



積分: 202

發表於 07-8-30 01:05 |顯示全部帖子

I have 5 other friends who are currently pregnant all are having boys! I think the chance of having boy is very high this year. I wish I have bb too then can make the word "good" with Chloe. I need to stop day dreaming and get back to work... I am like Socloudy that I don't like surprises just want to find out and start shopping for cute baby outfits blue or pink!


積分: 202

發表於 07-8-30 01:13 |顯示全部帖子
Ho happy ah. Chloe talks more all a sudden this week. I think it's due to the fact that we have been attending many gathering lately. Thanks to you all!!! :-P By interacting with other kids it makes her wanting to express herself more. Now, she can talk to me without me initiating a question or topic. But hopefully she won't be confused when going to daycare next week as it all change to english and no more chinese.


積分: 202

發表於 07-8-31 09:47 |顯示全部帖子
Chloe was also in early intervention program since 21 months. She qualified for 1.5 hours every 2 weeks for language. Her last class ended 2 weeks ago as the instructor said she is doing ok now. Since she was slow in talking, I was very excited to see Chloe talk more all a sudden this week. I think the program is very beneficial. After one class Chloe was able to imitate when I speak. I guess kids listen to stranger more then parents b/c they know they can shrimp us. But as socloudy said, better to do it before 3yrs otherwise school will have record. The program is getting harder to get approved though as budget got cut as told by my service coordinator. If you are interested I can also tell you more when we meet on Sunday.

原文章由 socloudy 於 07-8-31 09:28 發表
我有d friend嘅仔女每星期淨係攞到1 hour training.不過Corey嗰時好唔同d evaluators合作.全部test都唔合格,所以先攞到咁多hours. 不過我巳經同d teacher講要加鐘. Maybe in another month or two就可以 add ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-8-31 10:00 |顯示全部帖子
I will be driving to Nillie's house from Elmhurst Queens. I can stop by Ave8 to pickup 2-3 people only as I drive a small sedan. I do not have extra carseat so I can only pick up adults. Let me know!

原文章由 Carrie210 於 07-8-31 09:07 發表
咁而家有以下families係ave 8度等pickup:
Carrie 2 A 1 C ( need one toddler car seat)
3cats 1 A ?
Patvicbb 2 A 1 C (confirmed 黎啦, one infant car seat)
bearbearmattew 2 A 2C (two toddler car seat needed)
total : 7 A 4 ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-8-31 10:10 |顯示全部帖子
Jstn & socloudy,
Being a service coordinator sounds very challenging but lots of headache as need to deal with many people. My job sometimes don't need to speak a word in the whole day. Can be quite boring. But my coworkers are very nice, I think I will retire here . I like it here b/c hour is 9-5 and I can work from home some days.

原文章由 socloudy 於 07-8-31 08:53 發表
係呀!Corey參加咗early intervention program.每星期好多哥哥姐姐同佢玩,我都見到佢有進步.真係好開心.
Service coordinator都唔易做bor,ヌ多case跟,又多paper work做.你生完会唔会返去做返本行?
我响e間公司 ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-8-31 10:14 |顯示全部帖子
The instructor come to your house for the class. So you can tell the instructor to go to your parent's house if your child is there. For older kids the instr. can even go to the daycare/school gar.
原文章由 Carrie210 於 07-8-31 10:08 發表
咁即係叻叻到18m checkup時要同醫生講..咁等我星期日再問多次shamom呀..我驚打比socloudy你阻住你做野呀..
但想問..點解係你parants家上既? ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 00:21 |顯示全部帖子
Glad you feel better now. We are always here to listen or you can express more when we see on Sunday. But I guess your husband will here there to so hard to speak. Every family have a "hard to read bible"..sigh... Relationship with in-laws can be very difficult especially you live together. You said your bro-in-law and 老公夾份供 the house. Since your relationship with them not that great, better to be clear with them finanially. My family has similar situation too and once talk about money it makes thing complicated and not happy easily.

原文章由 netjayne 於 07-8-31 10:53 發表
babygigi, vivi_ma, patvicbb, jstn, nillie, nic977, carrie, socloudy,
好多謝好多謝你地聽我 up﹐多謝呢度可以俾我寫野。
我已經轉左 blog 個 address﹐brother in law 唔會再睇到。
我都知如果有人話我屋企人﹐我都會 ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 00:25 |顯示全部帖子
Yah you have a very rewarding job as you can see kids improving. I am very thankful to my service coordinator too since she helped me a lot and always express her concern with my case. I am not as lucky as you. I don't think I can afford to not work and be a sill-lie-lie. I have a mole on my back that means I always have to work :-( . Sun-Foo-Man

原文章由 jstn 於 07-9-1 00:14 發表
socloudy & Shamom:

i do like working as a service coordinator before, as i had some chances to meet with kids (most of the times work with parents actually) ... i like kids ar mar ... and you are ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 08:54 |顯示全部帖子
Chloe joined the program at 18 months as recommended by the the ped. Then after the waiting and interview and evaluation etc Chloe started at 21 months. At 18m she spoke about 5 words. But after one class I could see improvement. I think each child develop differently at their own pace, just that as a parent I want to make sure if my child need help I will provide it. The program worked very well for Chloe. Although compare to some kids at her age she doesn't talk that much, but I can see that the gap is not as big as before. She can now communicate with me easier and get less frustrated.

章由 Carrie210 於 07-9-1 03:10 發表
咁都想聽下你地意見係..我要而家同叻叻申請定, 定係等多一個月, 叻叻18m checkup時再同醫生決定呢?叻叻既問題係講野..其他就暫時我都覺ok.



積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 11:43 |顯示全部帖子
Corey 27m already can speak A-Z he is very good! How come he can still have so many hrs and get more training hr? Chloe is 32m and she can barely speaks all alphabet and they already cut her service 2 weeks ago.
原文章由 socloudy 於 07-9-1 10:52 發表
係呀!我今日比預期中早走. Sorry ah.
Call me on Tuesday anytime.老細休息ah.
你可以等多個月叫e生refer你.咁咪唔駛自己直接聯絡early intervention個边囉.不過e個service越嚟越難approve, Nat Nat去被人ev ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-2 08:59 |顯示全部帖子
I've PM you, pls check.
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-9-2 08:19 發表
3 cats,
一般, 醫生係留意BB嘅住址環境, 人流係咪密集, 加上媽咪生第幾胎, 有冇experience take care new born 而remind 家長 pay extra attention on some issue.
8weeks 內有fever, 要送入ER 呢.
呢喥一有高燒, ne ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-2 12:15 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry for the late notice. My hubby will be off tomorrow therefore he can join our BBQ. So 2A1C now. See you tomorrow!!


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-5 01:55 |顯示全部帖子
Vivi_ma & Socloudy,
Me too, I will retire here if they don't fire me. I work for non-profit so pay is not as good as big company. But not as stressful and no need to overtime. People are more family oriented too. My last job was like 9am-9pm and required traveling. No good with kids.
原文章由 vivi_ma 於 07-9-5 01:40 發表
我都仲搏緊o架, 冇資格quit law :cry: , 不過就唔好叫我OT啦, 想第日留番多o的time俾BB mar, 呢份工唔郁我都唔會走住, 鐘意呢到夠flexible mar.


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-13 22:47 |顯示全部帖子
Try this site http://www.greatschools.net/. On right top corner enter your city to find the nearest school. Then you can call the school and give them the full address to confirm whether you belong to that school or not. You can also check http://www.ed.gov/index.jhtml it has some useful info. Depends on how far you live from school you may get for school bus service.
For your 3 yrs old, depends on when he is borned, he may qualify for pre-k next sept. You should apply around march/april. My daughter is 2.5 now so I'm also preparing her to go next year. I think pre-k is only 1/2 day and it's 5 days a week.
原文章由 rubytang 於 07-9-13 16:42 發表
hi, 大家好呀~
我想左好耐, 依家都係想帶埋d仔過黎讀書,
順便係留低既時間入面, 入左個藉啦~

我大仔剛o岩 7 歲, 但佢d英文都係麻麻地,
我 ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-13 22:57 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter used Dr.Brown fat bottles and never changed to other brand. She was not fussy and no gas, so I guess she liked those bottles. But just a note, when she was 0-1yr, she hated milk. When I fed her, milk always leak from her mouth, so it wet couple tissues to finish a feeding. So I tried other bottles, and different size of nipples, and other formular but still no help. As soon as she turned 1 and changed to cow milk, she loved milk! So I guess she was either not comfortable with the formular or just a picky eater. So you may want to just buy a few to see if your baby likes it first.

原文章由 hiuyeeyee 於 07-9-13 06:39 發表

1.Gerber Waterproof Multi Pad- Lamb Print 有咩用途??
2. 大家對lee2套gift set 有咩意見??
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2409314&cp=2255981.2256160. ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-13 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
I went to Macy's during Thanksgiving weekend, I didn't find polo on big sales either. The polo golf shirt costs $15. I think depends on which store they have different product at different price. But if you have macy's card there are some good deal. They mailed me a 20%off coupon and a $20off coupon. The salesperson let me use both at the same time.
原文章由 vivi_ma 於 07-9-13 22:54 發表
no lar, 其實我o地只係集中睇$2.49 item , 但我見到條dress好cute, 所以都買o左, 番到屋企先知係polo brand .


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-14 04:34 |顯示全部帖子
Last 2 years halloween I did not let Chloe eat Candies. But this year I will let her have a lollipop probably since she is 3. I will eat the rest of the candies. But I only keep those package that are sealed like chips and chocolate. I heard incidents where crazy people put poison on the candy.

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-9-14 03:55 發表
nillie, carrie
maybe i could join u guys at around 6 ish, is it too late? if carrie needs car pool i could probably pick her up on 8th ave, but it would have to be around 6 la. it's kind of scarry in ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-14 04:41 |顯示全部帖子
Try to buy those that open from the front (monk style) as Carrie suggested. When Chloe was small I only let her wear those since it's much easier. It was pretty scary to change nb from overhead as I was afraid I would hurt her. When babies leave hospital they also wear that style.

原文章由 vivi_ma 於 07-9-14 04:02 發表
未呀, on sales 係咪係Carter專門店呀? 仲有, 底衫仔係咪分長,短sleeves o架 ?-(??


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-19 02:04 |顯示全部帖子
Congratulations! Were you able to find Lily agency's phone number and find a nanny?


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-19 02:16 |顯示全部帖子
You and mavis live in Elmhurst right? I also live in Elmhurst on Grand Ave. I can come by to transport the bed so nillie doesn't need to come up. Just make sure your husband is around to carry the stuff hee hee :mrgreen: Just let me know when you want to do it.

原文章由 hiuyeeyee 於 07-9-18 23:09 發表

我已經上網搵左post office location啦~ 唔該你呀~~


張bb床~等nillie得閒先...因為冇車又真係有d難度....我宜家先25weeks都未有耐~~麻煩哂你地啦 ~~


