



積分: 724

發表於 06-11-12 11:51 |只看該作者

any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

looking for mother-to-be from chicago~~``


積分: 269

發表於 06-12-5 19:03 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


I will leave in Chicago... How long do u live in here? I wish to meet a new friends.


積分: 78

發表於 06-12-18 00:25 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

i'm a new mom and living in chicago. my baby girl is 4 months old now.


積分: 269

發表於 06-12-25 18:53 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hello, littlecow

你住在Chicago開心嗎 你去了美國好長時間啦... 我都將會移民到這裹. 等閒大家上綱閒談吓


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-5 08:00 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

i live around chinatown...i have moved to USA about 5years... where do you guys live?


積分: 78

發表於 07-1-5 09:56 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923
i moved to chicago only 2 years.
life in chicago is completely different from hong kong, the typical thing is food. there is not much choice in chicago compare with hong kong. but the life style is pretty laid back and free. i miss hong kong food very much.
i will be going to hong kong for chinese new year. i can't wait to see my family and friends as well as the yummy food.

hi 三月媽咪
how r u doing? i'm living in arlington heights. i sometimes go to chinatown for grocery shopping.
most of time i do grocery shopping in the mexican supermarket in my area or go to Hmart in Niles. have you ever been there? b'cos i heard from friends there are many people from chinatown also shopping at Hmart.


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-6 01:58 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi hi littlecow:
i been there before i love that super H-mart my husband used to work over there :) who you live there with? with your husband? are you pregnant too? if so when is your due date?


積分: 269

發表於 07-1-6 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hi... Hi.. littlecow

你好嗎? 我現在都係住在香港先.. 因為我老公現在apply我去美國. 我哋估計都要今年年尾先可以去到.. 我一年前去Chicago不過我覺比起香港d生活簡易很多. 咁你有冇在美國工作. 如果冇. 你有冇覺得很悶呢


積分: 78

發表於 07-1-8 10:14 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi 三月媽咪,
so where does your husband work now?
i live with my husband and a baby girl, she will be 5-months old tomorrw Jan 8. when is your due date?

hi garfield0923,
i use to work in a human resource consulting firm in US. however, i stoped working since i was pregnant. i have my baby girl in Aug 8, 06, now i'm just a stay home mom and look after my baby full time. yes, sometimes i feel boring but anyway, i adopted the simple life here.


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-9 09:09 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

my husband is a full time student and workin at a chinese restaurant now, my due date is 3/1/07, i think my baby will be born around 2/14-2/19 :-P one more month to go (hopefully)


積分: 78

發表於 07-1-9 10:19 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Good luck to your delivery. let me know once you had the baby.
anyone will be accompany you after you gave birth? it is important to take care of your health after childbirth.


積分: 269

發表於 07-1-9 18:31 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

三月媽咪 , littlecow

你個小朋友在美國邊間醫院生. 因為我想撰定將來去邊間醫院生.


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-10 04:11 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

如果你來美國芝加哥又係住係唐人街附近既咁我就super推荐你去"Michael Reese Hospital" 溫 "Dr. Brown" Dr. Brown好好加! 我而家都係去Dr. Brown到, 我二月份會係Michael Reese Hospital 到生. 話埋比你知你千奇唔好去唐人街D婦科醫生到啊! 距地好冇品加! 唐人街D婦科醫生個個都係阿伯, Dr. Brown係女人對D大肚婆又好! 同埋係唐人街附近仲有一間醫院叫"Mercy"嗰間醫院比起"Michael Reese"係就係新好多但係嗰到D護士好差加! 我有個朋友係嗰到生仔肚痛咗3hrs. 都冇人理call醫生又唔复幾掺啊! D人話啊唔係就死都冇人理啊!(我自己都試過,不過唔係生仔係急症) 同埋產房又要同人share呢! 生完BB仲有人同你一個病房, 晚上老公又冇得陪你過夜添! "Michael Reese醫院"係就係舊D但係你唔使同人分房老公又可以陪你過夜 (我前两個星期去咗幾次MR醫院半夜三間call Dr. Brown 都复我, 個醫生仲好似幾日冇訓添啊!)仲有就算你英文唔係咁好都no problem there's a translator to help you and she's very nice 如果你冇治療卡但係low income係嗰到生唔使比錢醫院D人會help you to apply for a "治療卡"...anyways.. if you come i can give you hospital's number


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-10 04:23 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

garfield0923 , and littlecow
我都唔記得問你地幾歲添! littlecow我生咗一定話過你知 :lol:


積分: 78

發表於 07-1-11 03:05 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923,

i guess you are now not pregnant yet, right? it's not hurry. you will find a good doctor once you are here.
to find a good hospital depends on two typical considerations:
1. location:
it depends on where do you live. you got to choose a favorite hospital that need to close to your house. b'cos travelling time is a problem in the states.
I choose a private hospital which is 5 mintues from my house (i'm lucky), as well as my foreigner 婦科醫生.

I agree with 三月媽咪 that the doctors in china town is not as reliable as the foreigner doctors.

2. medical insurance:
this is a very important issue in the states. either you have it or if you are low income, then you can apply for the social welfare. the government will pay for you. otherwise you got to pay by your own.

there are public and private hospitals. check with yr husband for any medicare insurance and the coverage of network hospitals.
my husband's insurance cover 95% for mother, 90% for baby.

you got to have medicare insurance in the states, otherwise the bill is scary. just like my baby's bill, it was approximate US$22500. i'm not kidding.:-|


積分: 269

發表於 07-1-15 11:54 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hi all,

Thank for your info. My husband have bought my insurance at last year. I know the chinese town's doctor is not good. But I worry about my English Lanugage problem. I don't know the special word for gynecology. It is very big problem for communication.

Do you know if you have born a baby in Hong Kong? Then we can easy to apply USA?

三月媽咪 and littlecow, 你哋係唔係由香港移民到美國ka..


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-16 11:07 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

garfield0923 寫道:
......But I worry about my English Lanugage problem. I don't know the special word for gynecology. It is very big problem for communication.

Do you know if you have born a baby in Hong Kong? Then we can easy to apply USA? ........

As wut i told u --> 你英文唔係咁好都no problem there's a translator to help you (if u r chosen the same hospital as me)
I don't know if babies born in HK is helping or not but i really think that to be an US citizen is better than to be a citizen of HK.
And the last thing, i was born n grow up in china, but i lived in HK for a while before i came USA.


積分: 269

發表於 07-1-17 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hi, 三月媽咪

雖然有translator, 佢哋會唔會說國語.. 因為我不懂wo

你係唔係下個月返來香港ar.. 如果係, 你有時間大家見見面ar.. 你個bb 女好嗎

唔知Littlecow生了BB 未啦..


積分: 269

發表於 07-1-17 17:07 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Sorry, 三月媽咪, littlecow

我將你哋身份換轉... .. 請你哋原諒

應該三月媽咪 - 二月份生bb.. 而littlecow有個bb 女ma... sorry!!!


積分: 724

發表於 07-1-18 09:56 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hahahaha.......that's ok hahaha....
and i want to tell you the translator speaks cantonese
garfield0923 寫道:
Sorry, 三月媽咪, littlecow

我將你哋身份換轉... .. 請你哋原諒

應該三月媽咪 - 二月份生bb.. 而littlecow有個bb 女ma... sorry!!!


