st child, I didn't want to use epideral until I feel really painful. Becuase growing up, my mom told me it hurt ur back bone alot. So when the doctor asked me if I wanna use it, I told him I can still wait a bit. 陣痛其實唔係好痛﹐ but when my doctor want to check me, 佢一碰到我大脾我就痛到死(唔知點解)﹐ 根本檢查唔到﹐ so he order epideral for me. It is not so bad actually. 打既時候我覺得仲冇吊鹽水咁痛添。

This time I told my doctor I need epideral right after I checked in to the hospital. Because he told me 2nd child will be very fast, I don't wanna wait til my water break. I feel lucky I did it earlier, because I waited 12 hrs (4pm - 4am). 打左真係咩都feel 唔到﹐ 我一路訓到生得先醒左開始生。 連醫生剪﹐ 縫針﹐ 我都唔覺。 It's acutally better this way, because you need to save the energy to push.

My conclusion is, not that what my mom used to say was wrong, you just got to understand one thing, which is, 醫學技術日日進步﹐ 就算同一樣野﹐ 十幾二十年前同依家都唔同左。 最主要係﹐ 妳生BB醫院既麻醉師手勢好唔好。 呢樣可以問下妳個醫生。 不過妳睇我呢D咁熬底既人都夠膽一年生一個﹐ 就知道其實打麻醉唔得人驚。

Wish you have a cute and healthy baby. (^_^)v

[ 本文章最後由 BabyRnC 於 08-7-12 05:52 編輯 ]


積分: 768

發表於 08-7-12 07:17 |只看該作者
HappyMatt, you're really very lucky ah!! Did you walk a lot when you were pregnant?

靚靚巧兒, I totally agree with BabyRnC that the IV is more painful than the epidural. Actually my first 麻醉師 was a resident (trainee) only, but it wasn't painful at all. He did need to try a few times, maybe because I am tiny size and it's hard to find the right spot on my spine la. The second 麻醉師 was very experienced but still took her a while to put it in.

I am extremely scared of needles. Even now for my kids check-up or flu shot, I will let my husband to take them because I can't even see them do it to my kids. I don't want to make my kids nervous because of me.

I would recommend using epidural if possible. Of course, as HappyMatt said, you need to check with your doctor if it's suitable for you first.


積分: 42487

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 開心吸收勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 08-7-12 07:50 |只看該作者

我係勁怕痛既人, 所以一開始我就決定用 epideral, 因為我連臨生前幾次既產前檢查醫生伸手入去 check 子宮都痛到嗌, 連個醫生都笑我一入院 check in 就好即刻打 , 到我生嗰日因為就到預產期但一D 動靜都冇前一晚 call 醫生話想生第二日入院催生, 第二朝入院一 check 已經開到 3 度但完全唔痛, 不過個護士幫我 check 子宮伸手入去時我又係痛到嗌成身收緊晒, 個護士話我唔放鬆 check 唔到, 但跟本係痛到放唔到鬆, 要老公借隻手俾我借力先 check 到, 跟住打埋催生針同拮穿左羊水之後就 5 mins 痛一次, 初初都 OK , 過左一個鐘只係開到 4 度, 但開始痛到我坐又唔係訓又唔係, 但都仲諗緊可唔可以捱到唔打 epideral, 不過都 call 定個麻醉師黎先, 點知佢成個鐘後先黎到因為佢喺第二個手術室, 呢段期間真係好痛令我投降. 係打緊時有 pressure 所以覺得有少少痛之外之後只有感覺但一 D 都唔痛好舒服, 等生期間訓下睇下電視咁連老公都話我生 b 生得咁爽, 同埋 contraction 期間唔駛嘥力去嗌痛所以我生阿女時夠力去 push, 所以如果我再生第二個既話都會再用.


恭喜晒你, 祝 BB 身體健康, 快高長大.

[ 本文章最後由 usbaby 於 08-7-12 07:51 編輯 ]
生活在花旗國一年有 300 天陽光普照的城巿裡


積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-12 20:19 |只看該作者
my first time (with Amanda) the water bag broken, however, she is over size (34weeks with almost 7lb), I have heart mur mur, she has heart mur mur. no contraction since water broke for almost 10 hours. so OB desided to induce labor plus use epideral (because I have asthma, they want to save my energy).. it works wonderful.. I only push 18 minutes to labor Amanda.
my second time (with Gabriel), full term, Bleeding. but contraction too weak. So, OB again, induce labor, and use epideral, to save my energy. Work wonderful again. It takes me from my first push till the placenta came out only 6mins.
as I do exercise everyday, walk a lot and as a nurse on med surg floor, so I move a lot.. and I know how to force my abdomen.. 多紮馬, 係易生好多.
Beth isreal medical center, I trust them.. I have the same midwife for my both laboring.. that was cool..
(also the same crew because I had so much complication on my pregnancy, so I had been admitted so many times, and they knew me.. ).
原文章由 靚靚巧兒 於 08-7-11 10:35 AM 發表
雖然仲有 2 個幾月先生


積分: 5695

hashtag影視迷勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-7-14 05:06 |只看該作者


積分: 285

發表於 08-7-19 04:16 |只看該作者


恭喜你先、預祝身體健康! 我生大仔有打針、生細仔就冇打!

原文章由 靚靚巧兒 於 08-7-14 05:06 發表


積分: 8831

發表於 08-7-27 15:50 |只看該作者
靚靚巧兒, 恭喜你.
我個醫生唔鍾意佢既客用無痛,但我入院兩個鐘後麻醉藥力差唔多完, 就用左. 我係超怕痛既人. 我覺得既然有咁既選擇/科技, 梗係唔好浪費.

只不過, 我唔太好彩. 個醫生事前都同我講, 有機會啲藥力唔平均, 都可能某個SPOT會痛. 咁我就係完第一樽藥, 換左第二樽時, 出現呢個現象, 右腹有個位好痛, 咁我梗係勁鈕計, 結果成4-5 個醫護人員圍哂係我床邊, 我都唔知佢地做咩, 我估佢地幫我加碼, 痛左兩個鐘後又唔痛.


積分: 768

發表於 08-7-27 20:16 |只看該作者
The first time I used epidural, I really had zero pain. But I still feel some pain the second time I used it, just less severe. the 麻醉師 said that way I could feel the contraction and know when to push. I shouldn't expect all the pain to go away totally.


