



積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-26 08:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-24 10:33 AM 發表
For Gabriel, do you think he is really?

He is only 2 years old.. I don't think that he is really. He is ...

I also think that you can wait a little bit.

However, according to the Suzuki method, it encourages kids to learn music as early as they can. (so that, they can play music as nature as their mother tongue.)The school may give pressure to you.


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-26 08:20 |只看該作者
原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-12-26 00:49 發表


我係「母乳餵哺」果邊都有問 d mami,佢地話 Bernadette 可能入左「猛長期」,幾日後會 okay 架喇!


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-26 08:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-12-25 07:24 發表
有呀, 前果排見online唔洗比shipping, 所以都買左幾boxes呀..好在冇買nb size咋, 我諗我呢個肥b實過8 lbs, 買左nb size就用唔到啦. 衫仔冇買過呀..好在得你地比d我, 我諗頭兩個月都夠用架, 到時睇下佢有幾 ...

點解你個 b 可以咁重?
Bernadette 出世時得 5 lb 14 oz,而家 3 個 weeks,先得 7.3 lb (仲要連衫仔磅至有咁重咋)


積分: 3787


發表於 08-12-26 08:58 |只看該作者
可能我呢胎係仔啦, 我大女出世都係7.5磅,都冇呢個咁勁, 男仔骨架大d掛,
佢都係呢個月先開始重得快, 醫生都驚會唔會又係糖尿, 再check多次,我都passed.所以都係個bb吸收得勁, 因我唔係重左好多, 只係16磅. 不過我不嬲都係肥c9, 所以重得少對我好好無壞啦..哈哈
如你女開始食多左..咁你比多d佢啜..會奶量多番..再唔係咪補d formula都冇壞,到你夠奶先唔補咯..Bernadette出世唔重, 而家未到一個月都有7磅幾, 哇..已經好好啦...唔洗太擔心.

原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-26 08:38 發表

點解你個 b 可以咁重?
Bernadette 出世時得 5 lb 14 oz,而家 3 個 weeks,先得 7.3 lb (仲要連衫仔磅至有咁重咋)


積分: 7794

發表於 08-12-26 22:39 |只看該作者
我之前係就婦產同新生嬰兒, Bernadette重得ok喎.. 100% BF, 重2磅幾算唔錯.
BB出生體重depends on Daddy, mommy身型, mommy出世時嘅體重, mami大肚時有冇糖尿同血壓高, 仲有係第幾胎. 足唔足月. BB細size, 對第一胎mami嚟講, 易handle啲, 小啲患"網球手"架
我哋US mami都有BF forum.. check below.


原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-25 07:38 PM 發表

點解你個 b 可以咁重?
Bernadette 出世時得 5 lb 14 oz,而家 3 個 weeks,先得 7.3 lb (仲要連衫仔磅至有咁重咋)


積分: 7794

發表於 08-12-26 22:47 |只看該作者
silly Amanda just loves that pieces.. although, she doesn't catch up with the bit yet, but she can really move her little fingers back and forward, just the piece (jump 8 keys) she can't make it, beside.. she is doing good.
she will ask to practise piano.. and she loves to do it when families or relatives around, she even taught her 13 years old cousin how to play Mary has a little limb last night.
And we gave our Casio key broad to that cousin last night, as since she saw Amanda can do it, she wants to learn piano too.

For Gabriel, I will wait until he asked us that he wants to learn it. He will pretend that he is playing piano on the table, or just go to Amanda's room and "practise" his piece..
原文章由 NYmom 於 08-12-25 07:07 PM 發表

Since I am not the one who teach Amanda, it's not fair to the music school for me to give comment.

For my own experience, I seldom teach that fast.
For SONATINA Op 36 No. 1, there are a few scales ...


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-27 00:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-12-26 22:47 發表
silly Amanda just loves that pieces.. although, she doesn't catch up with the bit yet, but she can really move her little fingers back and forward, just the piece (jump 8 keys) she can't make it, besi ...

Great. We usually can do more than what we can if we have motivation (eg, love that beautiful song, we will try to overcome the difficulty). And self-esteem/ confidence is another important element. (play in front of the relative and teach somebody!!). These will make her do the practice even harder.

Thanks to let me know the BF forum.


積分: 154

發表於 08-12-27 12:13 |只看該作者
Nice to meet you. I live in Brooklyn too, near Bay Parkway. My daughter is 28 months old.

Do you think 28 months is too young to learn piano? My daughter knows how to count from 1 to 5 and knows the alphabets already.
My daughter loves music, she likes to play with her toy piano, drum and xlyophone. She attended music class playgroup for four months and showed great interest in songs and music instrucments.
You teach private piano lesson at home?


積分: 1724

發表於 08-12-28 01:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 swb91 於 08-12-27 12:13 發表
Do you think 28 months is too young to learn piano?
My daughter loves music, she likes to play with her toy piano, drum andxlyophone. She attended music class playgroup for four months andshowed great interest in songs and music instrucments.
You teach private piano lesson at home?

Hi swb91,

I think your daughter is too early to learn piano right now.

Learning piano is different from music playgroup.
During the music playgroup lesson, there are group activities, everyone takes terns to try different instruments. They would sing and play. However, during the piano lesson, kids have to sit and practice. Don't forget, you have to practice piano with her at home everyday. It's not easy for a 28 month kid, so does the mother!!!!!!
The other worry is her fingers. Just like writing, we don't want put too much pressure to hands' developing muscle.Therefore, I suggest she can stay in the playgroup until 3 and start piano lessons afterward.

Yes, I teach piano at home.


積分: 154

發表於 08-12-31 02:24 |只看該作者
Thank you for your advice.... ^o*


積分: 7794

發表於 09-1-3 04:41 |只看該作者
However, I don't know that the piece she is doing, is correct or not... let her teacher correct her on saturday lor..
since she got this new song, she is very lazy..she doesn't want to do the Suzuki pieces.
need to reinforce her..
原帖由 NYmom 於 08-12-26 11:58 AM 發表

Great. We usually can do more than what we can if we have motivation (eg, love that beautiful song, we will try to overcome the difficulty). And self-esteem/ confidence is another important element. ...


積分: 1724

發表於 09-1-5 12:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 09-1-3 04:41 發表
However, I don't know that the piece she is doing, is correct or not... let her teacher correct her on saturday lor..
since she got this new song, she is very lazy..she doesn't want to do the ...

講真,人人都鍾意畀人讚 && 表演,但重複不斷咁練習(如果認真咁練,係應該每 1-2 小節重複彈 3-5次,而不是由頭到尾咁彈幾次),大人都怕,何況細路仔,所以有家長黎搵我,我都會提醒佢學琴唔係玩玩下,要有成效,家長要陪練(當然唔係指家長要識教個小朋友,但要督促,唔陪坐都至少日日問下佢練o左琴未),鼓勵當然少不了(尤其係美國,係亞洲 d 小朋友仲可以迫,係美國要用另一套)


積分: 7794

發表於 09-1-5 23:01 |只看該作者
that is what we are doing, we sit behind her, and told her to do the suzuki book, memorize. (that is what Ms Maggie wants).
we do it with her, sometime, I play with her as well, for those easy pieces, I can play with her. but not as good as she does.
I can understand how boring it is..
therefore, I did not practise piano when I was young, not at all, I don't like it. I would rather learn dancing and drawing when I was young.
Piano is not my cup of tea
原帖由 NYmom 於 09-1-4 11:38 PM 發表

講真,人人都鍾意畀人讚 && 表演,但重複不斷咁練習(如果認真咁練,係應該每 1-2 小節重複彈 3-5次,而不是由頭到尾咁彈幾次),大人都怕,何況細路仔,所以有家長黎搵我,我都會提醒佢學琴唔係玩玩下,要有成效,家長要陪練(當然唔係指家 ...


積分: 1724

發表於 09-1-7 05:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 09-1-5 23:01 發表
that is what we are doing, we sit behind her, and told her to do the suzuki book, memorize. (that is what Ms Maggie wants).
we do it with her, sometime, I play with her as well, for those easy pieces, ...

Great mom.


積分: 7794

發表於 09-1-7 22:06 |只看該作者
not at all..
if I know that I need to teach Amanda when I was young as she does.. I sure listened to my grandma and practise piano.. now..it is too late.
And good on you, your lil one can learn from you..
原帖由 NYmom 於 09-1-6 04:09 PM 發表

Great mom.


積分: 1724

發表於 09-1-11 01:45 |只看該作者
i will play piano in front of my daughter but i will not teach her.
if she wants to learn piano, i will find a teacher for her. (i am afraid i will push her too hard)


積分: 201

發表於 09-1-13 02:22 |只看該作者
Hi NYmom,

Congratulations! Bernadette looks so cute. How are you doing?
Got enough sleep?

I used to live near 20 Ave (Bay 22nd Street) and now moved to 26 Ave. I have two boys, one is almost 4 and the other one is 5 months old. I am glad you have 陪月 to help you. Same as you, my family are also in HK. However, My in-laws came over to help us when I had my little one. Now they are back home. We are on our own again. I miss my undisturbed sleep lor hehe. Anyway, add oil Mommy. We have a lot of supports here.

[ 本帖最後由 dorisbee 於 09-1-13 02:23 編輯 ]


積分: 1724

發表於 09-1-13 12:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 dorisbee 於 09-1-13 02:22 發表
Hi NYmom,

Congratulations! Bernadette looks so cute. How are you doing?
Got enough sleep?

I used to live near 20 Ave (Bay 22nd Street) and now moved to 26 Ave. I have two boys, one is almost 4 and t ...

Hi Doris,
Luckily, Bernadette is quite sleepy and can sleep almost 18 hours a day, I can take some rest.:-P


積分: 201

發表於 09-1-14 02:54 |只看該作者
Hi NYmom,

Good for u. Bernadette really loves Mommy ar!
Dorian used to sleep a lot. But didn't sleep as much as before la. He stayed up late last night and made me so tired today!


