




積分: 35700


發表於 10-1-15 12:43 |只看該作者

sentosa不用入場費,俾sentosa express錢就得,唔玩唔使錢.
dolphin lagoon搬了去underwater world,海豚都在水池裏了,好似ocean park一樣,我覺得好貴唔抵,因淨係入under water world已要hkd$2xx了.

intercontinental在bugis station,我唔知幾錢因我們是special price,街外人應沒有那個price的.
原帖由 peckykoo 於 10-1-15 09:55 發表

想問一下食kaya 是乜東東呢 ? 是加yung 嗎 ?
你有食過喇沙嗎 ? 好食嗎 ?

聖淘沙個度幾點開門呢 ?
入場費幾錢呢 ? 好似有得同海豚一齊游水是嗎 ?

你住個間酒店在邊個mrt 站出呢 ?

幾錢晚呢 ? ...


積分: 1167

發表於 10-1-15 17:31 |只看該作者

住方面我始終覺得住在orchard rd附近会好些,去边到都方便,又熱鬥,新商場又多,去夜咗,揾食都容易.

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友


積分: 1167

發表於 10-1-15 17:43 |只看該作者

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友


積分: 60587

發表於 10-1-16 11:55 |只看該作者
帶小朋友去 singapore, 建議一日去一個地方, 可以考慮以下行程:

Day 1 - arrive at singapore in PM
Sentosa - 玩 luge.
Songs of the sea, 我覺得一睇無妨, 唔睇亦唔會損失好大.

Day 2 - Science Museum
有個 water playground, 果度好以玩好耐,
另外 museum 好大, 要用好多時間行.

Day 3 - Singapore Zoo
Kidz' world 是必去的.
如果還有精力, 在6點後就玩埋 zoo 旁的 Night safari. Otherwise, back to town and take dinner

Day 4 - Wild Wild Wet

Day 5 - city tour
可以去 city gallery, 果度近 china town. City gallery 解構成個 singapore 的規劃, 裡面有個大 city model, 好好睇,免費入場, 果度竟然可以玩2個鐘.

之後就去 china town 逛下食下野. 還有時間就去其他地方逛, 跟住可以回酒店拿行李, 到機場坐飛機回家.

Singapore 有好多 museums, 可以帶小朋友行.


積分: 34716

發表於 10-1-18 14:24 |只看該作者
Day 1 - arrive at singapore in PM
Sentosa - luge. =>
請問乜野係luge? 而家sentosa仲有冇激光表演 呢?
Songs of the sea, 我覺得一睇無妨, 唔睇亦唔會損失好大.

Day 2 - Science Museum
有個 water playground, 果度好以玩好耐,
另外 museum 好大, 要用好多時間行.

Day 3 - Singapore Zoo
Kidz' world 是必去的.
如果還有精力, 6點後就玩埋 zoo 旁的 Night safari. Otherwise, back to town and take dinner

Day 4 - Wild Wild Wet=> 同science museum個water playground有乜分別呢?

Day 5 - city tour
可以去 city gallery, 果度近 china town. City gallery 解構成個 singapore 的規劃, 裡面有個大 city model, 好好睇,免費入場, 果度竟然可以玩2個鐘.

之後就去 china town 逛下食下野. 還有時間就去其他地方逛, 跟住可以回酒店拿行李, 到機場坐飛機回家.


積分: 16205

發表於 10-1-18 14:58 |只看該作者

想問如果DAY 1 下午先到星加坡 大概3:00左右先到機場 仲要去酒店 CHECK IN 之後去星淘沙玩夠時間玩嗎 ?

什麼叫LUGE 呢 ?


積分: 35700


發表於 10-1-18 15:20 |只看該作者


積分: 16205

發表於 10-1-18 17:30 |只看該作者
想問一下斑蘭蛋糕在星加坡機場買貴嗎 ?



積分: 60587

發表於 10-1-18 21:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 peckykoo 於 10-1-18 14:58 發表

想問如果DAY 1 下午先到星加坡 大概3:00左右先到機場 仲要去酒店 CHECK IN 之後去星淘沙玩夠時間玩嗎 ?

什麼叫LUGE 呢 ?

如果成5點鐘先至入到 Sentosa 玩 luge, 有點兒晏.

另外, 斑蘭蛋糕的餅店在Terminal 1 - CX counter 附近, ~ S$8.x/pcs. 還有一種千層糕, 很好味, 不過價錢貴d. 我已忘記幾多錢.


積分: 60587

發表於 10-1-18 21:41 |只看該作者
^O^ see my input in blue pls.

Day 1 - arrive at singapore in PM
Sentosa - luge. =>
請問乜野係luge? 而家sentosa仲有冇激光表演 呢?
Songs of the Sea有激光表演.
Songs of the sea, 我覺得一睇無妨, 唔睇亦唔會損失好大.

Day 2 - Science Museum
有個 water playground, 果度好以玩好耐,
另外 museum 好大, 要用好多時間行.

Day 3 - Singapore Zoo
Kidz' world 是必去的.
如果還有精力, 6點後就玩埋 zoo 旁的 Night safari. Otherwise, back to town and take dinner

Day 4 - Wild Wild Wet=> 同science museum個water playground有乜分別呢?
Zoo 的 Kidz World 裡面的 water playground 面積大d, 而且有 slide, 又有一大 bucket 的水定時倒落黎, 小朋友在裡面很興奮.

Science museum 的 water playground 亦好玩, 不過冇咁刺激.

Day 5 - city tour
可以去 city gallery, 果度近 china town. City gallery 解構成個 singapore 的規劃, 裡面有個大 city model, 好好睇,免費入場, 果度竟然可以玩2個鐘.

之後就去 china town 逛下食下野. 還有時間就去其他地方逛, 跟住可以回酒店拿行李, 到機場坐飛機回家.


積分: 16205

發表於 10-1-19 09:23 |只看該作者

想問一下你介紹個d 必玩地方點樣去呢 ?

如坐 MRT 是什麼站出口呢 ?


係呢 ~ 5知道如果要去齊 WILD WILD WET , 動物園, 聖淘沙 坐下摩天輪 食下野 要帶幾多錢先夠呢 ?

摩天輪在那裡可以坐到呢 ?

BK 媽咪話在香港換會好一點, 5知道邊間BANK 會高D 呢 ?


積分: 60587

發表於 10-1-19 19:21 |只看該作者

我就我所知, 試下答你.

想問一下你介紹個d 必玩地方點樣去呢 ?
果d地方,如 science museum, wild wild wet, 係有website, 你可以 search 一 下, website 會介紹點樣坐車去, opening hours & 入場費.

有d地方不在 downtown的話 (e.g. Science Museum, Wild Wild Wet, Night Safari/Zoo), 我建議係坐的士, 星加坡的的士係好抵坐. 但係你去的 地方如果係市中心的, 最好係用番 MRT, 因為在市中心係有電子道路收費, 好多時 within downtown, 你會經過多過一個 收費點, 到時你個的士費就會貴好多.

星加坡的 MRT 的出口指示好清楚, 好容易搵到你想去的地方. 在出發前先上網找 MRT 的路線圖, 你會清楚好多.

記得在星加坡機場拿張 city map, 好有用.

如坐 MRT 是什麼站出口呢 ?


係呢 ~ 5知道如果要去齊 WILD WILD WET , 動物園, 聖淘沙 坐下摩天輪 食下野 要帶幾多錢先夠呢 ? ...

我果次去, 係在星加坡機場唱錢, 我唔係好知在香港 & 在星加坡唱錢的匯率的 difference. 在星加坡買野, 尤其係景點門票, 係可以用 credit card, 所以我都係用 credit card 多.

[ 本帖最後由 birdbird 於 10-1-19 19:27 編輯 ]


積分: 62677

2024年龍年勳章 好媽媽勳章

發表於 10-1-19 21:15 |只看該作者
環球影城, 我問過, 起碼5月喎


積分: 7239

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 10-1-20 01:22 |只看該作者
睇到我好開心,我新年去,package set死4日3夜,唔准extend請問以上果個5日4夜行程有邊日可以skip,邊d一定要玩!


積分: 343

發表於 10-1-20 09:48 |只看該作者



積分: 34716

發表於 10-1-20 14:21 |只看該作者
Hi Birdbird

Thanks for your info. Can you tell me more about:

1) Science Museum - what's available inside? what's so fun?

2) Wild Wild Wet = Kidz Rainforest? Same place?

3) where is Singapore flyer?

4) what about Duck tour? worth to try?

5) anything must buy in Singapore if I don't buy 斑蘭蛋糕?

6) any more peacocks walking around in The Sentosa Resort in the afternoon?

Many thanks.


[ 本帖最後由 ^O^ 於 10-1-20 14:23 編輯 ]


積分: 60587

發表於 10-1-20 19:39 |只看該作者

Can you tell me more about:

1) Science Museum - what's available inside? what's so fun?
It's like the Hong Kong Science Museum. On the G/F, there's a water playground. That makes the museum so attractive to kids.

2) Wild Wild Wet = Kidz Rainforest? Same place?
Wild Wild Wet is a water park in 'Downtown East', which is near the Airport. Next to the Wild Wild Wet is another theme park called Escape. You can visit these 2 places in one go.

Kidz Rainforest is a place in the Singapore Zoo, which is at the other end of the city. Prepare that your kids will stay there for hours instead of watching animals. So, see the animals and watch the shows first. Leave the last hours at the Kidz Rainforest.

One more thing about the Singapore Zoo. No need to spend money on the so-called 'tram'. It is not a tram but a trolley carrying you around the zoo, saving you the effort in walking and also getting rid of your chance to see the animals. If you want to see animals, you need to walk to the spots! so, no need to take the tram. For the boat trip, you can still try as you can see the scenery and have a relaxing trip of about 15 mins. However, I won't take the boat if I visit the zoo again.

3) where is Singapore flyer?
Singapore flyer is in a place called 'Marina Bay'. You can find the Ritz-Carlton hotel nearby.

4) what about Duck tour? worth to try?
I didn't try the duck tour and won't try it in my next visit cos it's rather expensive. If you want to try, you need to book it in advance as I heard that it was always fully booked.

5) anything must buy in Singapore if I don't buy 斑蘭蛋糕?
You may find the price of some children's books in Singapore is lower than that in Hong Kong. You can find the book store POPULAR in Singapore. Go in to have a look. You will also be fascinated by the wide variety of exercises (from primary to secondary) available.

6) any more peacocks walking around in The Sentosa Resort in the afternoon?
I saw one in my last visit to Sentosa a few months ago. It was walking freely outside the entrance of the museum.

[ 本帖最後由 birdbird 於 10-1-20 19:45 編輯 ]


積分: 34716

發表於 10-1-21 17:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 birdbird 於 10-1-20 19:39 發表

Can you tell me more about:

1) Science Museum - what's available inside? what's so fun?
It's like the Hong Kong Science Museum. On the G/F, ...


Many thanks for your reply which is very informative.

That means Science Museum/Zoo/Wild Wild Wet all have water playgrounds, we can go to either one but not all. which one is the funiest amongst the three of them?

Also, would you please tell me is 飛禽公園= bird park? is it worth to go with kids (aging from 3.5 to 7)?


積分: 60587

發表於 10-1-21 19:29 |只看該作者


Many thanks for your reply which is very informative.

That means Science Museum/Zoo/Wild Wild Wet all have water playgrounds, we can go to either one but not all.
The water playgrounds in these three places are different as these three places give different experiences to the visitors. I will say the water playground in Science Museum is some simple water exhibits that kids like to spend more time than in those indoor exhibits. The one in the Zoo makes the visit to the zoo much fun. Wild Wild Wet, is like 長隆水上樂園 (I haven't been to these 2 water parks). You can imagine how crazy you kids will become when they see the long slides, floaties and the pools.

which one is the funiest amongst the three of them?
All the three places worth going. Pick the ones that fit your schedule.

Also, would you please tell me is 飛禽公園= bird park? is it worth to go with kids
Sorry, I haven't been to the bird park.

There is another place, of which the admission is free, suits the kids. It is the Botanical Garden. It is a few bus stops away from the Orchard Road. I read from its website that there is also a water playground. (Please supplement if other BK members know about it). I plan to go there in my next visit to Singapore.

[ 本帖最後由 birdbird 於 10-1-21 19:44 編輯 ]


積分: 16923


發表於 10-1-22 10:23 |只看該作者
A useful link to all of you....



