



積分: 5915

畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 15-10-3 22:51 |只看該作者
We plan to move back to canada (i am a canadian but not my husband)

1. Will cic assist us on filling us the forms?
2. Is it we must buy a flat or proof we have a place to live?
3. I come back to hk for 10 yrs and worked in canada before... Is it really hard to find a job there? Maybe just a simple admin job?
4. My husband can work immediately when he go there? He afraid cannot find a job there....

Maybe i am think too simple too naive. I think we wont starve to death if we are willing to work... Even back to low level...

Thank u for answering my questions 😊


積分: 9300

發表於 15-10-3 23:26 |只看該作者

回覆:planning and worries

Depends on each individual
Yes, as long as your husband got landing permit


積分: 1842

發表於 15-10-9 18:00 |只看該作者
find job there is not easy as long as you and your husband has professional qualification approved.

IT job/nurse/child care jobs are more easier I think

Also, You need to prepare quite a lot of money in case that you can't get a stable job to support your live there

If you're a canadian, I recommend you to apply your husband as a PR first.
Now is long waiting list, and start looking for a job there and save money in HK and buy cnd in low exchange rate

If you have pocket money, should consider to invest a pre-construction apartment or house there. It is good for invest or future to live.

Admin job there is not easy to look for too. If you know someone who working at bank there, ask if they can introduce you there. Bank usually hire by connection. some of my friends got into HSBC there through friend's.

Work at bank has some benefit(low interests rate for mortgage) , even if you're a bank teller.


do your own business, Canada is a pretty boring place compare to HK you know.
Open something is popular in Canada, i am sure you can make some money for life support. People open a HK-style snack store (Fishball/ bubble tea )at chinese mall and they still can make some money. Just an example.

Dont give up! you have more chance than you think !!


積分: 1174

發表於 15-10-13 20:54 |只看該作者
Is it a long waiting list? Usually can get it in a year


積分: 5915

畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 15-10-20 15:43 |只看該作者
thank you all for your support!!


