



積分: 1460

發表於 07-7-20 14:36 |顯示全部帖子

你好, 之前已參考過你的精華篇, 對於兩歲班返全日(志願團體)或半日(國際幼兒園), 能否再多給意見?



積分: 1460

發表於 07-7-24 09:35 |顯示全部帖子
thanks 彥媽媽:

thanks for your opinion.

My baby has been taking care by my mummy in Tung Chung. After taking consideration of your suggestion, I think most properly I would let my baby study N1 in Tung Chung 去學習下群體生活及自理能力. Then the coming problem is that I'm a bit worry about the the school quality (both primary & secondary schoos) in Tung Chung. For sure that I won't let my son study there after kindergarten. Then how about K1-K3? do you think it's critical to study in Kwai Chung / Kowloon during these 3 years? do you have any idea on Tung Chund kindergarten? 若N1 之後轉校出kln, 有d擔心bb要重新適應新環境, 又擔心出面好學校d位會already accoupied by thier N1 student.....sorry for so many questions.


原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 07-7-23 09:33 發表

唔好意思, 早日較忙, 依家答你 :-P :

之前已參考過你的精華篇, 對於兩歲班返全日(志願團體)或半日(國際幼兒園), 能否再多給意見==> 見你問我呢個問題, 令我想先答你之前問番你一個問題.... 你咁問 ...


積分: 1460

發表於 07-7-24 13:16 |顯示全部帖子
題外話: what's your occupation? you're excellent that have so many information and can able to manage other mummies enquires so frequently.

原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 07-7-24 10:35 發表

Then the coming problem is that I'm a bit worry about the the school quality (both primary & secondary schoos) in Tung Chung.
==> 你既決定 OK ar....HK地有幾個區你揀校真係要小心, 可以的 ...


積分: 1460

發表於 08-7-25 09:35 |顯示全部帖子
Yin Ma:

My son is 2 years old now and going to study pre-nursery in Sep in 普通屋村 and due to his delay development, he's also queuing (still queuing) for the I 位 in that pre-nursery school. I of course want to let him to study in a better kindergaten in K1. so I really hope he would have improvement after going to school. If he can pick up, I want to change to a better kindergarten. I have below questions:

1)in consider of primary & secondary school which net is better: 64 or 65? I know 仁立小學&林護中學are quite famous in net 65

2)what do u think of solely boys' school and co-ed? as I'm thinking of 英華. If want to study英華, 有無邊間幼稚園有優勢?

3)my house is the center point to Laichikok, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing. it's takes only around 10 - 15mins for travelling there. I have heard some mummies recommened below kindergartens, would u pls give me some comments:
d)民生 (貪佢有得接小學, 近grandma)
another other good school recommend?

4)for kindergarten, pls comment on half-day school and whole day school. because 盡可能we don't want to hire a maid. if study half-day, maid is a must.

I have many many questionmarks.......pls help.


積分: 1460

發表於 08-7-31 17:50 |顯示全部帖子
[quote]原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-7-28 11:51 發表
thanks for your information. I have below further question:


1) in consider of primary & secondary school which net is better: 64 or 65? I know 仁立小學&林護中學are quite famous in net 65
==> yes, they are hot school in the zone, but these are traditional schools which will mean 有一定既讀書壓力, 入得到當然都值得鼓舞, 但要有心理準備要去花時間陪太子讀書咁啦.

==> "要去花時間陪太子讀書". In my concept, it's a must and I don't think my kid would get high marks without my contribution. u emphasised this. do u mean it's 死讀書學校, 谷得好勁, 讀小d書就當你係異類...?how about 英華? 佢地行緊Edutainment, 會唔會學生同家長都無甘辛苦?
其實我係想搵間成績中上 (I mean average result), 而仔仔唔駛讀得甘辛苦. 自己都捱過, 死讀難讀好辛苦.

2)what do u think of solely boys' school and co-ed? as I'm thinking of 英華. If want to study英華, 有無邊間幼稚園有優勢?
==> 我一向較 buy co-ed 的, 只係 HK 地較有優勢既學校都係單性學校, 而我就唔係話一定非 co-ed 不讀既, cos this is not my top selection criteria...

--> my friend told me 英華今年有去佢仔仔間幼稚園招生, 所以問問

3)my house is the center point to Laichikok, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing. it's takes only around 10 - 15mins for travelling there. I have heard some mummies recommened below kindergartens, would u pls give me some comments:
d)民生 (貪佢有得接小學, 近grandma)
another other good school recommend?
==> 你依家揀呢d 都係好多家長會揀架喇...我之前講過 (b) 同 (d) 既野都唔少 (喂..你有冇溫書..??) 當中除左民生有直升小學既"優勢"之外, 其他都係要考/抽小學既, so 你想知乜...?? 佢地好唔好讀..?? 我只可以講各有捧場客, 因為大家 make decision 既選擇唔同, 若你係問師資, 人數, 師生比例呀呢類數據性既野, 可以去教統局既全港幼稚園網樹揾到...你就咁講 give comments, 問題都好闊下, 如我早前都 give 過 comment 比另一d mama 咁, 你要諗諗你 selection criteria 中咩係 1st priority, 咩係 2nd ...之類先易揀的...就咁問, 我只可以講, 上面間間聽番黎小朋友都係讀得開心+OK ga.
-->我有溫書ga...hehehe......甘如果以有利於搵好ga小學, 邊間會好d? 若佢地都能讀得開心(即唔係死谷la), 甘邊間會學得多野d? 語文方面又如何? 我知佢地(宏福, 士德)都有外籍老師. 宏福是否較為活動教學?


