




積分: 8001


發表於 08-4-21 14:35 |只看該作者
我而家做緊d time table呀, house rules 呀, 又要問d cam既野 等等, 發覺...........我好似請個又衰又懶既賊番黎咁, 好無安全感. 唔知係咪日日上黎睇到有咁多唔好既工人所以有陰影......

有時其實自己都唔想對個工人咁嚴, 但係睇呢到d mummy建議, 嚴好過唔嚴, 唔可以俾佢食住, 為了有一個可以幫到耐d手既工人, 唯有............."嚴"就"嚴"啦.

唉..........點解而家d工人水準咁低既, 但係個死人政府反而係對僱主既要求高左好多.......大佬呀, 而家我地係請工人, 唔係搵個養女番黎呀............. 仲要好多都好食懶飛....... 我d friends, 最短既2個幾月就個bun自唔low了, 最耐既就做了over2年 (佢雖然做得好(某幾方面), 但都會黑面架), 另外有個friend就通常唔夠一年轉一件, 都未試過有個bun可以完約的.............

總結: 好煩!



積分: 881

發表於 08-4-21 14:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 AndyRain 於 08-4-21 14:35 發表
我而家做緊d time table呀, house rules 呀, 又要問d cam既野 等等, 發覺...........我好似請個又衰又懶既賊番黎咁, 好無安全感. 唔知係咪日日上黎睇到有咁多唔好既工人所以有陰影......

有時其實自己都唔想對個 ...

我都明白你既心情, 因為我都係咁~~宜家已經轉佐第四個啦, 等緊佢黎!都唔知係我自己要求高..定唔好彩, 請親都唔滿意又或是自己走的!日日都係到煩...又驚佢對阿B唔好, 給人工佢之餘, 仲要受佢氣...真係貼紙買難受!諗諗下自己湊番好過


積分: 8001


發表於 08-4-21 15:33 |只看該作者
你已轉了第四個啦? 唉..............貼錢買難受. 你個b細, 有人"至"係佢手就更加擔心啦. 我兩個而家都大了, 所以就少了一個憂慮.

我都格了成4年才再請bun, 因為上一個bun留下好大既陰影. 那時我個仔(只有4歲)憎d bun憎到死. 佢又用手拿飯俾佢食, 話佢, 佢當然話無啦...跟住就等我地唔係到, 鬧番我個仔.

我又親眼見到佢帶住我兩個細路好危險咁過馬路, 嚇到我死死下, 那時仲要喊住好聲好氣咁同佢講唔敢鬧佢. 因為我有兩個人"至"係佢手. 後來我都零願自己做晒d野好過日日問佢做左呢樣未個樣未!!

而家都係因為個細既上小學, 要人接送同帶去學野所以先焗住要請........

原文章由 JOESPHINE 於 08-4-21 14:54 發表

我都明白你既心情, 因為我都係咁~~宜家已經轉佐第四個啦, 等緊佢黎!都唔知係我自己要求高..定唔好彩, 請親都唔滿意又或是自己走的!日日都係到煩...又驚佢對阿B唔好, 給人工佢之餘, 仲要受佢氣...真係貼紙買難受!諗 ...


積分: 521

發表於 08-4-22 06:28 |只看該作者
I had the same feeling too.

My previous maid "disappeared" 3.5 mths ago. I guess I have the maid phobia and felt insecure/anxious before the one arrived less than 2 weeks ago.

Similar to what you did, I prepared house rules, installed cam, locked the bank statements/cheque books etc... as the preparation work.

The new maid told me that she cannot go on just after the 3rd day (and again on the 5th day!). Reason? she thinks she always does the things wrong. My god! As my son was sick last week, besides taking care of him, I still had to "take care" the fragile heart of my maid. I almost went insane...

原文章由 AndyRain 於 08-4-21 14:35 發表
我而家做緊d time table呀, house rules 呀, 又要問d cam既野 等等, 發覺...........我好似請個又衰又懶既賊番黎咁, 好無安全感. 唔知係咪日日上黎睇到有咁多唔好既工人所以有陰影......

有時其實自己都唔想對個 ...


積分: 8001


發表於 08-4-22 09:41 |只看該作者
吓, 你個新工人黎左幾日又話唔do. 玩野咩!!! 你又要補機票俾佢走呀(我當你唔駛補錢俾佢炒佢, 因為係佢話唔做)? 唉...........貼錢買難受........簡直係找屎!!!!!!!!!!!

我地都只係想搵個人幫手看住d細路啫.....都咁難?? 佢地就好似黎游埠咁!! 無人看住d細路又話虐兒, 請工人又十個有起碼8個都係衰的......

我而家一路整一路係到諗, 我用咁多心機精神去整, 若個工人係衰工人, 佢一樣都係............採我都傻. 希望我個工人係好啦, 咁我d rules就叫做可以 hung吓佢咁話啦.

咁你而家點呀? 又再搵過個呀?? 你既陰影應該仲大過我喎!!! 係呢, 你裝了cam, 可否介紹下呀? 易裝嗎? 幾多錢呀? 我想隨時可以係公司睇到及錄到呀. 我老公又係都話唔駛裝, 但係我想清楚多d我地唔係到的時候佢既為人係點樣. 起碼都有得防下!!

錢唔係可以解決問題嗎? 點解俾左錢反而有更多既問題既??!!!

原文章由 huanghou 於 08-4-22 06:28 發表
I had the same feeling too.

My previous maid "disappeared" 3.5 mths ago. I guess I have the maid phobia and felt insecure/anxious before the one arrived less than 2 weeks ago.

Similar to what you di ...


積分: 521

發表於 08-4-22 10:31 |只看該作者
Thank you for your concern.

I called the agent immediately (again) after the 2nd time my maid said she wanted to quit. Within half and hour, I received a long distance call from the "Big Agent" in Indonesia (they have the most to lose when the maid quits). I guess they scolded the maid in the phone (I saw her cry).

After that the maid said she will continue, but I told the agent in HK I'll let her go if she does it again (I have had enough). Now I keep a close eye on her attitude; if she shows the sign of unwillingness to work, I will find a replacement first and fire her later.

When my son was small, I once proposed to install cam but was objected by his father. Due to the unpleasant experience of previous maid, he helped me to buy and install the cams(I don't know how). It's Panasonic Network Camera BL-C1, around $2xxx each. The visual from the cams can be accessed by an IP address.

My situation is: I quit my job after the previous maid disappeared to take care of my son. Now, I have to ensure the new one is stable before I can go back to the job market. I am so psychologically tired when the new maid acted this way.

原文章由 AndyRain 於 08-4-22 09:41 發表
吓, 你個新工人黎左幾日又話唔do. 玩野咩!!! 你又要補機票俾佢走呀(我當你唔駛補錢俾佢炒佢, 因為係佢話唔做)? 唉...........貼錢買難受........簡直係找屎!!!!!!!!!!!

我地都只係想搵個人幫手看住d細路啫..... ...


積分: 8001


發表於 08-4-22 10:54 |只看該作者
聽你把聲好愁喎...... 唉...... 但係你個工人俾那邊agency迫才繼續做, 我諗.........佢都未必頂得好耐.

好彩你quit左份工啫, 唔係呢個工人又玩野你又要番工都唔知點算??!!

我諗你都係做2手準備.........睇定其他工人既cv, 若找到個好好既就.............送呢個一程啦, 反正你又係屋企, 所以俾一個月通知佢就ok啦.

tks for the info reg the cam. 你老公點解又係話唔駛裝cam既? 我唔明, 點解d 男人大多覺得唔需要呢??


積分: 521

發表於 08-4-22 12:16 |只看該作者

My new maid is 37 yrs old with a 11 years old son. She is not young and has worked in Singapore for 6-7 yrs before. I don't know what new maids expect when they first come to HK to work? Just say quitting so easily?

Yeah, it would be troublesome if I am still working. However, there's a chance that I may have a 2nd interview for a job. My headache will get worse if I am lucky enough to get an offer. Let's wait and see....

He said the previous maid could take my son to a place where the cam can't reach and do bad things to him, eg.bathroom, so that's no point of installing the cam. I guess men don't want to do things they consider "trivial" eg. spying on others.

原文章由 AndyRain 於 08-4-22 10:54 發表
聽你把聲好愁喎...... 唉...... 但係你個工人俾那邊agency迫才繼續做, 我諗.........佢都未必頂得好耐.

好彩你quit左份工啫, 唔係呢個工人又玩野你又要番工都唔知點算??!!

我諗你都係做2手準備.........睇定其 ...

[ 本文章最後由 huanghou 於 08-4-22 12:32 編輯 ]


