




積分: 4103

發表於 10-6-19 00:44 |只看該作者
我係一部門副主管, 上有一名新黎上司(大約做左1個月左右), 上司要我請個下屬幫手(因我原本下屬要掉去隔離 team), 人事部 SCAN 左幾份CV過黎, 人工全部都比我個時做lee 個position時高, 其中2份CV人工叫價同我現在salary差唔多, 但我現時 position 比我請lee個下屬高兩級,噤即係我依家 under pay得好緊要, 我問過 HR, 佢地話個 lee 幾份 CV 人工都係 within company salary range, 我同上司講過 lee件事, 佢話咪好囉, 你可以同HR fight 下你依家人工, 叫 HR 黎緊 reveiw salary 時加返你多D, 我同佢講fight 人工唔係我同HR 講, 係由上司同HR propse 我加幾多, 不過我上司無出聲, 我知佢唔會幫我, 因為佢新黎唔敢, 好老實講, 我老闆(出糧果個) 話我上司做野唔掂, 有D野反宜叫我幫佢跟, 但老闆又唔抄佢, 依家我多左好多野做, 1日做12個鐘, 真係好唔開心, 好有衝動辭職黎過第二份...不過 係lee公司我都做左好多年, 同事們大部份都好好, 新公司又唔知會點... 你地有無人同我依家case差唔多? 即你下屬同你差唔多人工, 而你既 responsibility 比佢多好多 (包括 take up 埋你上司既工作)?


積分: 7158

發表於 10-6-19 04:47 |只看該作者
my case is a little bit diff. i work in the accounts dept. with the finance mgr. then 3 girls work under her. my position is higher than the other 2 but they are not report to me. however, if boss not around. 90% stuff will pass on to me. anyway. those 2 girls pay are just $3k less than me, but my repsonsibility 多好多. they could leave 5 pm sharp while i still work like the dog for the closing and forecast.
my boss say nothing.. no appraisal, no salary increment. they just play politics hope you could not tolerate and leave the company yr own to save the laid off package.


積分: 1367084

虎到金來勳章 2018父親節勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 開心吸收勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 認識瑞士牛牛第二回 認識瑞士牛牛第一回 育兒性格勳章 我的育兒心得勳章 想生BB熱投 DHA勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 貢獻勳章 環保接龍勳章 親子達人勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 10-6-19 07:29 |只看該作者
我自己都係咁...不過工作時間無你咁長...你回家後是否仍要照顧小朋友呢? 如果要, 你一定仲辛苦了...


積分: 31043

發表於 10-6-19 09:04 |只看該作者
This problem is universal - across roles, departments, companies, countries, geography, and even time.

Practically, if u're critical enough, when u submit your resignation, they will renegotiate with u(better package, better pay and/or a promotion). But if u're not, then good luck and goodbye!

The same token plays on you as well, when finding a new job, u can make the call on ur salary. Then it's all a selling-buying agreement.

I've hired people that I didn't like as much but paying 30-50% higher than a few that I like a lot (at that time, my team was over 100 ppl). Doesn't mean I wanna do that but sometimes if I don't hire the best person in that batch at that time, I lost the headcounts, what should I do?! At the end of the day, I also need to get my job done.

I have worked on the packages for those that I like a lot, but can easily take me 6 months to build biz cases for them - increasing their visibility, giving them high-profile responsibilities, introducing them to my manager's manager... Even that, every company has a framework that managment has to abide for. So set ur expectation accordingly.

In ur case, I would suggest u think of a strategy, what exactly u'd like to get out of? A yes/no answer now? a new job? or propose a career plan to ur manager to take u to the next level?

Hope u find a resolution that u'd be happy. Just want to share a different perspective.


積分: 3599

發表於 10-6-19 10:09 |只看該作者
我畢業個陣個市好差, 人工重低過我做summer. 幾年後個市好番D, 人工有加,even已加左over 一倍但當我請assistance(fresh grad)時, 佢人工叫價重高過我....
當時勁唔開心, 一心諗住A - 轉工, B-直接同老細講價(bypass 我上司). 我選擇B, 成功加人工!! ...唔爭取就無.
講真人工好似海鮮價, 我D師兄早我幾年畢業個市好, 人工係我畢業既3倍.
而家個市唔知好定唔好, fresh grad 人工都係我畢業既3倍. 只能怪我生不逢時...


積分: 12251

發表於 10-6-19 15:03 |只看該作者
我覺得你應該同真正出糧比你的老闆negotiate, 而不是同頂頭老闆negotiate, 佢係新來的都驚自己自身難保随時被炒, 如果你覺得你自己有bargaining power, 應做足功課, 全盤方案propose 你覺得點解要加人工, 亦要做二手準備, 如果佢拒絕, 你點下台, etc.


積分: 9246

好媽媽勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 10-6-19 22:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 doggie 於 10-6-19 04:47 發表
my case is a little bit diff. i work in the accounts dept. with the finance mgr. then 3 girls work under her. my position is higher than the other 2 but they are not report to me. however, if bos ...

Less HK$3K is a big difference la.


積分: 4103

發表於 10-6-20 00:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 wcpcelia 於 10-6-19 07:29 發表
我自己都係咁...不過工作時間無你咁長...你回家後是否仍要照顧小朋友呢? 如果要, 你一定仲辛苦了...

I have a son who is 2 yrs old. I have a maid to look after him. Every day when I get back home, he normally has gone to bed. I only have time to play with him during weekends.


積分: 4103

發表於 10-6-20 01:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 doggie 於 10-6-19 04:47 發表
my case is a little bit diff. i work in the accounts dept. with the finance mgr. then 3 girls work under her. my position is higher than the other 2 but they are not report to me. however, if bos ...

You are better than me. Those 2 candidates whose expected salary are only HK$1k lower than me, but my position rank is 2 levels higher than them. If my new head give any one of them an offer and got accepted, there is a possibility that she will have higher salary than me at the time of performance review after 3 -month probation


積分: 4103

發表於 10-6-20 01:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 mizuho 於 10-6-19 09:04 發表
This problem is universal - across roles, departments, companies, countries, geography, and even time.

Practically, if u're critical enough, when u submit your resignation, they will renegotiate with ...

I think I got what you mean!! Thanks for your advice.


積分: 4103

發表於 10-6-20 01:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 kitmantsoi 於 10-6-19 10:09 發表
我畢業個陣個市好差, 人工重低過我做summer. 幾年後個市好番D, 人工有加,even已加左over 一倍但當我請assistance(fresh grad)時, 佢人工叫價重高過我....
當時勁唔開心, 一心諗住A - 轉工, B-直接同老細講價(bypass ...

For my case, the economy was not very bad at the time of applying this job. It's just that I was not expected the salary range could be this wide, that I felt regret of not asking higher salary at the time of applying this position


積分: 4103

發表於 10-6-20 01:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 joys2334 於 10-6-19 15:03 發表
我覺得你應該同真正出糧比你的老闆negotiate, 而不是同頂頭老闆negotiate, 佢係新來的都驚自己自身難保随時被炒, 如果你覺得你自己有bargaining power, 應做足功課, 全盤方案propose 你覺得點解要加人工, 亦要做二手 ...

Thanks for your advice!! My planning is firstly tell my new head that I don't want to interview those 2 candidates whose expected salaries are approx the same as mine. Secondly, I will talk to my boss directly on that.


積分: 1507

發表於 10-6-20 12:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 cma2563 於 10-6-19 00:44 發表
我係一部門副主管, 上有一名新黎上司(大約做左1個月左右), 上司要我請個下屬幫手(因我原本下屬要掉去隔離 team), 人事部 SCAN 左幾份CV過黎, 人工全部都比我個時做lee 個position時高, 其中2份CV人工叫價同我現在sal ...

如果你想得通, 點解你老板請新上司都不內部調升.



積分: 31043

發表於 10-6-20 15:46 |只看該作者
NO NO NO, you shouldn't do that. Working against your current manager is not going to do you any good. She needs you to be in the interview loop because she probably doesn't feel like she can make the decision by herself (whether that's because of her incapability or it's because she's too new), but it's a sign that she needs you.

You need to work it out with her and get her on your side. When getting your salary adjusted, all sizable companies (mostly international ones) will require your manager's feedback. No manager will keep someone who will work against him/her in the team for long term, needless to say getting them promoted to the next level.

If you still like this job, be patient, work with her and get her problems fixed now (e.g. getting the interview done). Get her on your side by making her feels like she can't live without you, in short, spoil her!!! So when you submit your resignation, she will be 比死更難受! When you can do that, you are on the driver seat and your chance of getting what you need is much higher.

Highly recommend you to read a Chinese book 杜拉拉升職記. I've worked at MNCs for a long time and find this book inspiring. Hope it may also help you.

Bad bosses are everywhere and you can't be sure if your new job is any better. Thus, learning the survival skills will take care of the problem in long-run. Good luck!

原帖由 cma2563 於 10-6-20 01:32 發表

Thanks for your advice!! My planning is firstly tell my new head that I don't want to interview those 2 candidates whose expected salaries are approx the same as mine. Secondly, I will talk to my bo ...

[ 本帖最後由 mizuho 於 10-6-20 15:47 編輯 ]


積分: 3155

發表於 10-6-20 21:53 |只看該作者
無論你對上既上司幾屎, 或者你有幾能幹都好, 其實最好都係唔好跳過你上司直接同老細要求加人工, 一黎老細未必會聽你, 二黎上司覺無面, 到佢真係可以掌握到權力, 你就麻煩了. 做唔到野既上司多的是, 但係佢地總有辨法令到老細好buy佢.

想加人工, 先碼好你新黎既上司, 到咁上下佢覺得你好幫得手, 先提出加人工.


積分: 5127

發表於 10-6-21 13:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 smallbrother 於 10-6-20 21:53 發表
無論你對上既上司幾屎, 或者你有幾能幹都好, 其實最好都係唔好跳過你上司直接同老細要求加人工, 一黎老細未必會聽你, 二黎上司覺無面, 到佢真係可以掌握到權力, 你就麻煩了. 做唔到野既上司多的是, 但係佢地總有辨法 ...

同意. 做唔到嘢嘅上司多的是, 但老闆又唔炒佢地, 佢地又權在手, 只會玩辦公室政治. 好討厭.


