




積分: 1740

發表於 11-5-17 14:29 |只看該作者

Haha...my cat is like this one!! V V naughty, untidy but I still love him. He is named 'BB'

Even 10 years old...still like a BB!!


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發表於 11-5-17 14:30 |只看該作者
Sorry cannot show the photo...


積分: 762

發表於 11-5-17 21:46 |只看該作者
oh my god!!! where did you get a Russian Blue?!

All I can see around in HK are British Blue which I don't like because of their flat faces. I love pointy face cats much much more.

Not that I will buy one from pet shop or breeder (both of my cats are adopted), but if a Russian Blue is up for adoption, I might just grab it


積分: 1740

發表於 11-5-17 22:22 |只看該作者
回覆 JuniMaxi 的帖子

Thanks arr JuniMaxi!! Oh...u are cat lover, I am happy to tell!

Russian Blue is the one I bought at Pet Shop 10 years ago....yes, blue colour but v pionted face, like Siamese, slim....haha...v v naughty (mine only) and curious (than others) but clever to learn.....not so noisy...I think not all people love that kind. Some people think they look like a big rat, hehe..

I have 2 cats, one is having kidney failure but I will never give her up, as same as my hubby (He loves her more than me, even). This is love I think.

WHen I got serious illness before, they love me until now, how can I forget their love ?

But as you, I will try adopt 2 if they pass away one day to rainbow-bridge. You are so nice....Those adopted by you and other are really lucky ones.....they need our love.

Are you cats funny and curious ?


積分: 762

發表於 11-5-19 00:26 |只看該作者
haha Jennifer

my cats are extremely cute and funny (as all parents would say about their kids, really!!)

They are my 3rd and 4th cat - 3 years old and 10 months old. They are still very young and active! Always eating and chasing each other around, crazy little kitties!
The two before them passed away at old age, one at 15 to cancer 3 years ago, the other at 18 to cancer + kidney problem last summer.

cats are the best!

JuniMaxi (which are their names )


積分: 1740

發表於 11-5-19 15:42 |只看該作者
Oh.....sorry your former cats have passed away (must be a v hard time for you). But they are so lucky to have to you and your love spread to the 3rd and 4th cats....love is extended .

....my hubby also says we should give the love to other cats even the former ones were gone.

But when I am thinking your cats are chasing like kids, so cute (my cats are more lazy now and less chasing, before they play a lot)!

My 2 cats are named "BB", the male, active, funny but naughty one (the name will mix with my tummy BB soon) , the other (sick one) is called "Siu Pak" (Little white), female & v girlish and lovely.


積分: 762

發表於 11-5-19 22:46 |只看該作者
having another cat, especially a kitten really help with the pain and grief. Simply because they are so cute and so much fun!!

my whole family are into cats :) I can't remember when our family does not have a cat...

with Siu Bak, do you need to do Sub-Q with her yet? How serious is she?


積分: 1740

發表於 11-5-19 23:16 |只看該作者
'especially a kitten really help with the pain and grief' v true words you....yes, I 100% agree....

How good the whole family loves cats....in mine, only me... but I d't mind.....as I love

Thanks for caring Siu Pak....Siu Pak needs Sub Q (saline injection for washing the toxins as her kidney has only 30% in function) 3 times per week. The 1st time I see her with Saline injection, I held her in my arms and I cried v strongly and even asked my hubby to stop injecting her....

But now I become more stronger as I know it is good for her....like a miracle....Dr said she could pass away asap since last Year (2010 Jan). Now she is still there.

Though I d't know when she will go to Rainbow bridge, I tell her brother (not of same species as her bro, naught one, BB, the Russian Blue) try to love her and not to fight with her...

So surprise, BB does not fight with her much just compared with the time Siu Pak is healthy....so miraculous!

And I love her even as I am pregnant!

This is our heart to cats, right ?


積分: 762

發表於 11-5-20 19:58 |只看該作者
my 18 year old cat went through the same thing. Sub-Q really helps prolonging their lives when they have kidney problems.

we are all cat slaves!!


