




積分: 607

發表於 09-1-20 00:57 |只看該作者
My friend hired a localmaid(yan yan) for the 1st time at 陽光 agency in Shatn...
-The day of interview the maid has black normal natural hair, but the 1st day of work she has gold yellow hair....
-3 days later maid request to sleep outside at her friend, my friend didn't agree...maid gave black face.
-8:30pm to return back home on Sunday....maid came back at 10:30pm
-non-stop talking on the phone when taking care of children.....ask her to stop talking on phone because is dangerous,,,babies are very young...didn't listen at all.

So he decided to fire her after 14days with so many problems. Maid rightaway ask for 1mth notice, but my friend was very upset of her very bad behaviour.
He decided not to pay her the 1 mth notice.
So maid said she will go to the LABOUR-DEPT.
OK. They report both to the LABOUR-DEPT.

Had meeting today at LABOUR DEPT room:
Party1: My friend+grandma+myself
Party2: Maid+Indo maid bond member

Labour Dept ask maid first totell the story:
she start to tell the whole story with lies and didn't mention at all about her own bad
things and want to ask for 1mth notice as the contract mentioned.(her hair was turned to black again and her attitude was very bad to us. Use her finger to point us when some arguments comes and then smiles to her friend after arguing.

So our turn to tell the story.

Afer both parties has told the story and Labour Dept ask my friend under the HK law we are reguired to pay 1mth notice. Meanwhile Lab Dept keeps asking maid: are you sure want the 1mths notice...maid said yes !
Then Lab Dep ask my friend: do you want to pay? Of course we said "no"
Then maid said l want to go the court. we aid ok. Maid tries to scare us. But she didn't succeed.
We ask the LBD to LET the maid know about the 4 circumstances that employer no need pay 1mth notice and ask them if they are aware of these point.
Seems like they totally don't know about this.
They seems to be shocked.

We ask for a pause and my friend and me went out to discuss about our bottom line of the payment is only 1/2mth! So we went into the room again and then suddenly maid is willing to accept 1/2 mth notice.
So we pretend to go out of the room again to discuss, just to let her know we are also not easy, NOT THAT WATER FISH.
Then we ask for days to think about it.
It is possible to think !! And maid really doesn't like to delay, they really want the money soonest. Maid offered the air-ticket to encashed in a cheaper price $2200.....

she start to know if we both go to the court she also can't work meanwhile and has no earnings.

At the end my friend settled down this issue with 1/2mth notice including air-ticket +14 salary+$140food .....total: $5631 .Because he has no time to waste at these kind of things.

After all Indo maid are very clever and their Indo labour bond knows very good how to teach their maid to sue their employers.

So conclusion:
If we don't want to pay 1mth notice .
-Collect evidence of the 4 points.
-Delay the pay decision(need some time think about it)......maid need to use money meanwhile, so they are in a hurry to get the money.
-don't let them know you are afraid to see them at the court....they just use the court to scare their employers.

So we saved $1790.

As l have send a letter before to the Immigration Dep about the reason to fire my own former maid and l listed out about details the response was very appreiated.

My friend will send an official letter to the Immigration Dept about the real reason of termination and mentioned all about her acts and tactics and suggest she is totally not suitable to take care of babies.

Will mention her full name on the black list tomorrow.


[ 本帖最後由 Twinsbaby 於 09-1-20 01:17 編輯 ]
weight at 1 month: Dustin:4.38kg Robin: 4.2kg weight at 2 month: Dustin:5.65kg Robin: 5.4kg weight at 10-7-04: Dustin: 8.23kg Robin: 7.95kg Wish you all babies be blessed by our Lord Jesus Chirst. God loves you!!


