



積分: 724

發表於 07-2-9 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

唔緊要啦! 仲有大把時間 下星期warm D啦, 不過就好似冇咁多雪落鲁~~


積分: 78

發表於 07-2-16 17:52 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi 三月媽咪,

you are getting close to the delivery. are you excited or what do you feel right now?
as i remember myself back then, i was so excited for the arrival of my baby, and keen to know how does she looks like when i first meet her...just complicated feelings. did you have those feelings?

yeah, it is so nice and happy being in HK with over 70 degree Fahrenheit, very nice weather here. my baby also go out everyday.

alright, that's it for now. good luck to your delivery.


積分: 724

發表於 07-2-17 06:51 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

my baby has been born!!! 2/13/07 is my boy's b-day one more day and will be on valentine's day haha~~``


積分: 8768

發表於 07-2-18 04:40 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

三月媽咪, 恭喜恭喜! boy or girl?


積分: 269

發表於 07-2-18 18:33 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


恭喜恭喜 真係開心... 仔仔肥肥嗎.... take care :lol:



積分: 8768

發表於 07-2-18 18:47 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

我都祝大家新年快樂, 豬年行大運!


積分: 78

發表於 07-2-19 16:40 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

congratulations! i'm glad both mom and baby were doing well.
are you virginal delivery or C-section?

how long does the baby and how much he weight?

my baby girl was 8 lbs 7 ounce, and 22" ich long when she was just born (big baby).

the first month is very important for a woman who gave birth to a baby. remember to eat lots of ginger
soup, ginger & chicken rice. my mom made it for me when i just gave birth to my baby.



積分: 724

發表於 07-2-21 13:49 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

dear everyone:
my baby boy weight 6lbs 11oz 19.5in, i've virginal delivery... i want to have c-section too but my doctor doesnt let me, she said i can make it.... haha n finally i did


積分: 8768

發表於 07-2-22 14:21 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

開刀手尾多ma, 宜家咪好lor~改左名未呢?


積分: 724

發表於 07-2-24 12:11 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

yup! my boy's chinese name is 子健, and english name is Terry im so busy these days to take care baby...i didnt even hvn time to post his pics


積分: 78

發表於 07-2-25 19:23 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


nice names.
are you going to look after your baby full time or who will help you?


積分: 3

發表於 07-2-25 21:31 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?



積分: 724

發表於 07-2-27 07:29 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi GraceL:
welcome to join with us~`
sorry GraceL i dont have any recomment of babysitter right now because my baby is just 2weeks now~` but what part of chicago do u want your baby to put on babysitter? if u choose south side like around chinatown, i heard there's one in 32st. and one more around 34st.

from now and till step. i will be a full time babysitter, when the end of aug. comes i have to go back to school, so, i might let my mother in law or day care to take care baby. :lol:


積分: 3

發表於 07-2-27 14:29 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?



積分: 724

發表於 07-2-28 13:10 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

im now livin with my husband n his famliy at 32nd st. "wallance"?? (right next the lowe st. i forget how to spell the name ) every close to your 35th halsted


積分: 78

發表於 07-3-3 00:00 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

are u close to the "hong kong super market", cos i shop there if i go to china town. and i like the hotdog in 31st.

hi GraceL,
sorry about that i don't have any idea of a babysitter in chinatown since i'm not living there. i live in arlington heights. i'm a full time mom and take care my baby girl. it's fun to look after her since i can teach her things by myself. and enjoy to seeing her growth everyday. but welcome to the chat anyway, your baby is a boy or a girl, who take care of he/she right now?


積分: 269

發表於 07-3-3 09:50 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hi everybody

How are you? I have not get in website as long time la... I was pregnant with my child. But my husband applied to me go to USA. We think that my USA's visa may be issue to me around May 07. Now, I worry about my baby where is born? If I go to USA immediately, I can't look for good doctor to following my case. Moreover, my baby have 6 months and delivery on Sept 07. If I stay in HK until my baby born, can I extend my USA's visa? Anybody can suggest me to stay in HK or go to USA. Thank


積分: 78

發表於 07-3-3 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923,

by the time you get the visa on May and you will be 6 months of pregnant, you got to be careful for the airline regulation that you will not allow to aboard if you are 6 months pregnant or up. pls double check.

in your case, it is hard to make a decision whether or not you delivery in HK or US. i would suggest you just follow the normal flow that keep your regular pregnancy check up here in HK while you are waiting for the visa to be issued. on the other hand, ask your husband to check with his medical insurance how does the plan works for you guys and to find a network hospital that close to your house. in case you get there in May or June.
that's what i can think about at the moment. will give you more ideas if i have any more in the future.

don't worry too much, be happy and enjoy the pregnancy, b'cos the baby can feel what you feel.


積分: 724

發表於 07-3-4 13:32 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

i think you could have your baby born in USA, because i really think that we're having better benefits in USA.

haha i'm living one block from 31st st. i like their hambugers too

i just heard about there are 5 brands (Avent, Dr. Brown’s, Evenflo, Gerber, and Playtex) of baby feeding bottles found BPA (Bisphenol A) in chinese(HK) newspapers today, and i got 8avent bottles at home.. have anyone heard about that?? i'm looking what other brands i should buy... my husband said he wants to order "Tommee Tippee"'s bottles online... but what if Tommee Tippee has BPA too? what kind of bottles you are using for your child/childs? OMG... those "Avent" bottles are very expensive... i waste almost $100.... :-(


積分: 269

發表於 07-3-4 17:09 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

三月媽咪, littlecow

My husband have bought my insurance and it have cover my perant. I wish to my baby born in HK as I have only one family in USA who is my husband. Moreover, my husband go to work everyday. He have hoilday on Sat & Sun. Nobody help me to take care my baby. After my baby born, I must be very tired and want to sleep everytime. (Now, I often sleep... ) If my baby born in HK, my family will take care baby and me. But my husband have not take more hoilday due to his work. :-(

If the immgration Department have to be promise me to extend my visa until next year that is prefer la... But I don't know they can or not promise me.


