




積分: 216

發表於 07-6-12 17:13 |只看該作者


本人係年尾會第一次見不育科醫生係廣華醫院, 我本身已經做咗腹腔鏡有一邊輸卵管塞咗另一邊有嚢腫, 請問我可以第一次就要求同我做IVF嗎? 費用多少同埋要大約排幾耐呀? 做IVF呢個個程係咪唔日日都要返醫院同埋係咪好辛苦架?? 唔該可否講個過程嚟聽聽… Thanks


積分: 3853

發表於 07-6-14 17:03 |只看該作者

Re: 請問做過IVF既姊妹可否講個程序嚟聽聽嗎?

這是姊妹在hkinfertility.com.hk 的forum post 過的, 始終每個醫生的做法都會唔同, 以下只可以係一個參考.

Preparation for the egg retrieval:

1. Start Nasal Spray on Day 21.
2. Atend clinic for VU and blood test on Day 2 of your M cycle.
3. Gonal-F injection starts from Day 3. Dosage depends on different patient.
4. Attend clinic for VU after about 4-5 days injection.
5. Attend clinic for VU more often afterwards. Maybe every 2 days.
Total injection for normal patient is around 9-10 times.
6. Injection of HCG (?) 36 hours before egg retrieval. Stop nasal spray on the same day.
7. Check in hospital one day before egg retrieval day. Normally check in at 8-8:30 pm. You can opt for home leave. Nil food starts from mid-night.

Egg retrieval day (Day 0)
1.. Back to hospital 2 hours before the retrieval time.
2.. Anae will talk to you and ask for your medical history and then start anea. You will not know what happened as you are unconscious.
3. Rest for at least 4 hours after the operation. If everything is fine, can go home that afternoon.
4. IVF Coordinator will inform you how many eggs retrevied and the grading.

After egg retrieval day
1. IVF Coordinator will keep you informed on the development of your embryo.
2. Depends on individual patients, back to Dr's clinic for injection or consultation.
3. Start virginal medicine on day 1.
4. Dr will make decision on when to perform ET, can be performed on Day 2/3/5.

On ET day
1. Back to hospital 1 hour before the ET time. Can eat breakfast.
2. Drink a lot of water.
3. Meet with Dr before ET. He will tell you how many embryos to be transferred.
4. Take bed rest for 4 hours and discharge from hospital.

After ET
1. Dr will advise you when to go back to the clinic for consultation.
2. Normally you will have blood test to confirm the result. If M comes before the blood test, normally you don't need to conduct blood test (save your $).


積分: 216

發表於 07-6-15 11:35 |只看該作者

Re: 請問做過IVF既姊妹可否講個程序嚟聽聽嗎?




