




積分: 774

發表於 08-5-26 09:19 |顯示全部帖子
I just start taking the control pills and will do hte IVF in Jul. Same as u, this is my first ICF (without trying IUI).

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-26 03:42 發表
Hello Sisters,

I just finished my birth control pills and will do IVF in JUNE.. this is my first IVF (without trying IUI). My Doctor is Dr. Tay.

Hope all if us will Bingo!


積分: 774

發表於 08-5-27 14:17 |顯示全部帖子
I've been trying for nearly 4 yrs, 2003 had 1 ovary cysts in right side, 2007 had 1 more in left side and did the surgery this time. Last month, "chocolate cysts" in both sides and the doctor didn't recommend me to do surgery anymore. She side it will increase the chance of infertility.
I choose IVF coz I really want to save time. How about you?

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-27 02:01 發表

I finished my birth control pills already, maybe my schedule is alittle ahead of yours. Why would you try IVF without trying IUI?

For me, I have friends that had bad experience with IUI, many unsu ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-5-27 14:50 |顯示全部帖子
I'm nearly 34 lu. I'm seeing Dr. Tung. She said the surgery will decrease a certain level of my ovary function. As I've been doing this just 1 yr before, she suggested me to get pregnant asap or my ovary function will become weaker and weaker lor.
She also want me to try IUI 1st but I rejected her as I really want to get pregnant or even give birth to a child when my mom is still here. She is nearly in the last stage of her liver disease and she really want me to get pregnant....
I live with her and I've already quitted the job to take care of her. Frankly, it's quite complicated in my heart, but I think I can just leave it to god. I do the best and god do the rest!

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-27 14:41 發表

Hi CK Chan,

Which dr. are you seeing? I'm seeing Dr. Tay.. he is very gentle and decent.
I choose IVF becuase of my husband low sperm count.. Dr. Tay suggested IUI but I don't want to waste time a ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-5-27 21:53 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, I have my 2nd acupuncture already and will keep on. I'm now taking the pills and will have the "nose spray" on 5 Jun. Hopefully, I will do the IVF on early Jul.
Great to hear your sharing, hope we can encourage each other.

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-27 21:45 發表

For your mom and for yourself, I think you should really go for IVF. Ovary function will diminish sharply after 35, you have you make good use of your time.
Have you started yet? if you, start ear ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-5-28 08:46 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, I've been Dr. Tung's patient since I was just get married (7 yrs ago).
It seems that we both take the "long treatment" as we need to take pills and use injection/nose spray. Did Dr. Tay tell u why he choose the long treatment for you?

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-28 00:24 發表

Hi CH Chan,
Sure!! I hope we can bingo this round!!
I will have 3 acupuncture this week and I hope it will help.
Dr. Tay uses injection rather that nose spray. You have been Dr. Tung's ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-5-29 08:54 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for your information ah!
Hope you get the best quality eggs ah!

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-28 22:41 發表

Hi CKChan,

We are using Long Protocol is because:
"usually use long protocol of GnRH agonist for normal patients (age36 with higher basal FSH >8-10iu/L), we may consider to use short protocol to r ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-5-29 08:57 |顯示全部帖子
Hi ChanSee9,

Thanks for your encouragment ah! Hope that you'll success also in the coming treatment!!

原文章由 ChanSee9 於 08-5-28 23:01 發表
Hi JoeC and CKChan,

I used to see Dr. Tung also and "chocolate cysts" were found too. After surgery, she transfer me to queue QM (coz too expensive for private la). The "best way" to cure the "choco ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-5 14:53 |顯示全部帖子
Hi JoeC,

How are u doing? I remember you are in the process of egg stimlulation, right? How is it going?

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-5-28 22:41 發表

Hi CKChan,

We are using Long Protocol is because:
"usually use long protocol of GnRH agonist for normal patients (age36 with higher basal FSH >8-10iu/L), we may consider to use short protocol to r ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-6 08:07 |顯示全部帖子
I'm great too. I've started the nose spray on yesterday. Just a little bit "vomiting feeling" after taking pills, but still fine. Anyway, I do exercise 2-3 times a week and hope it could help for both physically and mentally.

Keep in touch!

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-6-6 01:29 發表

I am great.. I've started the stimulation process.. and it is okay so far..the long protocol is a long process.. but Dr. Tay said it has better result so it worths the wait!

What about you ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-7 14:18 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, I can understand the OHSS issue. Hope you can go through the egg stimulation process smoothly. I also did the acupuncture ah.
BTW, are u busy in yr job?
Keep in touch!

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-6-7 02:22 發表

Dear CKChan,

It's good to hear from you!
You're so health, I don't do any exercise... I am trying acupuncture since IVF is a big investment, I want to boost up my chance..
I've started the egg sti ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-7 18:40 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry to hear that, rachelyim.

原文章由 rachelyim 於 08-6-7 18:03 發表
all sisters,

I have a very bad news to tell:

我昨日到QM抽疍,一向醫生話我d卵泡okay,最大的有19mm,有三粒18mm直徑,其他的到有15mm,所以我打針打了八日,跟住星期三打了夜針,於星期五去抽卵,應該大概有十個。但抽完疍的 ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-9 10:14 |顯示全部帖子

都好明白呢個時候一定會好無助同傷心。或者睇私家醫生,可能私家會比多D時間同你find out 哩。
而家你要盡量先叫自己冷靜D,一定有辦法ga。亦要繼續努力keep好身體,因為你要繼續為將來ge BB作戰ga。加油呀﹗支持你﹗

原文章由 rachelyim 於 08-6-7 19:39 發表

Rachel Yim ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-10 10:55 |顯示全部帖子

原文章由 百分百cow 於 08-6-10 00:14 發表

我噴鼻時都怕唔記得, 所以就係手機set 定時間, 因為我部電話可以set 4個響鬧時間,而且係DAILY 的, 你睇CHECK下你部電話得唔得. 而我現在等緊派彩, 一齊加油!
百分百COW ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-19 08:22 |顯示全部帖子
Hi JoeC,

Great to hear from you and you really got a very good result, right? When will you do the "Transfer"?
Hope you'll success ah!

As for me, I've already started the egg stimulation process on Tuesday, and will visit the doctor again on tomorrow. Doctor told me I've got 4 "eggs" in the right ovary, and 2 in the left. Hope would get more after the injection.

Anything you did during the egg stimulation period? Kindly share.

Keep in touch!

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-6-19 07:51 發表

Hi CKChan,

I'm good.. sorry for my late reply...

I've done the egg retrieval and the result is as below...(the post below)...
What about you? How's things going?


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-19 16:41 |顯示全部帖子
Hi JoeC,

I'll have my 6th acupuncture on tomorrow. I drank "far Kow" too, but just 1 time a week, but I drank "雞精" every morning since I started the egg stimulation, and drank fresh milk....
I've had my 3rd injection of "menopur" this morning, 300IU daily, and also the nasal spray (suprecur)....
But I can't sleep very well lor.
I'll see the dr. on tomorrow morning, still too early to decide when will do the transfer, how about you?

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-6-19 16:01 發表

Hi CKchan,

Sure, I would love to share..

I did 9 acupunctures in my IVF cycle... I drank "far kow" coup every other day and I tried to sleep early.. and rest alot.. How many days have you been sti ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-19 17:20 |顯示全部帖子

Thanks for sharing with me. You got to take more rest and eat well ah! Keep in touch!
Once I know my transfer day, I 'll let you know la.

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-6-19 17:01 發表

Hi CKChan,

I am done with the transfer already... now I'm resting at home.. waiting for the result.. I ET 2 embryos (grade 2) and the rest has been frozen.

Rest more,, I believe it will help you ...


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-20 15:54 |顯示全部帖子

Below is the message I posted in another thread. Share with you. Really feel sad ah! But I'll keep on ga...
Any news from you, just up date ah! Take more rest!

各位,我今朝見完董醫生,照到我D旦旦grow唔到,day 2 係左邊1粒,右邊5粒;今日day 5 左邊兩粒,右邊得3粒。但係我兩邊嘅朱古力瘤都好影響D旦旦,所以grow唔到,甚至阻住抽旦嘅位置。醫生話今個月改做IUI,不過成功率都唔太高,唔好咁大期望。所以今日開始,打針噴鼻都唔洗啦。






積分: 774

發表於 08-6-22 17:18 |顯示全部帖子
Dear mk55, JoeC, wilber-ariya and ChanSee9,

Thank you so much for all your sharing and encouragment. I feel much much better after reading you guys' messages.
I won't give up ga, and I really hope that you all can bingo very soon! Don't forget to share with me ah!


積分: 774

發表於 08-6-22 17:33 |顯示全部帖子
Haha, we are both on-line, right?
Anyway, Dr. Tung suggested me do the natural IUI (no more injection and nasal spray) this month, may be I'll do it on 28 June. Actually, I consult the doctors both in private and public hospital (PMH), and I'll see the PMH doctor on 2 Jul first and see when can they do the surgery or I'll ask Dr. Tung to do it. Update you later ah!
Take care!

原文章由 JoeC 於 08-6-22 17:23 發表

Dear CKChan,

I'm so happy to hear from you! Have you scheduled your surgery yet? You better get rid of it early and start the IVF early..

Of course I will let you know

Take care!!

Jo ...


