



積分: 699

發表於 08-1-24 23:41 |只看該作者

我囝在香港讀左一年半政府小學... 佢依家讀緊政府小學, 見佢日日放學好開心, 好輕鬆; 唔似在香港咁, 樣樣都要 rush

我會儲錢先, 到佢大學再比佢讀私校... (根據佢表姐d經驗, 當然個個小朋友有唔同特質, 到時再調較 )


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-25 06:13 |只看該作者

so what grade is yr son in? and in which school district?

my husband just said the opposite ... he would rather spend the money on the better schools in elementary til high school. if our kid is doing great in high school, then he could apply for scholarship or loan while my husband planw to early retire when our kid graduates from high school.

原文章由 wing105 於 08-1-24 23:41 發表

我囝在香港讀左一年半政府小學... 佢依家讀緊政府小學, 見佢日日放學好開心, 好輕鬆; 唔似在香港咁, 樣樣都要 rush

我會儲錢先, 到佢大學再比佢讀私校... (根據佢表姐 ...


積分: 8831

發表於 08-1-25 15:21 |只看該作者
HI ALISONLI, 而家歷仔仲請呢間PRESCHOOL 就九千幾一年. 中價學校, 平價既有四千幾一年都見過, 啲貴價就貴過大學. 最勁果間叫PUNAHOU. 不過我無CHECK 過佢EXACTLY收幾多, 因為我知我一定俾唔起.

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-1-23 23:27 發表
so how much is the private school in HI ?


積分: 699

發表於 08-1-25 22:46 |只看該作者

my son just 1st grade because he is 7.5 years old (香港是二年級)... We are living in GA now.
His classmate are half white / black... they are quite nice & gentle.

And his aunt also suggest him to study at public school to have a wider net for friendship.
For the Private school, I felt they are very mean, just look at the $$$$$$$.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-25 06:13 發表

so what grade is yr son in? and in which school district?

my husband just said the opposite ... he would rather spend the money on the better schools in elementary til high school. if our ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-25 23:51 |只看該作者
9,000 for preschool? that's quite alot. how much is for elementary school? no wonder your mom wants 歷仔 to study in hk. hk international school is about 10,000 us a year.

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-25 15:21 發表
HI ALISONLI, 而家歷仔仲請呢間PRESCHOOL 就九千幾一年. 中價學校, 平價既有四千幾一年都見過, 啲貴價就貴過大學. 最勁果間叫PUNAHOU. 不過我無CHECK 過佢EXACTLY收幾多, 因為我知我一定俾唔起.



積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-26 13:57 |只看該作者
sigh ... sounds like the private schools in bay area CA are lot more expensive than those in other states. $10,000/year for private school tuition is like almost the minimum.

talking abt studying in HK. my 99 also wants our son to study in HK and lives with her. she cares so much that he learns chinese. that also gives her an excuse to have her grandson to live with her. she knows of course i would say no, so she didn't say it explicitly.

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-1-25 23:51 發表
9,000 for preschool? that's quite alot. how much is for elementary school? no wonder your mom wants 歷仔 to study in hk. hk international school is about 10,000 us a year.


積分: 278

發表於 08-1-26 14:01 |只看該作者
我個女啱啱足8歲, 由preschool到1st grade讀Christian School (private). 兩年前我哋搬屋為school district,個女2nd grade & 而家3rd grade讀public school. 比大咗個mortgage, 地稅多almost 3倍. 但我哋冇後悔.
個仔3月足4歲, 喺Christian School讀preschool. 我哋plan住比佢讀完Kindergarten or 1st grade 先轉public.

Public School VS Private School, 兩者都有pros & cons. 冇話一定好或唔好, 啱或唔啱. 人哋個family揀嗰樣, 唔一定啱你family & 你個小朋友. 要好睇你& 老公expect啲乜,, 最最最重要係睇你小朋友性格, 小朋友係唔係讀書材料, 逼唔逼得? daddy, mommy可以付出幾多時間心机教育小朋友? Public School 都有分top, above average & average(差嗰啲唔考慮). 我&老公考慮咗好耐, 問過好多有小朋友嘅friends & clients. 再考慮埋我地嘅living style, 小朋友性格, 我&老公希望仔女喺乜嘢envirnoment成長, 等等等等.......最後選擇咗個above average嘅學區.

我live-in nanny 英文都唔識得幾個, 個仔一直讀非常普通嘅public schools. 爸爸,媽媽日做夜做,边有時間 & $ 去諗public or private. 住間屋讀边間咪边間攞. 個仔high school 後 入咗UC Irvine. 大學第二年先發覺自己想做醫生(emergency room嗰種). 上年畢業with honor. 啱啱去完東岸interview 間Medical School.


原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-1-25 23:51 發表
9,000 for preschool? that's quite alot. how much is for elementary school? no wonder your mom wants 歷仔 to study in hk. hk international school is about 10,000 us a year.


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-26 14:26 |只看該作者

good to hear from u again!
100% agreed with u. however, my husband and i still can't keep ourselves calmed and make our conclusion yet.

talking abt your nanny's son, i know quite some examples. also, our first p/t nanny's son also graduated from UCLA. and a lot of our friends graduated from UC Berkely and most of them just went to the average public schools in SF.
however, i'm afraid that our son might not be one of those.

so stressful today. just got the feedback from our son's pre-k teacher abt the teacher recommendations that she wrote for his private kindergarten. it seems to me that those comments are kinda unfavorable. besides that she said he's very smart and a fast learner, nothing else is good. sigh ... he still has three tests in the coming week.
i'm not so confident that he won't get in, but that's the only private school that i think it's good.

原文章由 meeemeee 於 08-1-26 14:01 發表
我個女啱啱足8歲, 由preschool到1st grade讀Christian School (private). 兩年前我哋搬屋為school district,個女2nd grade & 而家3rd grade讀public school. 比大咗個mortgage, 地稅多alm ...


積分: 8831

發表於 08-1-30 14:30 |只看該作者
各位媽咪, 我幫歷仔約左下個星期一做TEST, 個TEST 叫Braken test. 我上網睇過, 正如學校封信所講, 係測下啲123, ABC, 顏色等, 希望亞仔生生性性.


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-30 14:38 |只看該作者

that test seems to be pretty straight foward. just test for the basics.
i'm sure that Alex will be fine.

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-30 14:30 發表
各位媽咪, 我幫歷仔約左下個星期一做TEST, 個TEST 叫Braken test. 我上網睇過, 正如學校封信所講, 係測下啲123, ABC, 顏色等, 希望亞仔生生性性.


積分: 8831

發表於 08-2-5 03:55 |只看該作者

歷仔星期六去左個observation session.大約有十個小朋友, 有三個男仔, 七個女仔. 亞仔好俾面, 大部份時間都好乖. 佢係唯一一個男仔, 大部份時間都跟足老師指示, 雖然唔係perfect, 例如, 圍圈聽故事時, 佢坐坐下都要踢下腳咁. 叫佢跳, 佢跳完又要碌下地咁. 但佢都跟住大隊...真係十年唔逢一潤. 其他小朋友, 一係就自己同自己玩, 一係就黐實父母. 其他媽咪走埋黎同我講, 讚亞仔好cooperative. 我梗係笑到見牙唔見眼啦.
我一上車, 就讚亞仔,我同佢講, 咁今日咁俾面, 晏晝想食咩都得, 點知佢答我candy!...

今日下晝就會做braken test. 希望佢醒醒目目啦.


積分: 278

發表於 08-2-9 07:24 |只看該作者
Hi SY_Mom,

Is Sean going to Kindergarten in late August this year? Have you & your husband made the decision yet?

The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) is given to all 2nd grade students in public school every year in March. The result of the test will help the school to identify students who are eligible for GATE. Students do not need to apply for GATE.


原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-26 14:26 發表

good to hear from u again!
100% agreed with u. however, my husband and i still can't keep ourselves calmed and make our conclusion yet.

talking abt your nanny's son, i know quite some exa ...


積分: 1760

發表於 08-2-9 15:24 |只看該作者

yes, sean will be going to k. the coming fall. however, we're still waiting for the admission result from our #1 choice private school. they won't send out the decision til mid march.
the school mainly looks at 3 things: classroom readiness group revaluation (academics and behavior), IQ test, and teacher's recommendation.

today we just got the IQ test score (given by the psychology phD). both my husband and i was shocked, coz his IQ is much higher than we expected. his verbal IQ is only average as expected, coz i know his english vocabularies won't be as good as those who speak english at home. but don't know why he still got a high full scale IQ score.

although he got a high IQ score, i still worry about his behavior and teacher recommendation might affect the final admission result. usually he doesn't like to listen to certain people such as myself. i think i really don't know how to be a good mom and make him a good boy. i'm very exhausted taking care of him. he's killing me every day.

原文章由 meeemeee 於 08-2-9 07:24 發表
Hi SY_Mom,

Is Sean going to Kindergarten in late August this year? Have you & your husband made the decision yet?

The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) is given to all 2nd grade students in public sc ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-2-10 04:08 |只看該作者
wow. since sean got a high IQ score it's alot easier to get accepted to the private schools la. congratulations !! =)

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-2-9 15:24 發表

yes, sean will be going to k. the coming fall. however, we're still waiting for the admission result from our #1 choice private school. they won't send out the decision til mid march.
the ...


積分: 1760

發表於 08-2-10 07:05 |只看該作者

actually that's the only private school that requires the IQ test. also, as i said, they also look at the kid's behavior and teachers' recommendations. i'm still not sure if he'll get in. i think they would rather take a well-behaved kid with an above average IQ score than a kid who got a high IQ score but doesn't behave well.

since u have never met my kid when he's with me, u probably don't understand how tough it's for me to take care of him. he's driving me nuts every day. as my husband know i can't deal with him well, he's so eager that our boy will get in that private school as they have varieties of after-school activities. then he can stay there til 6pm and i can go back to work.
we just got an acceptance letter of another private school today and asked for a non-refundable deposit of $1300 within 2 weeks + another $1300 deposit in another 5 weeks (so total $2600) to hold the space for him. we both feel like that's not our target school. my boy said he likes it coz it's more fun (they let the kids to play at the playground for about 15 mins during the group evaluation. maybe that's how they make the kids like their school). but he asked why the playground is so small and not too many things to play with (coz it's a small school).

for most private schools, only the academic evaluation is needed so i don't think they care abt the IQ score.

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-2-10 04:08 發表
wow. since sean got a high IQ score it's alot easier to get accepted to the private schools la. congratulations !! =)

[ 本文章最後由 SY_Mom 於 08-2-10 07:35 編輯 ]


積分: 616

發表於 08-2-10 12:53 |只看該作者
i really could share your pain seriously. my kids especially the 8 year old one is driving me nuts every single day..wait till your son goes to school. your pain just doesnt go away haha...let's put it this way, i'd rather do his hw and take the test for him. cuz I am almost like begging him to do every single thing...he has no self control at all..back to your school situation. you are right. the public school gifted class do pick ppl that r well behaved. cuz the gifted class r only for those who r really studying...they dont allow a kid who fools around in class to distract the other kids.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-2-10 07:05 發表

actually that's the only private school that requires the IQ test. also, as i said, they also look at the kid's behavior and teachers' recommendations. i'm still not sure if he'll get in. ...


積分: 8831

發表於 08-2-23 14:35 |只看該作者
歷仔竟然要再面試, 佢地話因為佢係Observation session 時, 佢無同其他小朋友玩. 我唔係要爭著亞仔, 當時根本無一個小朋友同其他人玩, 個個都怕陌生, 所以都自己玩玩具. 臨近尾聲時, 有兩個媽咪仲走黎同我講, 讚歷仔乖, 又跟足指示. 所以今次佢地話佢係Marginal, 我真係R哂頭. 收到電話果刻, 好想話唔去, 但係呢個始終係歷仔既機會, 唔係我既機會. 如果佢肯收, 而我地拒絕又係另一回事, 所以三月八日會去再面試.


積分: 8831

發表於 08-3-11 03:12 |只看該作者
歷仔面完第二次試, 今次佢表現麻麻, 所以我估機會唔大. 向好既方面諗就係, 我唔駛日日走出town接送.

有個媽咪同我講, 如果我住果區既學校唔好, 係no child left behind入面, 被評為不及格, 咁我就可以跨區, 申請其他公立學校. 你地住既地方係咪一樣?如果係, 咁會有多啲選擇.


積分: 616

發表於 08-3-11 03:25 |只看該作者
i've heard about this in nyc too. but the chance of going to another zone is quite slim...u could definitely try though..
it might be easier if you could get someone's address or renting an appt for a couple of months in order to get into that school zone...

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-3-11 03:12 發表
歷仔面完第二次試, 今次佢表現麻麻, 所以我估機會唔大. 向好既方面諗就係, 我唔駛日日走出town接送.

有個媽咪同我講, 如果我住果區既學校唔好, 係no child left behind入面, 被評為不及格, 咁我就可以 ...


