



積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-19 13:21 |只看該作者
我住係 Brooklyn, NY。
b女 12月4 日係 Beth Isarel 出世。半個月大la


積分: 3787


發表於 08-12-19 23:24 |只看該作者
Hello Nymom
I live in Manhattan, have a big daughter Nathalie (2 yr and 8 months)and I will give birth my lit one very soon,
想問你出院時, 而家醫院仲有冇奶粉袋送呀, 我都會係果間生.
因我有個relative 係11月中生, 話而家乜都冇.

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-19 13:21 發表
我住係 Brooklyn, NY。
b女 12月4 日係 Beth Isarel 出世。半個月大la


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-21 08:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-12-19 23:24 發表
Hello Nymom
I live in Manhattan, have a big daughter Nathalie (2 yr and 8 months)and I will give birth my lit one very soon,
想問你出院時, 而家醫院仲有冇奶粉袋送呀, 我都會係果間生.

我 bb 出世入o左 NICU 4日(可能同普通科不一樣),出院時,bb有

1) 12樽 2oz 奶
2) 用完即棄奶樽 5 個、奶咀 3 個
3) 抺 bellybutton 的酒精紙
4) 粉紅色盆仔 2 個
5) diaper 一小包



積分: 3787


發表於 08-12-21 09:24 |只看該作者
Thanks for yr reply.
我大女果時都有入左nicu 3日, 因我生佢時發燒, 所以佢都要入去check幾日, 果時送既野都同你差唔多 , 仲有多個奶粉袋, 咁我relative就真係唔知點解咩都冇啦,可能佢遇到個nurse唔好人啦. 佢話連佢想要多支bottom cream都唔比佢, 但bottom cream應該一定比, 因都係扣番係insurance度, 我仲以為真係咩都冇,咁我就要帶齊野入院..really thanks for telling me.
How's yr daughter now? everything is alright?

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-21 08:34 發表

我 bb 出世入o左 NICU 4日(可能同普通科不一樣),出院時,bb有

1) 12樽 2oz 奶
2) 用完即棄奶樽 5 個、奶咀 3 個
3) 抺 bellybutton 的酒精紙
4) 粉紅色盆仔 2 個
5) diaper 一小包

至於奶粉袋,我就無喇,但唔知問有無得 ...


積分: 285

發表於 08-12-21 13:16 |只看該作者

ny mom

nice too meet you, I live brooklyn Ave U, you live
brooklyn where? I have 2 sons, 3 year 6 month more, 19 month. me too borth bb in beth Isarel.

your baby very lovely , 恭喜晒! do you have msn id. [email protected]

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-19 13:21 發表
我住係 Brooklyn, NY。
b女 12月4 日係 Beth Isarel 出世。半個月大la


積分: 7794

發表於 08-12-21 22:11 |只看該作者
天氣凍呀! 安心坐個好月!

所有出院嘅giveaway 係賛助嚟架... 我哋做out reach外展都cut budget, 所以唔好expect 有diaper bag and giveaway住.. 有就係bonus, 冇都冇辦法lu.. 大家要勒緊褲頭呢


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-22 00:03 |只看該作者
My BB, Bernadette is now 18 days. Everything is fine now since I have a 陪月 to help me. However, she will only stay for a month, after that my husband and I have to do all the stuff.

I live at Bensonhurst, 20 Av.


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-22 00:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-12-21 09:24 發表
Thanks for yr reply.
我大女果時都有入左nicu 3日, 因我生佢時發燒, 所以佢都要入去check幾日, 果時送既野都同你差唔多 , 仲有多個奶粉袋, 咁我relative就真係唔知點解咩都冇啦,可能佢遇到個nurse唔好人啦. 佢話連 ...

唔記得講,大人用的物品都幾齊,所以我帶的東西好似一樣都無用過,但係老公就煮薑炒飯去醫院(其實醫院都 serve 熱食,okay 架)


積分: 3787


發表於 08-12-22 01:30 |只看該作者
聽講呢度眉陪月都唔平, 想問你係live in定日日黎呀, 幾錢到呀?你覺得佢得唔得呀?因我自己父母都唔係住呢度, 好多野都要自己整, 想問多d.我都想叫我老公整ginger飯我食..哈哈.唔知佢有冇你老公咁醒

我都知有就更係bonus啦, 我唔係話貪佢d giveaway, 不過如佢係冇既, 我要帶多好多野,唔想帶少左野而冇得用, 你知我老公架啦, 叫佢係屋企再拎黎就煩.好大機會係會拎錯既..哈哈.

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-22 00:03 發表
My BB, Bernadette is now 18 days. Everything is fine now since I have a 陪月 to help me. However, she will only stay for a month, after that my husband and I have to do all the stuff.

I liv ...

[ 本文章最後由 Carrie210 於 08-12-22 02:46 編輯 ]


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-22 02:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-12-22 01:30 發表
聽講呢度眉陪月都唔平, 想問你係live in定日日黎呀, 幾錢到呀?你覺得佢得唔得呀?因我自己父母都唔係住呢度, 好多野都要自己整, 想問多d.我都想叫我老公整ginger飯我食..哈哈.唔知佢有冇你老公咁醒

我唔係話貪佢d giveaway, 不過如佢係 ...

$ 2500 live in + 紅包(min. $200)

至於我老公的 ginger rice,佢一番心意都好開心架,不過,味道....................(真係得 ginger & rice,油都無落)


積分: 3787


發表於 08-12-22 02:42 |只看該作者
我都聽過係要咁貴呀, 而家d hk陪月都唔平,我都唔捨得請, 都係自己同老公頂硬上啦..其實我in laws係度架, 不過佢地都唔係太幫到忙.

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-22 02:15 發表

$ 2500 live in + 紅包(min. $200)

至於我老公的 ginger rice,佢一番心意都好開心架,不過,味道....................(真係得 ginger & rice,油都無落) ...


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-22 12:46 |只看該作者
我黎緊會做番老本行 -- 教琴
(我以前讀 U & post-grad. 時 part-time 教琴)

教琴果 d 日子就搵 baby-sitter揍 bb,三角琴我都買左,隨時都可以開工,係未有學生


積分: 3787


發表於 08-12-23 05:04 |只看該作者
oh, that's great...so u will teach at home?
I would like to know how old of kids can learn piano? my daughter is now 2 yr and 8 months, i think it is too early to her, right? by the way, how much u charge?

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-22 12:46 發表
我黎緊會做番老本行 -- 教琴
(我以前讀 U & post-grad. 時 part-time 教琴)

教琴果 d 日子就搵 baby-sitter揍 bb,三角琴我都買左,隨時都可以開工,係未有學生 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-12-23 06:30 |只看該作者
it is true, the econ is really bad, so it would be very hard for the diaper and formula company to send all the giveaway to hospital.

I heard it from Amanda's piano school, they said that kids as young as 3 years old can start learning piano, and the principle said that why we sent Amanda to learn piano that late. (she started when she was 4 years 10.5 months old.


積分: 5

發表於 08-12-23 08:27 |只看該作者
hi all
我係新黎既爸爸 住 LA
3歲可以先上 music play group


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-23 13:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-12-23 05:04 發表
oh, that's great...so u will teach at home?
I would like to know how old of kids can learn piano? my daughter is now 2 yr and 8 months, i think it is too early to her, right? by the way, how much u c ...

Yes, I will teach at home, so I bought a grand piano(三角琴).

Your daughter is a bit too young to start learning piano. I suggest 3 years old or above and kids should know A to G (names of the key) and count 1 to 4 (beats).
I will charge $25/ lesson (30 minutes)

[ 本文章最後由 NYmom 於 08-12-23 13:20 編輯 ]


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-23 13:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-12-23 06:30 發表
I heard it from Amanda's piano school, they said that kids as young as3 years old can start learning piano, and the principle said that whywe sent Amanda to learn piano that late. (she started when she was 4years 10.5 months old.

There are pros and cons to start at 3.
Better sense to music.
I started to learn piano at 10, but my little brother started at 3. Compare with my brother, he is more sensitive to the pieces.
(Anyway, 3 - 5 is a good timing to start.
To Nillie_Mami, it's not too late in your daughter's case)

Since the fingers of the 3 years old are not strong enough and the basic knowledge is not wide enough, teachers and kids have to spend more time on the fundamental. The progress seems to be slower. (Indeed, the kids use a different approach to learn what is music, it is not a waste.)

[ 本文章最後由 NYmom 於 08-12-24 01:04 編輯 ]


積分: 4981

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-12-23 23:29 |只看該作者
Hi NYMom,
Nice to meet you. Bernadette is very adorable! I live in Flushing / Douglaston, my hubby's family also live in Bensonhurst. I have two little boys. They are 3.5 years old and 11 months old.

I also want my son to learn piano. However, he is really active and can't make him sit over 10 minutes. Should he learn at this age or wait till he can sit for a bit longer?

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-23 13:19 發表

There are pros and cons to start at 3.
Better sense to music.
I started to learn piano at 10, but my little brother started at 3. Compare with my brother, he is more sensitive to the pieces. ...


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-24 00:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 socloudy 於 08-12-23 23:29 發表
Hi NYMom,
Nice to meet you. Bernadette is very adorable! I live in Flushing / Douglaston, my hubby's family also live in Bensonhurst. I have two little boys. They are 3.5 years old and 11 months o ...

Does your son go to school/ nursery class?
If yes, he learns to obey rules and regulation, then he can start anytime.

Indeed, the attention span of 3-5 years old is only 5-10 minutes. So, even your son cannot sit quietly for more than 10 minutes, it is normal. He can start to learn piano, but, you need a piano teacher who will divide the 30-minute piano lesson into 3 or 4 parts (8 minutes each section).
1) Revision
2) New piece
3) Theory/ music games
4) New piece
And, don't expect too much in the first year, he will catch up later.

TIPS: Talk to the teacher directly before you sign up for the lessons!!!

[ 本文章最後由 NYmom 於 08-12-24 01:06 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 08-12-24 21:45 |只看該作者
that is really nice, if we live in brooklyn, sure will switch Amanda to you.
As Amanda is going to the music school in staten island, also 30 mins per class. $90 per month, a class every week, so that is 52 classes a year (1:1).
Also she takes the music theory class as well. that is $45 per month for 45 min.. same.. 52 classes a year.(with another 4 girls --from 4.5 to 7 years old)

As from your information, I don't need to send Gabriel to learn piano when he turns 3 next year.. I will wait a little bit more.

Since Amanda starts piano class, I also notice that, it is very hard for young child to reach the key. The piece she is doing, need to reach from G to another G, 8 keys, that is really difficult for a 5 years old. as her fingers are very chopy anyway..

May I ask.. is Suzuki method good for young kids?
原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-23 11:13 AM 發表

Does your son go to school/ nursery class?
If yes, he learns to obey rules and regulation, then he can start anytime.

Indeed, the attention span of 3-5 years old is only 5-10 minutes. So, even your ...


