



積分: 287

發表於 08-9-26 23:42 |只看該作者
朋友個仔仔99年喺edmonton出世, 當時爸爸媽媽以遊客身份入境, 而仔仔一歲就跟父母返左香港, 如果遲d將仔仔送返edmonton讀書, 唔知佢可唔可以申領牛奶金呢? 如果可以, 咁佢大約有幾錢? 而牛奶金多少係咪要以父母的收入來黎定? 如果只係送返佢返edmonton, 父母留在港, 咁佢仲可唔可以享有牛奶金呢個福利?
另外想問出年仔仔十歲, 香港讀四年級, 如果返edmonton讀書,
讀寄宿學校, 每月大約要幾錢??
希望各位抽空回覆, 唔該晒


積分: 1136

發表於 08-9-27 07:32 |只看該作者
I dont think you are eligible to get any benefit if you are not living with your child and non-resident.

4. Can I get the Canada Child Tax Benefit?
To get the CCTB, you must meet all the following conditions:
  • you must live with the child, and the child must be under the age of 18;
  • you must be the person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child;
    • This means you are responsible for such things as supervising thechild's daily activities and needs, making sure the child's medicalneeds are met, and arranging for child care when necessary. If there isa female parent who lives with the child, we usually consider her to bethis person. However, it could be the father, a grandparent, or aguardian.
  • you must be a resident of Canada; and
  • you or your spouse or common-law partner must be a Canadiancitizen, a permanent resident, a protected person, or a temporaryresident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months.


[ 本文章最後由 xother 於 08-9-27 07:34 編輯 ]


積分: 287

發表於 08-9-30 08:29 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 xother 的文章

唔該你呀 xother,
其實唔係一心想來攞著數, 因為想將佢送返加拿大讀書, 比佢讀寄宿學校(唔想打搞親戚屋企), 到時都會有舅公或表e做監護人, 想知學費大概幾錢, 如果有牛奶金幫補吓就更佳, 因為想準備吓要幾多錢, 除左學費之外, 應該仲有其他支出, 例如學醫療保險...
有無人知 :-
- edmonton 讀寄宿小學, 大概要幾錢呢?
- 咁小朋友喺加拿大出世, 係咪已等如Canadiancitizen? 但係佢一歲就返左香港, 係咪要返去住返先算係?


積分: 7158

發表於 08-9-30 21:45 |只看該作者
not sure if edmonton will be diff from Toronto. we just had a friend who sent their kids back to toronto in this Sept.
the school principal reject them as both parent are not planning to stay in Toronto for good, thus the kids had to send to the "returning section" for registeration - i.e. need to pay (non-resident) school fee even for studying in high school (grade 9/10).
Also, as both kid are under 16, even they were lived in the relative home, they were not accepted by the school as the guardian (if they just pay the non-resident fee) - as guardian only permitted for overseas student.


積分: 15064

畀面勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 08-10-1 00:43 |只看該作者
我住在Calgary, 同Edmonton 同是亞省, 只是三小時車程.

我不算解答你的問題, 但只把我知的告訴你作參考.

牛奶金不是你出世就一定有, 要申請的, 而且是根據你們的入息計, 不一定是父母, 而是care-giving, 即直接與小朋友住及照顧的那位. 牛奶金的多少和你報稅的入息成相反, 即你越多收入, 你會得到不多, 可能無. 4月底交報稅表後, 大約7月就會知有與冇, 表示有報稅才有資格申請, 是需要審查的. 而且牛奶金是有上限, 所以相信一定不夠cover生活費.

最近有位朋友的兒子從hk來這讀high school, 他告訴我, 兒子在多倫多出生, 是加拿大公民, 但不能有多倫多以公民身份免費入學, 他幾經辛苦, 才找到全加拿大只有calgary可以唔使比學費讀書(即以居民/公民身份), 其他加拿大城市, 其兒子只可當留學生, 收貴學費.


原文章由 June2006 於 08-9-26 23:42 發表
朋友個仔仔99年喺edmonton出世, 當時爸爸媽媽以遊客身份入境, 而仔仔一歲就跟父母返左香港, 如果遲d將仔仔送返edmonton讀書, 唔知佢可唔可以申領牛奶金呢? 如果可以, 咁佢大約有幾錢? 而牛奶金 ...


積分: 1136

發表於 08-10-1 03:43 |只看該作者
Base on my common sense, if a child born in Canada, he/she is citizen and for that reason, he/she is eligible for free education. I saw so many cases that Mainlander came here because of their children and they all study as local student by not paying any fee. If they have local address and who knows if the parent is not resident or if they were in Hong Kong. The main issue is if the child has guardian to take the responsibility.

This is just my thought and it doesnt mean I am right.

原文章由 Calgary 於 08-10-1 12:43 AM 發表
我住在Calgary, 同Edmonton 同是亞省, 只是三小時車程.

我不算解答你的問題, 但只把我知的告訴你作參考.

牛奶金不是你出世就一定有, 要申請的, 而且是根據你們的入息計, 不一定是父母, 而是care-giving, 即直接與 ...


積分: 7158

發表於 08-10-2 07:24 |只看該作者
xother - that's what i thought too, until my friend told me their kids were subjected to overseas student, as the parent did not pay any tax (i don't ment the income tax, but any kind of tax, eg. GST, PST etc) to the government, thus their kids were not entitlted to free education. for guardianship, per what my friend mentioned, it only apply to overseas student..

Calgary, just being nosy. 即以居民/公民身份 do you meant Permenant resident/citizien? how about non-resident?
my friend's case is they are the non-resident ... as if they planned to live in Toronto again, then their kid has no issue for enjoying free education lor.


積分: 1136

發表於 08-10-2 07:48 |只看該作者
Just wonder if your friend has inquired other school? Or if she/he has permanent address? From my case, from the date I registered my daughter, I have never shown any tax paper and the school has nothing to do regardless I am resident or not. The only concern is if my daughter is citizen, not me. I think the school is trying to get extra money and make up a story to your friend.

If we apply to HK, a kid who born in HK is eligible to everything regardless where is the parent, so I assume it should be the same as here.

原文章由 doggie 於 08-10-2 07:24 AM 發表
xother - that's what i thought too, until my friend told me their kids were subjected to overseas student, as the parent did not pay any tax (i don't ment the income tax, but any kind of tax, eg. ...


積分: 7158

發表於 08-10-2 08:23 |只看該作者
my friend and all his family is canadian citizen but returned to HK in 1996, filed all statutory paper to claim to be non-resident to avoid paying the income tax for all they earned in HK.
this Sep, they just wish to send the kids back to Toronto to study, and that's the whole things they told us..
my friend does have brothers in toronto and the kids are now staying in one of his brother's home.


積分: 15064

畀面勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 08-10-2 09:31 |只看該作者
Hey doggie, why are you still on line, I usually can't see you in the evening.

I think non-residents students=overseas students( need to pay overseas tution fee which is expensive), as residents can work and study like normal citizens, am I correct? Only guardian is needed for those under 18, right? My friend's son now lives with his guardian, and is in Grade8. I only know that he cannot study free in Toronto, but I don't know any details of how he apply or how the procedure was.

原文章由 doggie 於 08-10-2 07:24 發表
xother - that's what i thought too, until my friend told me their kids were subjected to overseas student, as the parent did not pay any tax (i don't ment the income tax, but any kind of tax, eg. ...


積分: 7158

發表於 08-10-3 05:49 |只看該作者
calgary - he he quarter end period - so working like the dog... still in the office lor.


