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發表於 05-6-26 00:18 |只看該作者

change maid

my maid she was worked in taiwan before for 2 years and now she is already work for my for more than 1 year. sometime she is quite good and she will play with my son (1year old) but she loves to tell lies, everytime when she did something wrong she said she will improve next time, however she will did the wrong things again. and the most important thing is she did things slow, every morning she need to take care of my son from 7-11 o'clock because i am still sleeping, but most of the time when i wake up she didn't too much things (even clean the floor) :-| .if i don't challenge on her, she seems ok, at least she won't show me black face but if i pick on her she will tell so many lies to me . she still have 1 year contract with me and my second baby will born on next feb so i am worry about that she can't really help me to take of two children. my mother also doesn't like my maid, my mother said my maid is working too slow and she is angry when she is watching my maid's doing housework (too slow). So i am thinking shall i hire another maid now or shall i keep her until her contract is finished any advice


