




積分: 1316

發表於 17-5-6 08:05 |只看該作者
我嚟緊去UK,求教,想買個 H牌 so Kelly或lindy自用,係咪真的要先買其他accessories 至可以??有冇咩成功秘訣可以分享下?其實真心覺得呢個牌子嘅銷售手法好有問題,根本唔係為真正用家去想,要你先買一堆accessories 用意何在?為表「誠意」?CC也是luxury brand,都冇呢啲無謂規則…


積分: 7121

發表於 17-5-6 08:32 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Greatgrey 於 17-5-9 08:22 編輯

First q first, I don't think the bags you desire are that difficult to get, especially at Heathrow T3/T5 when you depart however that's really the last option if you fail to get one during your entire trip. (It's cheaper than getting from local stores even with VAT refund anyways) You should try visiting the stores across the cities regularly during the weekdays (from Tues to Fridays, no deliveries during weekend in London), also better be around 11:30 to 12:30 since they tend to receive shipment around 10 or earlier in the mornings. Re: 2nd question, to be fair the policy they maintain cannot be seen as too unfair to all, as H would rather maintain a consistent relationship with regular clients instead of walk-ins, I mean this should be rather understandable from a business perspective, since the supply is way lower than demands, and the GBP is still on the low side, they will continue to restrict the offers when a hack lot of people are willing to spend a fortune a.k.a invest on the brand, not just on leathergoods but also other items since they do like the brand as a whole instead of just their bags. Last but not the least, their fine jewellery or even their silver jewellery are actually rather reasonably priced compared to other equivalent luxury brands. Hope this helps.


積分: 1316

發表於 17-5-6 08:42 |只看該作者
回覆 Greatgrey 的帖子

Thanks for the sharing esp the reminder on the preferred time to shop.Just feel a bit annoyed that some of these so called 'loyal customers' lining up outside are from parallel market instead of the end users. And the policy of the House really benefits these ppl...
Anyway, let's try my luck. Thank you


積分: 7121

發表於 17-5-6 08:46 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Greatgrey 於 17-5-6 08:49 編輯

回覆 aecom 的帖子

Don't worry, so far there is no queuing outside stores in London, though you may have to be patient waiting for a SA. I would recommend you trying the Cadogan Place first, since they are relatively more quiet during weekdays (though hard to say during Summer), I know they do tend to have more stock in the back, NBS is way way too busy these days.


積分: 705

發表於 17-5-6 09:03 |只看該作者
aecom 發表於 17-5-6 08:05
我嚟緊去UK,求教,想買個 H牌 so Kelly或lindy自用,係咪真的要先買其他accessories 至可以??有冇咩成功秘 ...

I stopped by H at Heathrow T5 in May last year and asked if they have any Lindy in stock. SA then showed me L26 and L30 but said I could only get it together with a clic H. So I guess it still requires some spending on accessories but maybe in a small amount.


積分: 4148

發表於 17-5-6 09:37 |只看該作者
My L30 was at Heathrow too, but it was at least 5-7 years before, at that time, no need yo buy anything


積分: 8822


發表於 17-5-7 13:38 |只看該作者
Lindy uk walk in唔難買,不過爭在係咪你鐘意既色者


積分: 23192

發表於 17-5-7 21:19 |只看該作者
aecom 發表於 17-5-6 08:05
我嚟緊去UK,求教,想買個 H牌 so Kelly或lindy自用,係咪真的要先買其他accessories 至可以??有冇咩成功秘 ...

唔知算唔算秘訣...我老公上次去買左條鱷魚皮ge皮帶,佢即比左個birkin ge offer我老公(當然我梗係買左個birkin啦),之後第2次入去(d人認得我老公,但對上1次入去已經係2、3個月前),我老公去問關於我個birkin ge野,咩都冇買,佢又即比個lindy ge offer我老公...


amyamy123    發表於 17-8-30 13:16
wcpcelia    發表於 17-5-15 17:18


積分: 1316

發表於 17-5-8 22:33 |只看該作者
回覆 mrs.tan 的帖子



積分: 7121

發表於 17-5-8 22:48 |只看該作者
回覆 aecom 的帖子

well it also depends on what kind of offers, i.e size Bs in 35cm are relatively easier to come by since hardly anyone wants those these days..


積分: 8191


發表於 17-5-8 23:56 |只看該作者
咁bearn wallet呢啲係咪唔做消費同較易買到?


積分: 16182

發表於 17-5-9 00:03 |只看該作者
B__B 發表於 17-5-8 23:56
咁bearn wallet呢啲係咪唔做消費同較易買到?

Bearn long wallet 好多, short 就少啲


積分: 16182

發表於 17-5-9 00:12 |只看該作者
aecom 發表於 17-5-6 08:05
我嚟緊去UK,求教,想買個 H牌 so Kelly或lindy自用,係咪真的要先買其他accessories 至可以??有冇咩成功秘 ...

我上兩個禮拜喺英國咁多日好少見有So Kelly

Lindy 喺NBS/Cadogan place同Harrods 都有on shelf for display only, 我自己冇諗住買所以冇問過,但如果唔係指定色指定size, 問SA都有機會有貨


積分: 23192

發表於 17-5-9 00:51 |只看該作者
aecom 發表於 17-5-8 22:33
回覆 mrs.tan 的帖子




積分: 2542

發表於 17-5-9 02:26 |只看該作者
London these day is sooo empty everywhere!

I d suggest to try Selfridges first thing in the morning on weekdays!
Buying a little thing always helps

And then Sloane Street (I still call it Sloane Street as it's merely 200 metres away from the old one), there s a male SA who s willing to check for stock and he can speak Cantonese despite studying in London and prefer English as I reckon

Harrods i got no luck throughout the years whatsoever, my fd was offered choices on a L26 n L30 both in feu 2 yrs ago with not small amount of spending

NBS always has Sth in the back but to me it's really difficult to get the SAs bring things out to you (I struggled to build a relationship though managed to score a rodeo recently)

Last but not least I d say your best bet as a walk-in is to try T5 or T3
I got a L30 2 yrs ago; got offered several things like GP, clutches and so on since they opened in T5
My fd had great luck in T3 3 weeks ago and she got offered at least 6 bags including P18, GP36, GP30 and herbag and she was asked to pick one which she most likely would take and the SA unwrapped the plastic to show her...

It's not easy to get a bag in London now but I do believe in law of attraction!

Good luck!! And plz report!! ^^


積分: 1316

發表於 17-5-9 23:42 |只看該作者
回覆 CKLBB 的帖子

Very detailed sharing. Thank you!


積分: 16292

BK Milk勳章

發表於 17-5-10 00:35 |只看該作者
How about in Manchester? Anyone had experience buying anything nice there? Compare to London


積分: 3993

發表於 17-5-10 01:25 |只看該作者
回覆 CKLBB 的帖子

Hehe i think I bought my prunoir bolide from the same male SA in Sloane Street as well. He is super nice and helpful!


積分: 1846

發表於 17-5-11 17:57 |只看該作者
Greatgrey 發表於 17-5-6 08:46
回覆 aecom 的帖子

Don't worry, so far there is no queuing outside stores in London, though you may ...

I remembered you always mentioned if we buy jewelry at NBS it is v likely that they will offer something. However, my experience in last Nov was that I bought a watch with diamonds and some other non leather items. At the end, I didn't get any offers in wallets, not to mention any bags. Would it be the case that they don't give offers to non local anymore due to the lower supply n GBP. Please share your expertise. Thanks.


積分: 7121

發表於 17-5-14 02:57 |只看該作者
回覆 TaboRelex 的帖子

Mind sharing how much was the mentioned watch? Was it a Cape cod? You should have tried asking the sales associate about the possibilities of scoring a bag, she might at first utter the usual words a la "no delivery for the day", but she would likely pass you her namecard, and ask you to email her re: specs you are after. Again from my experience, chances to score a bag really depends on the amount one spends on non-leather items, that's the case in London.


