




積分: 394

發表於 05-6-26 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: 海盈僱傭中心?

I won't recommend it. Don't go there. The read my experience below:-

The complain/news was reported on October 2001 by 'Apple Daily'.

I hired that maid in its Mongkok Branch and the responsible staff was Monica Lo. The boss should be Mr. Chow. At that time the staff persuade me to hire an Indonesian maid who ate pork. I think if that maid eat pork, she really worked overseas before.

That agency often placed advertisement in babies'/parents magazine and put a booth in Baby Expo.

I just paste my earlier message.

Yes, it is Megaxxx. That 海ying. That is a very poor agency. Though what I complained was true, they did not follow up and angried, impolite to me. That man should be the boss Mr. Chow. I think they know some maids' information is fraud for they tried to persuade me to employ another one.

Be careful particularly if you hire the maid to take care baby. For my case, what she did scared us very much. Only the second day, we could identify she told lie, all her experience was untrue. She even tried to feed my son with HOT MILK. No matter I complained several times, they did not give any helpful assistance and put the responsibility on my side. They even said I nervous so made the DH nervous too. Their response made me very angry and I want more people know it is a very irresponsible agency, so I reported it to Apple Daily and it used half page to report this case with a photograph of its front door (Mongkok's office). I hope this news will not too late for you.

My advice you must be careful and if you find anything wrong with the new maid and the agency, must marked down, asked the maid to sign, get tapes (if possible). After that lesson, I checked with newly hire DH's ex-employers (even not in HK).


Newly added message:-

A lawyer advised me if the DH refused to sign my warning letter, must marked down "She read this letter but refused to sign." "All documents should contain the date."

Dear all mothers here,

We leave our dearest children to our maids (particularly those newly hire and we do not have family members/relatives can help us to teach your new maid and unable to take long annual leave (like me, last time I took one week leave to teach that maid.) must check if the information provided by the agency is correct or not.

In that case, that agency introduced another Filipno maid (local, finished 4-year contract to me, the date she signed the contract was the last day to stay in HK). However, she resigned after a month service. I think she just took advantage to stay longer to find new employers. It taught me another lesson, do not hire a local maid (even those finished contract) unless the job you offer is a comfortable one.


