




積分: 462

發表於 10-9-21 09:02 |只看該作者
My bun came work for me 2 weeks ago. On her 1st holiday, she called home in a public phone and there's a neighbour's maid overheard what she said on the phone. The neighbour's maid has told every maid that I treat my maid badly, 1. I didn't give enough 'rice' to make my maid full. 2. My maid didn't have enough sleep (becoz I have a newborn baby) 3. My maid wants to go back home, don't want to work here anymore. I got all these information from the security guard. When I asked my maid if this is true. She said she only tell her husband on the phone that she doesn't have rice for breakfast. Now I feel very unsecure that my maid is lying or other maid is making up story. What should I do?


積分: 1367084

虎到金來勳章 2018父親節勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 開心吸收勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 認識瑞士牛牛第二回 認識瑞士牛牛第一回 育兒性格勳章 我的育兒心得勳章 想生BB熱投 DHA勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 貢獻勳章 環保接龍勳章 親子達人勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 10-9-21 09:06 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 wcpcelia 於 10-9-21 10:12 編輯 ]


積分: 2150

發表於 10-9-21 09:37 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 tkyy 於 10-9-28 08:51 編輯 ]


積分: 1367084

虎到金來勳章 2018父親節勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 開心吸收勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 認識瑞士牛牛第二回 認識瑞士牛牛第一回 育兒性格勳章 我的育兒心得勳章 想生BB熱投 DHA勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 貢獻勳章 環保接龍勳章 親子達人勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 10-9-21 09:53 |只看該作者
我諗我根本唔會俾 $20佢食早餐、可以有午睡時間給工人...


積分: 5573

發表於 10-9-21 10:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 tkyy 於 10-9-21 09:37 發表
個個工人都係咁講架啦!我以前都試過!俾d街坊話我對工人不好,又俾管理員『教訓』,我曾經好緊張還自己的清白,但請得多工人就知,個個工人背住僱主都會話僱主不好的。抄得幾多?仲傷自己個銀包添。我試過有年我要朝朝5am返工,我就 ...

工人說僱主是非, 是一件好正常事.

她平時所說: 一定不會好事, 因她想"大家"都有共同話題可以說, 想埋堆. 另外, 衰事才會說得多的, 亦以此方式去宣洩她對僱主有什麼不滿. 相反, 說僱主"好'事, 一定會在"過年"說, 會說僱主給了幾多利是,等等, 想攞威.

最緊要自己所做的事是問心無愧, 就可以, 不要理閑人的是非. 理得多, 只會煩死自己.

我家公主初來時, 已給前任公主洗腦, 故我一出聲, 她就會想"負面"事情 - 例如: 諸登針對她, 要求是無理. 經過半年馴狗方式的訓練, 她的態度才好些少.


[ 本帖最後由 jadechant 於 10-9-21 10:07 編輯 ]


積分: 462

發表於 10-9-21 10:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 jadechant 於 10-9-21 10:06 發表

工人說僱主是非, 是一件好正常事.

她平時所說: 一定不會好事, 因她想"大家"都有共同話題可以說, 想埋堆. 另外, 衰事才會說得多的, 亦以此方式去宣洩她對僱主有什麼不滿. 相反, 說僱主"好'事, 一定會在"過年"說, ...

How your train your maid?


積分: 2742

發表於 10-9-21 10:28 |只看該作者
Totally agree, they just love to make up story to show people how bad they are treated but still 'very kind' to the employer......

My ex-bun was exactly like this...when my mom knew that she wanted to mail things to Phil, my mom bought her many things.....including can food.....we gave her many good things to eat and to try....more than enough rest time, she still bad mouth us in BIG....of course stealing like crazy too la.. (so professional)....when she was sick, we asked her not to work and just sleep.....she could tell people with BIG DROPS OF TEARS that we tortured her and not letting her come out........

So we fired her once we found out about her stealing....and we SWEAR that we'll never hire a bun.....they're just super big liar!! my sister even 'inch' her by saying that 'you go to church every week? then you better be careful, cos after you are dead, you won't be going to the heaven cos you lie on every of your word'......sweet talk and be polite and kind on the surface...but in her heart.....BLACK & EMPTY (heartless)....

原帖由 tkyy 於 10-9-21 09:37 發表
個個工人都係咁講架啦!我以前都試過!俾d街坊話我對工人不好,又俾管理員『教訓』,我曾經好緊張還自己的清白,但請得多工人就知,個個工人背住僱主都會話僱主不好的。抄得幾多?仲傷自己個銀包添。我試過有年我要朝朝5am返工,我就 ...


積分: 23464

發表於 10-9-21 10:30 |只看該作者
點樣train 呀? 講來聽吓..... 我都要一條純狗呀.....

原帖由 jadechant 於 10-9-21 10:06 發表

工人說僱主是非, 是一件好正常事.

她平時所說: 一定不會好事, 因她想"大家"都有共同話題可以說, 想埋堆. 另外, 衰事才會說得多的, 亦以此方式去宣洩她對僱主有什麼不滿. 相反, 說僱主"好'事, 一定會在"過年"說, ...


積分: 462

發表於 10-9-21 10:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutiebee 於 10-9-21 10:28 發表
Totally agree, they just love to make up story to show people how bad they are treated but still 'very kind' to the employer......

My ex-bun was exactly like this...when my mom knew that she wanted t ...

Your ex-bun really bad....Hopefully my new bun won't contiue doing the same thing, otherwise i'll fire her. Have you hire another maid after her?


積分: 2742

發表於 10-9-21 10:52 |只看該作者
My mom lost confidence on all kinds of maids and refused to let us hire la....she said it's a big pressure on her to face a 'stealing maid'.....seems like every moment very insecure as we just can't watch out on everything on every second.....not feeling like a home

But you really watch out if your maid has any kind of stealing habit....originally we didn't notice too (no camera either).....but they really can 'pretend'....and I saw many bun bun 'exchange' things outside (i.e. MTR, podium, etc).....and our security guy told us after we fired the bun that he saw her bringing big bags of things down once in a while but he didn't tell us...cos not sure if we told her to do so.......

I don't think you can train the bun not to bad mouth once she started....as somehow they're born with it (although not 100% of them are like that but i guess 99%)....or their friends all do that...they're so wanting that you fire her and pay her 1 more month, then they can look for the next 'water fish'......may be it's a kind of bun's strategy!!!!

原帖由 stephngan 於 10-9-21 10:33 發表

Your ex-bun really bad....Hopefully my new bun won't contiue doing the same thing, otherwise i'll fire her. Have you hire another maid after her?


積分: 5573

發表於 10-9-21 10:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 stephngan 於 10-9-21 10:18 發表

How your train your maid?

狗是不會聽人話的, 故要"少說話, 多做事", 說得多, 她只會想得多, 就會做些無謂事出來. 妳無野講, 她就無是非說.

我家隻是豬, 是用於看門的, 故工作量不多, 有好多時間給她在廚房晒豬腩肉. 由她第一日入來, 我已訂下每天的工作, 她是不可以改我的時間表的. 所以, 她每天好似機械人不斷重覆做.

對她說話: 一日都不會一次. 每天煮什麼, 我會寫簿, 她自己看. 實際, 她是悶都悶"死"了,又無人和她說話, 我又不會出口罵她. 如果, 她漏了無做, 我只會"細聲"叫她做, 她想說: 藉口/歪理都不可以. 連早晨/晚安, 我都叫隻豬不須說, 免聽她的不三不四的腔調.

如果, 妳在管理處收到什麼風?? 妳想到"對策"之後, 就扮關心, 問吓她. 妳問得多, 她自然會知: 她在外所說是非, 是會流入妳耳中的, 自然會收歛的. 想不對"對策", 就不要出聲, 扮不知, 不要蝕低.


