




積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-17 15:36 |只看該作者
之前做iui ivf 失敗, 而家睇梁醫生, 如其他sister所言, 佢好cool, 唔係好講野, 我都明佢真係太多症, ...見佢好快, 同唔會有分析, 建議, 只問我是否做ivf.....有時睇report 好似 "太快" .....講真, 感覺唔係十分好....希望係因為佢太 "有料" 所以可以好快知個証點做....想請問...

1. 我下week(day 23)開始打decapeptyl,
打黎做咩 (因太驚, 冇問醫生) 是否打完就開始再打"谷" 旦針??
2. 你地當事有冇同時食避孕藥, 因我今個cycle 都有try 喎, 如有"奇蹟" 有左, 可否打呢 d 針?
3. 我之前ivf 冇打過, 但食避孕藥, effect 是否一樣??
4. 醫生send 左我d血去 美國check 免疫系統, (因ivf 放3 次都唔ok), result 冇事, 但有dd 強左, 可能因為咁reject d 胚胎. 佢話有方法, (但冇解釋, 我又係好驚冇問)...咁你地知唔知呀.....

thank you


積分: 1125

發表於 08-5-17 17:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 steplovebb 於 08-5-17 15:36 發表
之前做iui ivf 失敗, 而家睇梁醫生, 如其他sister所言, 佢好cool, 唔係好講野, 我都明佢真係太多症, ...見佢好快, 同唔會有分析, 建議, 只問我是否做ivf.....有時睇report 好似 "太快" .....講真, 感覺唔係十分好... ...



積分: 1451

發表於 08-5-17 18:17 |只看該作者
steplovebb, 你係she.com 果個exxxx? or 你今早睇梁醫生?

我都睇係梁家康, 佢唔講野, 唔出聲,咁點串你 ?!可能這裡很少人看他, 所以非常少comment. (價錢偏貴, 佢地個clinic 又唔似仁安既standard package) 我只做一次ivf 都用左十二三萬 ,其中兩萬係睇甲狀腺醫生(另一個醫生) 樓上16/f. 之前問梁醫生, 佢話8至9萬左右, 到頭來, 用多左$$$. 我都有點不開心, 但bingo 左. 打double 份量既針去安胎, 唔通我唔打?!!!

我個人愚見,梁醫生睇到麻木, 好少主動講會用什麼藥. 因為,每次驗完血, 藥物都有所改變 !!. 你有心理,打針,食藥比其他醫生,還要多. 有時醫生要出外接生, 睇唔到你份report . d 姑奶會打返俾你.


積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-17 18:32 |只看該作者
我唔係she.com d member 呀, 我上week 見佢 1st time, 今week 見佢 2nd time, 決定開始ivf 囉. 我睇佢,係因為知佢個clinic 同其他唔同, 會有多d follow up, 我完全唔mind 打多d針 or 多d 藥, even 我睇養和另外d醫生, 都係得一種安胎藥, but 胚胎著唔到床 (dr. leung 話, 我放3次胚胎, total 加埋bingo 機會有60-70%, 但冇中過, 有d問題囉, 我估可能我的確有d special needs, 所以我先睇dr. leung ....

其實佢唔係串, 係very cool 囉, 又冇笑咁囉, 不過我都會繼續....
agnescheng, 你話我轉dr. too 好嗎, 睇佢係唔係都有好好follow up 呀?? dr too 好nice, 佢唔識我都對住我笑, 但我又唔知點explain 我轉囉....哎, 好煩......mouth:

原文章由 agnescheng 於 08-5-17 18:17 發表
steplovebb, 你係she.com 果個exxxx? or 你今早睇梁醫生?

我都睇係梁家康, 佢唔講野, 唔出聲,咁點串你 ?!可能這裡很少人看他, 所以非常少comment. (價錢偏貴, 佢地個clinic 又唔似仁安既standard package) 我只做一 ...


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-17 18:32 |只看該作者

I have been seeing Milton Leong for a while. You can ask his nurses all the questions about your medication. I call Zona all the time and she is very helpful. Everyone uses a different protocol for stimulation in order to get the best results (as many eggs as possible). Just try a new one.

I saw that you are testing for immune problem because you failed 3 IVF. I understand that immune problem may cause implantation failure. Did Dr. Leong ask you to do the test or your previous doctor suggest you to do that?


積分: 1451

發表於 08-5-17 18:46 |只看該作者
梁醫生幫我抽蛋, 杜醫生幫我放蛋. (連養和d姑娘都讚梁醫生抽蛋技術一流). (係另一些topic見到某些醫生,抽到d 病人見血).
step love,你今日去見醫生? 我今早返去見杜醫生(產檢).

講返杜醫生,佢nice 好多, 亦會講好多野, 佢幫我放蛋,之後,跟左一次followup, 就交俾梁醫生. 個人意見. 梁醫生始終'原老級既醫生', 佢唔講野,(你可以主動問.). 但我果陣,都無問野, 只係佢話乜,就乜.梁醫生follow ,(我始終安心d ). 我係bingo 左之後, 先轉杜醫生'生BB', 梁醫生幫人生bb, '相信係全港頭十個最貴既醫生'

你放蛋前一個月,要照四至六次超聲波, 去check 你個cycle 和蛋蛋狀況. 到第二個月先開始打針,食藥. 又係照六至8次, 差不多到左14日左右, 醫生會指定一個時間叫你打針,然後在養和安排抽.
(我抽蛋前, 一星期食兩次花膠)!!
** 稍後,我俾個人msn 你, 你有乜問題, msn 我....(要外出了)


積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-17 18:50 |只看該作者
thank you so much !
you are so nice !
take good care & have a very healthy & lovely bb

原文章由 agnescheng 於 08-5-17 18:46 發表
梁醫生幫我抽蛋, 杜醫生幫我放蛋. (連養和d姑娘都讚梁醫生抽蛋技術一流). (係另一些topic見到某些醫生,抽到d 病人見血).
step love,你今日去見醫生? 我今早返去見杜醫生(產檢).

講返杜醫生,佢nice 好多, 亦會講好多 ...


積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-17 18:52 |只看該作者
dr. leung ask me to do
because my ovary & womb are healthy, so he asked me to check another thing.....

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-17 18:32 發表

I have been seeing Milton Leong for a while. You can ask his nurses all the questions about your medication. I call Zona all the time and she is very helpful. Everyone uses a different pr ...


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-17 19:08 |只看該作者

This is why Dr. Leong is a good doctor because he thinks about the reasons for repeated failure of IVF. When will you find out your results? Dr. Leong will prescribe some medication for you to handle the immune problem. Do you know what kinds of test he asked you to do? and how much do they cost?

Dr. Doo is a very nice person and he helped me to have egg retrieval when Dr. Leong is out of town. He was very skillful and quick in the procedure. I think both of them are good. If you want someone who is easier to communicate, Dr. Doo is definitely the choice. He and Dr. Leong share a lot in common when they treat patients.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-17 19:13 |只看該作者
Dear Agnescheng,

Did Dr. Leong also give you Heparin injection (2 times daily in the belly) and prednisolone after embryo retrieval for 14 days. I want to know whether he routinely prescribe them to patients or just in my case. Thank you.


積分: 1451

發表於 08-5-17 22:39 |只看該作者
Frisbe, 你係咪指放蛋後既'油針' ? 頭一個星期, 我係一日打一支. 後來,blood test 話黃體銅唔得, 一次要打兩支, 還要塞多一隻jer (我唔記得叫乜名).
打針打到我想喊. bingo 後兩個半月, 我再驗血, 梁醫生先睇到d 血stable, 先話'隔日打, 但都要打兩支] ,其他,食藥, 塞藥,數量不變.
佢地好好, 我用剩既藥. (除左食果d), 可以refund 返.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-18 08:41 |只看該作者
Dear Agnescheng,

Thanks for your reply. I had to have the oil shot once daily and suppositories 2 times a day. But I also had to inject "Heparin" 2 times a day in the belly. In addition, I also have to an oral pill, Prednisolone. It is a steroid. I think if you did not have Heparin and Prednisolone, then he just gave them to me treat immune problems.


積分: 1125

發表於 08-5-18 21:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 agnescheng 於 08-5-17 18:46 發表
梁醫生幫我抽蛋, 杜醫生幫我放蛋. (連養和d姑娘都讚梁醫生抽蛋技術一流). (係另一些topic見到某些醫生,抽到d 病人見血).
step love,你今日去見醫生? 我今早返去見杜醫生(產檢).

講返杜醫生,佢nice 好多, 亦會講好多 ...

"梁家康"係養和IVF centre 個head離架,養和d姑娘咪佢d"馬"羅.

如果你去到仁安, d 姑娘都會讚董醫生, 去到Victory, 佢d姑娘都會讚何醫啦. 老細黎嫁,佢地想被人抄咩.



積分: 1451

發表於 08-5-18 22:54 |只看該作者
judith07, 天真? 請不要這麼幼稚la ! bk 裡,很多人開topic dr.xx 交流會之類. 但我從未開一個梁家康topic, 事實上,他的收貴一都不便宜, 亦少人認識. 佢係咪什麼人老細, 我根本不需要理會,
天呀, 生不到bb, 已經很令人傷心, 仲乜咁'恐怖'去猜忌別人.
葉展生,我都睇過, 溫碧霞係我後面等緊添. 睇足佢幾個月, 千幾元一次,被佢鬧完又鬧. 結果, 得個吉. check 左之後, 先知蟲蟲問題.
我唔無睇過你既post, 如果你bingo 左, 一定會弓喜你, 大家都係女人, 要去到做iui/ivf這個stage, 心理壓力,真的不易過. 希望你用仁慈之心去看別人, 如果,因為我講左一句對dr.tay 不好的說話. 而你又咬著我不放, 我願意say sorry !!!.

firsbe, "Heparin" 2 times a day in the belly.係咪白色蛋蛋果隻?
我就每日打一次油針(每次兩支), 早晚各塞兩粒白蛋藥, lunch 塞一隻白色jel (一枝棒棒). 晚上還塞多隻藍色藥. 至於吃藥, 就三隻左右. (唔記得).
Prednisolone,<--? 可唔可以形容下?
btw, 你要戒生冷食物. 姑娘話'所有食物有機會令你肚all, 都要戒' . 木瓜,不可以食, 我連milk 都唔飲 只吃花膠 .!!


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-18 23:30 |只看該作者
Dear Agnes,

I appreciate your response.

Heparin comes in vials (like water in small bottle). I have to use a small syringe needle to draw out 1 cc. of Heparin and then inject it into the belly two times a day. I think you did not need it. It is for immune problem.

I also have to inject the "oil" shots in my pat pat. Just once a day.

Prednisolone comes in a round bottle. It has 30 pills in it. It is white color. I take one a day.

I think you and I have different supportive medications after embryo transfer. I do not need to take the blue pill (in a circle box). It confirms to me that each case he treats differently depends on our blood results.


積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-18 23:34 |只看該作者
the test he asked me to do included:
"natural killer cell quantitation" & "antiphospholipid syndrome evaluator" & anti-nuclear antibodies" & "RA factor, Qual "
actually I just understand about 20% of the report.
Had to extract 7 tubes of blood (painful !!) sent to US. this test cost $4500

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-17 19:08 發表

This is why Dr. Leong is a good doctor because he thinks about the reasons for repeated failure of IVF. When will you find out your results? Dr. Leong will prescribe some medication for y ...


積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-18 23:40 |只看該作者
Do you have the immune problem too? did you do any blood test??

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-18 08:41 發表
Dear Agnescheng,

Thanks for your reply. I had to have the oil shot once daily and suppositories 2 times a day. But I also had to inject "Heparin" 2 times a day in the belly. In addition, I also have ...


積分: 1451

發表於 08-5-18 23:44 |只看該作者
steplovebb, 我都有位she.com朋友係另一個醫生, fail 左兩次ivf ,轉去看梁醫生, 都要send d 血去us [that's why i ask u whether I know u before]

frisbe, 原來我同你既藥都幾唔同. 我只知道很多太太都要打油針, 但每人份量不同. 原來,還有其他針. 你果隻針打在那裡? 醫生有無講什麼原因要打 ?每天打那麼多針, 你都一定很辛苦. 記得叫老公幫你按摩patpat, 否則硬得很重要. 我打油針果陣,係冬天,所以,早上打完,就用hot pat '夫patpat', 老公晚上用'喜了妥' 幫我按摩. 頭一個月,都還可以, 慢慢真的受不到, bingo 後還要打. 試過夜晚係咁喊!!
你現在放蛋後,第幾week ?! 記住要戒口.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-18 23:45 |只看該作者
Dear Steplovebb,

Thanks for your reply.

I will ask him about these tests. Did your results come back?I fear that I may have these problems. It seems that it is quite common among women who failed many IVF. It is still a controversial issue in the medical field in the U.S. Some doctors just blame the egg quality not immune problem for failure.


積分: 2291

發表於 08-5-18 23:48 |只看該作者
嘩, 原來要 "食" "塞" 及 "打" 咁多藥, 我之前做ivf, 放旦後只塞一種, 就是白色圓形旦旦, 早晚各2粒, 係安胎藥....希望今次得啦, 我唔怕痛架, 上次抽7支血, 個化驗師叫我"扲" 轉面, 我話: 你抽啦, 我唔驚喎.....佢抽左3支, 問我 :你暈唔暈呀, 仲有排喎....:p

原文章由 agnescheng 於 08-5-18 22:54 發表
judith07, 天真? 請不要這麼幼稚la ! bk 裡,很多人開topic dr.xx 交流會之類. 但我從未開一個梁家康topic, 事實上,他的收貴一都不便宜, 亦少人認識. 佢係咪什麼人老細, 我根本不需要理會,
天呀, 生不到bb, 已經很令 ...


