




積分: 492

發表於 07-10-23 12:25 |只看該作者
之前買左 Gerber 米糊佢食, 食少少就無趣,,,

我又買左 Gerber 嘅蘋果蓉佢食, 佢食一啖就扁嘴唔食,,,, 新鮮嘅佢又唔食, 買專為 bb 而設嘅 bb 食品又唔食, 都唔知點好. 小 b 六個半月架啦.


積分: 69

發表於 07-10-25 08:16 |只看該作者

有無 bb 食緊 Gerber 嘅 baby food 呀?


Yes, since we are living in Los Angeles, not much fresh veggie or meat vairety in here, that's why we bought "Gerber"'s baby food to my son since his 6-months-old, he love it. Yeah, at first, he will ingore the new food as he get used to the formula/milk that he had for that long. So, dont give up, try little by little. You should try give him some sweeten food (e.g. sweet potatoes, carrots or peas), then try the green when he can handle it later.

Another option, mixed it up with rice cereal (dont forget to mixed with formula), let him feel more comfortable with solid food first. Alright?!
Thank you,
Anson 媽媽


積分: 492

發表於 07-10-25 22:28 |只看該作者
Hello 您好.

咁你即係 suggest 我買 gerber 嘅 sweet potato 試吓先, 咁我想問, 係要整熱佢食, 還是一打開個 can 就餵佢食呢? 會唔會試完甜甜地嘅野之後對其它唔甜或者無咁甜嘅野無興趣呢?

原文章由 karenwong168 於 07-10-25 08:16 發表

Yes, since we are living in Los Angeles, not much fresh veggie or meat vairety in here, that's why we bought "Gerber"'s baby food to my son since his 6-months-old, he love it. Yeah, at first ...


積分: 69

發表於 07-10-26 07:49 |只看該作者

Yeah, try it. Baby food is ready to eat, just like the can food, no need to be cook. I always give "room tempatures" food to my son even on the formula, I never reheat it. So, I guess is depends on how you gave to your baby before, if you use warm water for the formula, think you have to reheat the baby food. Otherwise, just open and serve him to eat, so easy! right?!

Thank you,
Anson 媽媽


積分: 69

發表於 07-10-26 07:56 |只看該作者

In regard of the taste, dont worry about it. It is sweet but not too sweet at all, you can try, I try each one before I give it to my baby. Also, there are two different way to train a baby between Chinese & American. Chinese way, we always think not to give to many taste or variety to baby to choose, cuz he/she will picky later. But in American way, we have to serve as much as different things to the baby, that way, he/she will not be picky when they grow up.
Therefore, for me, I will combine both, I will have my baby try any taste as much as possible but not over dose. Hopefully, it works by my menthod.
Thank you,
Anson 媽媽


積分: 492

發表於 07-10-27 00:19 |只看該作者
Hi Karen,

Thanks sooooooo much for your help. I will try on coming Sunday and hopefully it is works.

How old of your baby?


積分: 69

發表於 07-10-30 15:31 |只看該作者

Hopefully it work out good to your baby. My son is now 8 months old, weight 24 lbs, you can take a look on his web www.babyng.com too see more pics. So, what about yrs? How old is he?
Thank you,
Anson 媽媽


積分: 492

發表於 07-11-4 23:13 |只看該作者

我用左 Gerber 嘅 sweet potatos 同紅蘿白蓉佢加落 d 糊仔度, 佢好鐘意食, 我自己都試過, 都幾好味, thanks. :-P

我睇個你仔仔 d 相, 好多相呀, 好可愛. 我個仔宜家剛剛七個月, 星期一至五日頭俾褓姆湊, 早點食粥, 黃昏食糊仔, 一日四至五餐奶. 如果係星期六、日, 一時有一餐糊仔, 有時一日有兩餐糊仔, 因我唔識煲粥仔, 其實好想買一些三文魚煲粥佢食, 不過唔知點煲, 佢又未有牙, 唔知好唔好俾魚粥佢食, 如果食白粥, 佢一定無興趣.

原文章由 karenwong168 於 07-10-30 15:31 發表

Hopefully it work out good to your baby. My son is now 8 months old, weight 24 lbs, you can take a look on his web www.babyng.com too see more pics. So, what about yrs? How old is he?


積分: 6632

發表於 07-11-20 15:33 |只看該作者
Hi, Karen

Your baby is so sweeeeeeeeeeet!!
My baby boy is 7.5months old, 70cm, around 19.5lbs.

Can you share with me
your baby daily recipe?

Gerber, Heinz and Healthy Times, which one is better??



積分: 69

發表於 07-11-21 07:49 |只看該作者

Thanks for your word to my son, yes, he is really loveable. And now, he is turning 9 months by end of this month, 29.50 inches and weighed 24 lbs.
I start giving him soild food when he's 6 months old, at first, I gave him Gerber's rice cereal mixed with milk 2 times a day, 1 week later, still give him rice ceral mixed with milk and some Gerber's baby food. By he's 7 months as I can tell he can handle soild foods with no problems, I cooked some 粥 for him, pork, port & tomato, yam and now salmom fish instead give him rice ceral. But occusionaly, I still give him baby food and rice ceral in once a while (once a week). Same as before, twice a day. I use my own menthod to cook 粥, I will put a little rice (1/4cup) in the rice cooker with a lot of water. Once done, I use the rice water to make milk to him, and recook the rest of soft rice in a hot pot, once almost become to 粥, put the pork/salmom in it, blended the pork once done and put it back to the 粥 again in 1 mins. That way, he can to eat 粥 while having rice water to the milk, I think that wont wast the food/rice. Dont you agreed? To share the recipe, of course yes, but these few days, I will just cook salmom 粥, as needto test if he has allgery or not. For the brand of baby food, I only try Gerber not to other as I think Gerber is good on nuirtion as well as not too costly.

原文章由 baubaulee 於 2007/11/19 23:33 發表
Hi, Karen

Your baby is so sweeeeeeeeeeet!!
My baby boy is 7.5months old, 70cm, around 19.5lbs.

Can you share with me
your baby daily recipe?

Gerber, Heinz and Healthy Times, which one is better? ...
Thank you,
Anson 媽媽


積分: 6632

發表於 07-11-21 15:17 |只看該作者
Hi Karen

Thanks a lot a lot for your sincere reply.:lol:

I will try salmon fish congee this week.
I gave cheese to my baby in the past 3 days, but I found he is not ready for it.



