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發表於 14-11-25 13:49 |只看該作者


積分: 7703

發表於 14-11-25 16:34 |只看該作者
Support for new arrivals to Australia

As a new arrival, you could be entitled to payments and services from the Australian Government. What you can get depends on your residence status. Waiting periods and other conditions may apply.

We also provide payments to support new arrivals who are experiencing hardship. Crisis Payment is a one-off payment that helps those who have experienced difficult or extreme circumstances.

Special Benefit is a payment that helps people who are in severe financial need because of reasons outside their control and who cannot receive any other Centrelink pension or benefit.

The Assessment Subsidy for Overseas Trained Professionals program (ASDOT) can help skilled overseas-trained professionals with the cost of assessments and exams you may need to pass so you can practice in Australia. Only certain approved professions are covered by ASDOT.

To help you learn English you may be eligible for a referral to the Adult Migrant English Program. In addition, you may be eligible for Skills for Education and Employment if you need assistance with your language, literacy or numeracy skills.

An Assurance of Support is a commitment to support a person applying to migrate to Australia, so that the migrant will not have to rely on income support payments.

We also provide free interpreters to help you with information about our payments and services. Interpreters can be requested anytime you call, book an appointment or visit us.

Our Multicultural Service Officers work with community groups and other agencies to help refugees and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds link up with Australian Government services.

You can also call our multilingual phone service on 131 202 and speak to someone in your language about Centrelink payments and services.

For help with Medicare or Child Support services in your language call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450


