




積分: 127

發表於 09-2-11 14:45 |只看該作者
My bun always use her mobile to text message, so can't do the work properly and is extremely slow. Then I tell her I keep her mobile and will give her back on day off. She knows where I put and when I was not around, she used the mobile without my permission. Should I tell her that I know this and this is a kind of stealing???

Am I too mean to keep her mobile and keep her back only on day off? I tried to give her during night time but she kept using it, so can't get enough sleep at night time.

Note she also asked us to lend her our chargor because she said she has no $$ to buy wor (she is here for almost 2 months), but performance not satisfactory type.

Other info - she has 2 mobiles and told us one for local use and one for between HK and philippines, don't know if this is true or not!!


積分: 193

發表於 09-2-11 14:55 |只看該作者
咁個手提電話係個賓既財物, 定係你既財物先?


積分: 127

發表於 09-2-11 15:02 |只看該作者
It's hers, she brings them with her when she comes. I know it's her property but she has not got my permission that she peeps to see where I put the phone and then secretly open the drawer and use it when I am not around.

I was thinking what I should scold her - just scold her that she uses the phone without my permission seems "too minor" for her, she won't scare.

原帖由 cclpoon 於 09-2-11 14:55 發表
咁個手提電話係個賓既財物, 定係你既財物先?


積分: 10382


發表於 09-2-11 15:03 |只看該作者

Give back the shxt phone to her, no need to keep her phone cos she has many ways to call no matter how many phone you keep for her.

Ask her whether she want to work here in HK or want to make the calls. If she want to stay in Hong Kong, then ask her to behave herself, if you ever find her talking during working hour, ask her to resign at her own accord since she has decided to go back to home country to talk whatever she want !!!!!


積分: 9518

親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 09-2-11 16:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 deerdeer 於 09-2-11 15:03 發表

Give back the shxt phone to her, no need to keep her phone cos she has many ways to call no matter how many phone you keep for her.

Ask her whether she want to work here in HK or want to ...

dd 姐好野!!offering choices for the maid!

also DD姐's written English is so good!!


積分: 4511


發表於 09-2-11 17:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 deerdeer 於 09-2-11 15:03 發表

Give back the shxt phone to her, no need to keep her phone cos she has many ways to call no matter how many phone you keep for her.

Ask her whether she want to work here in HK or want to ...

if she strong refuse not to resign by herself and still keep to talk with mobile, what can we do ?


積分: 15536

發表於 09-2-11 17:06 |只看該作者
點解唔鎖住佢(電話)? 咁樣唔算偷,但係違反誠信。

如果工人唔用mobile做野ok既,我會見一個收一個。 如果工人唔用mobile做野都係唔得既, 我會考慮忍唔忍到佢/換人。


積分: 1266

發表於 09-2-11 22:50 |只看該作者
I also kept my bun's phone. I gave her a guideline sine the first day she was here. She's not allowed to take personal call (no matter it's a mobile phone or not) but she broke her promise. So I kept it and all the time bring with me. In my handbag, I have 3 phones (one fr myself, one from company and one is her phone).


積分: 127

發表於 09-2-12 00:47 |只看該作者
Thanks deerdeer for your advice.

I asked her already and she said she wanted to work in HK. Then I asked her why on day one, I told you that you can't talk over the phone during your workday and I prefer you also not talk at nighttime because you don't have enough energy the next morning.

She then picked on my word saying that she did not "talk" over the phone and also because I said I "prefer" her not to talk only, it's not "you are not allowed" to....". She said she only text message and not talking over the phone wor!!!

Today, she had her dayoff and tomorrow morning, I will ask for her mobile again. How should I respond if she refuses to give me saying it's her property? If I say, ok you put on the table and both of us cannot touch it. What happen if she touches it? The most is she is disobedient. I still cannot fire her without giving her 1 month salary, right?

Seems very unfair to employer that employer needs to pay 1 month salary to this kind of maid unless you can bear living with her for 1 more month!!

原帖由 deerdeer 於 09-2-11 15:03 發表

Give back the shxt phone to her, no need to keep her phone cos she has many ways to call no matter how many phone you keep for her.

Ask her whether she want to work here in HK or want to ...


積分: 1376

發表於 09-2-12 11:24 |只看該作者
If she agrees with your condition of not using her mobile/ keeping her phone during working days, put it on paper and ask her to sign as to avoid further dispute. Otherwise, you can foresee the frequency of using her mobile will only getting higher.

I've experienced the exact same situation before and my maid shamelessly refused to admit that I told her not to use the mobile during workdays cos there is no written agreement between us.


