




積分: 3500

發表於 08-5-25 20:23 |顯示全部帖子
兒子今早發生意外, 以致一隻門牙斷了牙根, 最終還是由牙醫拔掉. 這真的令爸爸媽媽很心痛. 現在我很想知道這對他的語言發展有甚麼影響.

[ 本文章最後由 yuengooluk 於 08-6-5 21:43 編輯 ]


積分: 3500

發表於 08-5-25 23:12 |顯示全部帖子
這醫生不建議, 因為那對孩子來說是不自然的, 他主張順其自然. 當然, 我知道另有牙醫建議套牙套.所以,我也希望多聽其他媽媽的經驗.


積分: 3500

發表於 08-5-27 20:22 |顯示全部帖子

it seems quite unbelievable. was the child taken to a dentist? for sure the teeth were dead, and should be pulled out.

btw, i called another dentist yesterday, although i could only talk to the nurse. the nurse said the dentist could put some filling to the "hole" (though i actullly didn't quite understand) and the dentist had encountered a few similar cases in the past. the nurse suggested we should do something to it, because the lost tooth would affect speech development, and most importantly, affect the neatness of the future permenant teeth.

will share more info if available.

hope more mums can share their experiences with me.

原文章由 muihsu 於 08-5-26 00:56 發表
我都想知道一下!因為我老公個姪仔都係因意外扑到,攪到前門兩隻門牙得返4分1都無,佢又唔肯比e生攪隻牙wor,依家d牙根都仲未杜呀陰公!依家食飯都係靠後面d牙,同埋個兩隻牙黑晒...佢依家4歲 ...


積分: 3500

發表於 08-5-28 21:08 |顯示全部帖子

so glad to have your response. first, i have to ask, in the end what you had done for your daughter, and how old is she now? if possible, please PM me the details of your dentist and the price.

in fact, my (or my son's) story is rather complicated. he had two similar accidents in two years in a row. about 15 months ago, he fell on a staircase and his right incisor was totally knocked out! the right incisor was in "good shape" with the root. i firstly saw a pediatric dentist, but the dentist was not willing to put back the tooth (and explained she was worried about the permenant incisor to be infected by the dirty baby incisor), and asked me to consider something like fake tooth (用兩個勾勾住兩隻大牙).

i then rushed to see my own dentist. he at once made up his mind to reposition the incisor into the hole because he knew there were 4-5 years to go before the front permanent tooth came in. and at last all worked out very well and the baby tooth was replanted.

from that time onwards, i knew the opinions among dentists varied a lot. that's why i'm going to consult more dentists, and pediatric dentists.

in fact, i just found a good blog maintained by a ped dentist in the US. he talked about missing baby front teeth too. but he suggested do nothing. :(


原文章由 kalam611 於 08-5-28 09:59 發表
我個囡2.5歲扑時”bun” 門牙, we consulted several dentists but all said no need to do anything. Then we consulted the兒科牙醫who had a very different opinion – must fix!!
Personally I think better fi ...

[ 本文章最後由 yuengooluk 於 08-5-28 21:11 編輯 ]


積分: 3500

發表於 08-6-1 21:14 |顯示全部帖子

could u pls elaborate your message. i don't understand why there's still 無了隻牙(外觀上) inspite of the space maintainer. it seems that my dentist advised us to place a space maintainer.

could u pls tell me more about your story, if i guess right.


原文章由 beverly@mim 於 08-5-31 21:52 發表

多數小朋友做space maintainer,但都係無了隻牙(外觀上) ,只是防止其他牙齒移位,keep住個位for恆齒

[ 本文章最後由 yuengooluk 於 08-6-1 21:17 編輯 ]


