




積分: 82

發表於 07-10-23 10:51 |只看該作者
原文章由 mrsrose 於 07-10-22 21:57 發表

首先所有電話一定要加密碼鎖,叫你Agent問清楚佢,唔認就叫Agent翻譯打去南韓,睇下對方係咪印尼人,係就再問下佢識唔識你個工人。問清楚係咪佢先,印妹一般都會認既! ...

Thanks for your promp reply.

昨夜問工人有冇打電話到南韓,她說冇,再帶賬單給她看,她都說冇,後來丈夫再問,她才認了.但我對她已失信心(22/08才到我家,07/09就偷偷打IDD,不只seven times, 1O月份又打),現在又担心她傷害BB作為報復(大B兩歲,小B一歲), I cannot sleep last night, would you please give me some advise.:cry:


積分: 311

發表於 07-10-23 12:21 |只看該作者
Mrs. Rose,

Sorry I am so busy last nite to do the housework/take care my kid, so i missed your call..
1) If she really don't come, what should I do to her belongings?
2) I am really feel disappointed to my maid as she is a responsible person in my family and my son like her very much..btw, for your opinion, should I hire a local maid or overseas maid? I really feel scared to interview local maid as they have a lot of requests and some of them just to try to see...

Anyway Mrs. Rose, if you are available tonite, please call me ...

原文章由 mrsrose 於 07-10-22 21:43 發表

I tried to call you but nobody answer, I just reply you here. If she want to come back she will come back, if not even you can contact her the answer will be negative, right? My advice is just wait ...


積分: 441

發表於 07-10-23 23:21 |只看該作者
Mrs. Rose,




積分: 5563

發表於 07-10-23 23:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 Tamama118 於 07-10-23 23:21 發表
Mrs. Rose,



Mrs. Rose,




積分: 2660

發表於 07-10-24 08:48 |只看該作者
Ms Rose,

Thanks alot for the helpful answer. You are very nice.

I interviewed a local Indo helper(S) last Sunday. Both she and I satisfied with each other. I talked to her employer (Ms Chan) and got the good comment on the S. I am going to hire her as the result.

I am facing a big problem now: Ms Chan terminates the contract with S after S has served her for 3.5 yrs due to teh the employer's financial problem. The agent says I have to wait for no less than 6 wks for S to start my contract. During this period, the hk gov. will review whether Ms Chan faces the finacial problem or not. Is this true?

Or: Ms Chan no need to declare she has financial problem. (This is what Ms Chan wants because she will be black listed by the hk immigration). S needs to go back to Indo and I hire her as an oversea helper. But in this case, I will need to wait about 2.5 mths.

I am thinking if the agent is true or not??

Thanks again for your reply.


積分: 240

發表於 07-10-24 10:22 |只看該作者
Dear mrs rose,
my bun bun arrived at 28 sep,07, i'm going to pay her salary on 27 sep 07. since she doesn't hv a bank account yet, i may pay her cash, is it ok?
my bun bun hvn't get her HKID yet, she only got a temperory HKID, can she open the account with her temperory HKID, and which bank does not need to hv minimum deposit?
do i need to include her restday on her wage receipt?
i didn't let her dayoff on 1/10, and 19/10 (as told by agent, no need to give her as she hasn't completed 3 mths of services)
i only gave her weekly restdays, last week, her weekly restday is 19/10
do i need to include these in the receipt?
she requested to go to the church, does all church open on sunday only? if yes, does it mean that i must let her dayoff on sunday?
many tks


積分: 1238

發表於 07-10-24 11:00 |只看該作者
Dear Mrs. Rose,

Thank you so much for calling me on Sunday. My maid will get her visa on next Monday.

I am using an Indonesian maid and her contract will expire on Dec 12, when should I tell her that I am not going to renew her contract? Do I need to give her one month's notice? I am afraid if I tell her that I am not going to renew her contract, she will do bad things to my daughter.

[ 本文章最後由 Pretty2006 於 07-10-25 15:47 編輯 ]


積分: 12254


發表於 07-10-24 15:06 |只看該作者


我呢個工人係完約工人,佢冇返菲律賓就到我屋企做,照顧老人家 (簽合約係 DIY,合約冇寫明係照顧老人家),打算叫佢一年內到大陸或澳門走一趟,但未夠半年老人家已不在,我會於 LEVY 第一期到期日 (24-10) 同工人解約。


1) 佢係唔係一定要返菲律賓,最少 45 日?
2) 解僱信寫明解僱原因係老人家不在,我地唔需要用工人,可唔可以唔使返菲律賓 45 日咁耐?
3) 如佢簽約係经 agent,使唔使俾 agent 費用? 如果要,有冇方法平 D (而家 agent 要佢俾 HK$15,000.-,好貴!)?

Thank you.


原文章由 mrsrose 於 07-10-22 23:08 發表
Hi hehamom,

I gave my maid a one-month notice warning letter to warn her she needed to improve her working attitude on Oct 20. She and I co-signed the letter after she read and understood the letter ...


積分: 20

發表於 07-10-24 17:26 |只看該作者
Hi Mrs.Rose,

24/10 agent 告訴入境處已有ref. no.出左,

1) 我想問正常情況下何時會出visa?
2) 如叫agent寫加快信給入境處又可以何時出到visa?
3) 本人想裝 ip cam 監察工人照顧bb 的情況, 我會裝一個cam 在客廳, 另外, bb 早上 是在工人房睡覺, 而晚上會跟回我, 想問可否裝一個cam 在工人房, 而不把鏡頭射向工人睡床, 請問可以嗎?



積分: 2919

發表於 07-10-24 20:11 |只看該作者
Mrs. Rose,

請問如果工人在由10月14日放大假到31日, 中間的3個星期日需唔需要補比佢?

10月尾佢放完假返來, 我出糧比佢 (10月份HK$3,600), 因為佢已經在10月頭放了2日, 所以我話比佢知佢要11月才有假放。點知佢話 "我仲有4日未放! 14、19、21同28日共4日", 所以想問清楚我有無計錯呢?


積分: 245

發表於 07-10-24 22:33 |只看該作者
Hi mrs Rose,

Need your help , I direct hire a maid who have a good command from her previous employer for taking care of baby. Today she suppose go to POEA for body chk then come to HK but i received her call she told me her money was stolen by someone in a bus and i ask her did she report to police she say no cause she live in a remote area down. Seems she is lie to me i ask her can she ask her friend to borrow some money she told me no she say to me willing to deduct her salary if i transfer money to her. Now since i hire her by myself and i don't want her what should i do?
called to immigration about this issue cancel the contact ?
Do i need to go to philippine consulate to do this as well? I have paid the levy if i use agency this time to hire another maid is that i have to pay for all chargers again ? Or the immigration can amend the name free of charge for me ?


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-25 23:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 Tamama118 於 07-10-23 23:21 發表
Mrs. Rose,



一般Bun Bun都識攪手續,你可以去入境處取一份轉僱主合約及Forms,裹面有好詳細既資料教你點做。


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-25 23:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 shirley62604 於 07-10-23 23:49 發表

Mrs. Rose,


我老公在大陸做生意,冇收入証明,而香港銀行d錢我又用來買股票,所以会進進出出,但我現急於想請工人,請問我何怎做..謝謝 ...



積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-25 23:36 |只看該作者
原文章由 BenBBall 於 07-10-24 15:06 發表


我呢個工人係完約工人,佢冇返菲律賓就到我屋企做,照顧老人家 (簽合約係 DIY,合約冇寫明係照顧老人家),打算叫佢一年內到大陸或澳門走一趟,但未夠半年老人家已不在,我會於 LEVY 第一期到期日 (24-1 ...
1) 佢係唔係一定要返菲律賓,最少 45 日?
2) 解僱信寫明解僱原因係老人家不在,我地唔需要用工人,可唔可以唔使返菲律賓 45 日咁耐?
3) 如佢簽約係经 agent,使唔使俾 agent 費用? 如果要,有冇方法平 D (而家 agent 要佢俾 HK$15,000.-,好貴!)?

如解僱信寫明解僱原因係老人家不在+death cert. copy,工人可以唔使返菲律賓,可在港轉僱主,所以唔駛經Agent及唔收費。就算用Agent根據法例在港轉工只可收工人10%即HK$348.-


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-25 23:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 MAYLOW 於 07-10-24 17:26 發表
Hi Mrs.Rose,

24/10 agent 告訴入境處已有ref. no.出左,
1) 我想問正常情況下何時會出visa?
2) 如叫agent寫加快信給入境處又可以何時出到visa?
3) 本人想裝 ip cam 監察工人照顧bb 的情況, 我會裝一個cam 在客廳, 另外, bb 早上 是在工人房睡覺, 而晚上會跟回我, 想問可否裝一個cam 在工人房, 而不把鏡頭射向工人睡床, 請問可以嗎?

1. 3-5星期內會出visa。
2. 2-3星期內可出visa,收到ref. no.重未入追信呀?! 快D入啦...
3. 不可以裝cam在工人房! BB早/午出廳。想像下你係工人,老細要在你房裝cam,你同意否?


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-25 23:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 monkeyhill 於 07-10-24 20:11 發表
Mrs. Rose,

請問如果工人在由10月14日放大假到31日, 中間的3個星期日需唔需要補比佢?

10月尾佢放完假返來, 我出糧比佢 (10月份HK$3,600), 因為佢已經在10月頭放了2日, 所以我話比佢知佢要11月才有假放。點知佢話 " ...



積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-26 00:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 hehamom 於 07-10-24 08:48 發表
Ms Chan terminates the contract with S after S has served her for 3.5 yrs due to teh the employer's financial problem. The agent says I have to wait for no less than 6 wks for S to start my contract. During this period, the hk gov. will review whether Ms Chan faces the finacial problem or not. Is this true?

Or: Ms Chan no need to declare she has financial problem. (This is what Ms Chan wants because she will be black listed by the hk immigration). S needs to go back to Indo and I hire her as an oversea helper. But in this case, I will need to wait about 2.5 mths.

I am thinking if the agent is true or not??

I don't know if the govt will really conduct check for every case. But I do know Ms Chan shouldn't employ another maid right away if she terminate her present maid due to financial reason. I have never heard about employer being black listed for that. Who knows she may strike the next first prize Mark6 and can afford to employ a maid very soon.

If Ms Chan did not state in the letter to Immigration that the reason for termination is due to financial reason, the maid will not be able to switch employer without having to go back to place of origin.

If you still have further question, PM you contact number to me.


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-26 00:15 |只看該作者
Hi tinasy,

my bun bun arrived at 28 sep,07, i'm going to pay her salary on 27 sep 07. since she doesn't hv a bank account yet, i may pay her cash, is it ok?

ANS:{Yes you may, but remember to ask her to sign for acknowledgement.}

my bun bun hvn't get her HKID yet, she only got a temperory HKID, can she open the account with her temperory HKID, and which bank does not need to hv minimum deposit?

ANS:{She can use her temperory HKID to open bank account. I do not know which bank without min. deposite requirement.}

do i need to include her restday on her wage receipt?

ANS:{Yes to be more clear.}

i didn't let her dayoff on 1/10, and 19/10 (as told by agent, no need to give her as she hasn't completed 3 mths of services)
i only gave her weekly restdays, last week, her weekly restday is 19/10
do i need to include these in the receipt?

ANS:{Yes to be clear.}

she requested to go to the church, does all church open on sunday only? if yes, does it mean that i must let her dayoff on sunday

ANS:{Church opens everyday. Sunday will have more of their friends attending mass. Its not a must to let her day off on Sunday, its up to you.}


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-26 00:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 Pretty2006 於 07-10-24 11:00 發表
Dear Mrs. Rose,

I am using an Indonesian maid and her contract will expire on Dec 12, when should I tell her that I am not going to renew her contract? Do I need to give her one month's notice? I am afraid if I tell her that I am not going to renew her contract, she will do bad things to my daughter.

You maid would also know her end of contract date. Renewal have to be done 1 month before end of contract. If you didn't mention it to her about renewal, she will naturally go look for other employer herself or maybe she would want to go home instead. Why would you think she will do bad things to your daughter? She can easily look for another employer if she can complete a full contract.


積分: 1624

發表於 07-10-26 00:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 CYNBABE 於 07-10-24 22:33 發表
Hi mrs Rose,

Need your help , I direct hire a maid who have a good command from her previous employer for taking care of baby. Today she suppose go to POEA for body chk then come to HK but i receive ... Now since i hire her by myself and i don't want her what should i do?
called to immigration about this issue cancel the contact ?
Do i need to go to philippine consulate to do this as well? I have paid the levy if i use agency this time to hire another maid is that i have to pay for all chargers again ? Or the immigration can amend the name free of charge for me ?

First let me answer you questions. You must notify the HK Immigration by a written letter to cancel the contract. HOWEVER, unless you can get back the visa from her, your direct maid can still enter into HK under the name of your employment. There is no need to inform the Hong Kong Phiilippines Consulate. For your next employment of a maid, you can transfer the levy.

Have you consider what if she is telling you the truth? Most of them have money problem, maybe she really tried her best but still couldn't come up with enough $ on her side and had to resort to such lie. Since you had already gone so far to do the process, why not reconsider again.

As about making Police report, from my personal experience, I can tell you most would rather not waste the time and effort further.


