



積分: 28219

發表於 11-8-7 14:51 |只看該作者
兒子今年十三歲,計劃將來讓他去美國讀大學,聽人地話如果在美國讀 high school 第時入到好大學的機會高D,是真的嗎?如果是真的,要甚麼時候過來?Grade 9 就要來嗎?Grade 11 才來會不會太遲?有冇媽咪可以俾D 建議?


積分: 7794

發表於 11-8-10 18:40 |只看該作者
Grade8 來會好啲as Grade 9 要 計分, 你個小朋友會被比下去


積分: 28219

發表於 11-8-19 01:32 |只看該作者
謝謝Nillie_Mami的回復。明白大學會睇晒成個 high school 嘅成績,如果香港嘅成績唔錯,佢哋會唔會照計呢?定係會 discount 香港嘅成績?

1. 太早過來我唔放心俾佢寄宿,咁即係話要陪佢移民過來,細佬比佢細六年,可以嘅話當然想佢喺香港讀多幾年中文先,如非必要,唔想成全一個又犧牲另一個
2. 有親戚最近從加州返來探親,講起而家美國政府財困嚴重,羅省嘅小學教師被迫每星期放一日無薪假,即係每個禮拜淨係返四日學,我好擔心咁樣落去會影響教學質素。勞師動眾一家搬過來,一心以為對細路學業好啲,如果仲衰,會唔會得不償失呢?



積分: 1760

發表於 11-8-19 14:37 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 SY_Mom 於 11-8-19 14:38 編輯

actually i have lots of friends who completed high school in HK before coming to US to study for college. most of them got into the top colleges. a lot of them graduated from UC Berkeley, some of them from Stanford, Cornell, etc. however, for the high school grads in California, it's more difficult to get into UC Berkeley as they usually only takes the top 5% or so from each high school.
i think if your kid is in a good high school in HK, he shouldn't have any problems getting into a good college in US.

also, there's budget cut for the public schools in California. lots of teachers got laid off or forced to get a pay-cut.


積分: 410

發表於 11-8-19 16:31 |只看該作者
Your kid should finish highschool in HK first. He doesn't need to study university first, he can study in community college then transfer to university. This way is easier to target the right university as different university has different strength which depend on your kid's abily and interest.

Yes, school in california has pay cut,so it's difficult to get a class since there are not enough teachers. Some of my friend took longer time in order to graduate. But if you are rich enough, he can go to private university but the tuition may be more....around $40000usd per year.


積分: 28219

發表於 11-8-21 00:31 |只看該作者
Thanks SY_Mom and minna304. Those are good advice that you have given.

SY_Mom, if I understand you message correctly, you are saying my son would have a better chance of getting into, say, UC Berkeley, if he finishes high school in HK than in California? Isn't UC Berkeley a state U and needs to give priority to residents of California? How does this work? Are your friends' kids who got into top universities also top students in HK? What I am trying to understand is, if there are 2 students with the same top grade but one is in HK and one is in California, which student would UC Berkeley take in first?


積分: 1760

發表於 11-8-21 02:16 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 SY_Mom 於 11-8-21 02:19 編輯

回覆 mugtaitai 的帖子

u're right ... if 2 students who have about the same qualifications (1 is foreign student and 1 is CA resident), i think the foreign student might be easier to get in. becoz there are certain percentage of seats will be reserved to foreign students and the school can have higher revenue from the higher foreign student tuition. do u know how many CA students would like to get into UC Berkeley every year? i know some people who graduated from the top high schools in CA but couldn't get into UC Berkeley. however, i have lots of friends who came here after graduated from high school in HK got into UC Berkeley. some of them didn't get in directly but they studied at the 2-year community college first and got good grades, and they transferred into UC Berkeley. but i think most of them are from the above average high schools in HK and they're above average students. i know some of them are from St. Paul, Sacred Heart, etc. in HK. and some of them are from good high schools in Macau.


積分: 28219

發表於 11-8-21 21:59 |只看該作者
oh whoa SY_Mom, this is really good information. Thanks a lot for that.

I never thought things have evolved to this stage. My brother and my sister both went to universities in US, except my brother attended high school in UK and my sister attended high school in US. They were both top students with very impressive qualifications but my brother ended up in a very average state U while my sister got into ivy league. What happened to them gave me the impression that attending high school in US provides better chance of getting into good universities than being a foreign student. Maybe it isn't the case anymore... or is it just UC?


