



積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 07:07 |只看該作者


我一個人係vancouver湊住個仔,冇親人,個仔又厭奶,覺得好無助 :-(


積分: 7158

發表於 07-1-11 07:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

come here more often lor, many people will chat with you...


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 07:12 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

hope so... but it seems not so many moms in canada come here


積分: 1136

發表於 07-1-11 07:23 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

Just wonder where is your husband?
How old is your child? Go to library or nearby community centre as you can take your baby to participate to the storytime session. It is free, then you can meet some other moms to share your feeling. I used to do it when I was free, but I am working now, I hardly have time to breath.

Which part of Vancouver you live?


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 07:29 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

My husband is at work. My son is 3 mths old only and so I cant go anywhere.

I live in Richmond.


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 07:51 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

Hi lovehimhim,

Are you planning to bring your baby to see lactation consultant? It's only a short term, don't get frustrated.

When you baby is older, you can go to join some Mother Goose program if there is in your community. I understand staying home all day is so boring and lonely.


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 07:58 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

No. He had 3 mths check up yesterday and the doctor said hes fine. But every time when I feed him I feel so stressed. I even dreamed of feeding him several times.

Well, Im not bored but lonely. Theres lot of things to do at home but Im just not in the mood.


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 08:12 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

is it because he wants the milk flow faster? My daughter was very frustrated when I breastfed her because the milk doesn't flow that faster as she was very hungry. There is a grow spout.

do you have friends or other mommies in the area can go out together? Don't just stay at home or you will get depressed.


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 08:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

sorry I misread your message. How do you know he is 厭奶?


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 08:38 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

He used to drink 140ml per feeding but now usually 60-80ml. He will use his hand and tongue to push away the bottle.

My friends are all at work during daytime so I dont really have anyone to talk to.


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

have you ever tried to make some "open milk tea"? He may eat too much before.

When I was on maternity, I met some some mommies from prenatal class and we went out to classes sometimes.

Come to chat with us here during the day. We usually login at the office. :)


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

Yeah, I tried that but not much use.

Im here everyday. Id rather go to work than take care of a baby at home :-(

Your little girl is so pretty ~


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

thank you. Actually your baby does look like my daughter's baby look. :)

Do you live close to transportation? For me, I don't like to drive and don't wanna take bus. I was home all day waiting for my hubby home, then I could go out.

But this time, I am going to drive again (haven't driven long time) and need to get a second car. Staying home all day is too boring.

How long maternity leave are you planning to take?


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 09:48 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

That's impossible. My son's got small eyes

Yes, only a minute walk to bus stop. But I really dont like to go out and especially with a 3mths old baby. I dont drive and we only got 1 car. When I first moved to Canada, I wouldnt feel bored staying home alone all day. Now I feel lonely eventho I have a baby to take care.

I dont have a job to go back to. They laid me off few mths b4 my baby was born


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 09:49 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

respond to your baby's problem. Do you burp him after feeding a few oz? Actually 140ML for a 3 month old is quite a lot. My baby was breastfed and she only drinks around 100ml when we bottle fed her.

How much does he weight now and the birth weight? Is the weight gain good?

It's very frustrated especially for a first time mom. We all learn from mistakes....


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 09:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

how could they laid you off? Is the company/ department closing down? Otherwise, aren't they afraid to get sued?

I think the hormon change will make you feel depressed and lonely, especially you are facing problem with your son's feeding. You will feel better later.

3 months old is okay to go out ga la. Just go to nearby to do something you like. Don't focus on your baby only. You have to be pampered too.


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

PoohPoohMaMa 寫道:
respond to your baby's problem. Do you burp him after feeding a few oz? Actually 140ML for a 3 month old is quite a lot. My baby was breastfed and she only drinks around 100ml when we bottle fed her.

How much does he weight now and the birth weight? Is the weight gain good?

It's very frustrated especially for a first time mom. We all learn from mistakes....

I used to burp him after feeding but sometimes he threw up after the burp. So now I will just hold him straight for a while before I burp him. I read the chart at doctor's office. It says 125-150ml per feeding for 1-4 mths old baby and 6-8 feedings a day. Now I only feed him 5 times a day and he drinks so little :(

He weighed 3.1kg at birth and is now around 6.6kg. The weight gain is fine so far I believe but if he continues to eat so little.....

Yes, I'm really frustrated and I feel worse since no one can help me. Sometimes I think I should just move back to HK.


積分: 10808


發表於 07-1-11 10:15 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

They laid me off on the basis of "shortage of work". I was an assistant instructor in an esthetics school. They had very few students thats why.

I only take him out during weekends. It's so cold and snowing now and I dont have a car.......


積分: 2823

發表於 07-1-11 10:54 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

don't worry la. If he doesn't have enough, he will catch up later. It happens to my friend's daughter and she refuses the milk for a month! Yes, she doesn't gain much weight that month, but she is still okay.

If you go back to HK, do you have help from parents? Or are they able to come to help you out short term?


積分: 15064

畀面勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 07-1-11 11:08 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇人係度傾下計?

lovehimhim - just as PoohPoohMaMa say, don't worry, he is 3 months right, may be he is teething. When my son was almost 4 months, he also refused milk, & his first tooth came right on his 6 months birthday. Relax, we gone through those days, its okay. I was not out of the house for 3 yrs until my son attend playschool, enjoy now, as now everyday I need to rush the kids to school & lessons.

PoohPoohMaMa - how are you? Calgary is very cold these 2 days, this morning, when I drop off my girl to school, it was -25 w/ windchill & -31 when school ends. Tommorrow will be even worst, now is already -20 something without windchill, but luckily we have not much snow, while in Edmonton & Red Deer is blizzard condition.


