




積分: 391

發表於 05-5-20 22:59 |只看該作者

Which one should I choose?

I decided to terminate my 43 years philippino maid's contract as she is too hot temper,self-centre and can't get along with my mother-in-law. Both of us agreed by writing not to claim the one month notice payment and she just left on 31-5-05.

Now I start to look for an Indonesian maid. But I know well about my home situation: The maid lives with my mother-in-law's home which is a public housing unit, the maid sleeps on the upper buck bed shareing room with my sister-in-law who sleeps on the lower one, my father-in-law is a smoker,(I had warned him not to smoke in front of others), my sister-in-law is minor handicapped, I have a new born together with two young boys. During night time, I will take out two young boys to my own home and left the baby in my mother-on-law's house.

One agent introduced an Indon. maid, 23 years old, who worked in Singapore for 2 years, ex-employers were a couple with 9 years old son, living in a flat of 4 rooms and 2 toilets, speaks good English and little Cantonese.

Another agent recommended me an Indon. maid, 29 years old, worked in Saudi Arab for two years, the couple had two adult children, only learning Cantonese now in the training centre, no English. But the boss of this agent personally visited the centre and chose this maid and she said such maid would not mind to serve such family liked mine and she should able to bare difficult home enviornment. I just wonder if we can well communicate which is my reason I chose a Cantonese speaking Philippino for my mother-in-law. If this maid can't speak English and Cantonese, even I myself can't talk to her. I doubt body-language can really work.

My mother-in-law had said she would take care the baby by her own and just need the maid to do housework but she needs an obedient one not like the current Philippino.

Anyone can give me some advice. Thanks! :-(


積分: 192

發表於 05-5-20 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: Which one should I choose?

I see you got a difficult situation. Indonesian maids are supposed to be obedient but it's not a must. Just go and see how many BK moms express their unhappiness with their maids and you then know more about the truth. Anyone, it all depends on the character of the maid. Like my maid, she's 30. Worked in Taiwan before for taking care of baby. I watched the video at the agency and she seemed ok and so I signed her. Now, she said she wants to leave HK and go back home because she thinks it's too difficult for her. I guess she can't manage the job well in her capacity and she doesn't like the job. Why? As Taiwan has just opened its door for maids, she seems to look for a job there again. She did mention once she knew about the re-opening of Taiwan labout market. Why Taiwan? Easier and more $$.
So, if you have an idea of the maid who don't mind taking up and job, you may consider. She really wants to work in HK with a big family. On the other hand, I think family members' cooperation is important because they tend to have too many opinions at one time. So, how can a maid follow the instructions? It's rather difficult for whoever.
Have you thought of looking for a local Indonesian who can speak Cantonese? Perhaps you can interview her and get to know more about her.
Ok... hope I help here.


積分: 391

發表於 05-5-21 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: Which one should I choose?

Thanks for your suggestion. But I dare not to employ those have experience in H.K.. I may go to more agents to select more options.

Thanks again for your detailed reply and your undertsanding.


積分: 192

發表於 05-5-26 23:22 |只看該作者

Re: Which one should I choose?

One more point to add, local maids are expert to ask for their benefits. They tend to bargain a lot on their favourable holidays like Sunday. They like talking on their mobile phones during working time. Think about it.


