



積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-9 11:01 |只看該作者
I want my BB to speak fluent English but I hired an Indonesian maid. Now my BB is 5 months + already and she becomes cleverer and cleverer. Sometimes she will smile when I play her English music or DVDs. She also likes me speaking English to her. Smiles more than I speak Cantonese (perhaps English rhythm is like singing?)

My Indo maid is so-so. She can cook and so far she takes care my BB okay. However, she’s quite picky in food, lack of initiative in doing housework (though will obey my orders) and shows long face to me infrequently.

My Indo maid also likes playing with my BB and singing “English” song to her but her English is terrible. I dunno how to stop her singing…

Now, dim ho? Shall I fire her?? I want my maid to speak English to my BB but now my maid is considerably okay.. Hiring a new one will take the risk of hiring a bad maid.. aiya…


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-14 16:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 fleurc 於 09-3-12 22:25 發表
after reading all those complains, i agree that you should fire her too.
Glad that mine is good, she can cook very well, she has worked in HK for 8 years under two employers. When she first came to ...

this time I interviewed the maid in person. i quite like her. i m very worried that ended up she may not be able to join for various reasons.

i've visited almost all reputable maid agencies but only very few maids who know how to take care of babies are available. You are so lucky!

At first wanted to hire a PH maid this time, but none available, so finally hired an Indo maid again.


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-12 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-3-11 23:09 發表

i now live in the same real estate as my mum, so I have dinner with hubby every night there. My hubby and I wash clothes, but mum's maid help me to iron them. My mother helps me to take care of BB ...

i'm surprised that your hubby will wash clothes!! haha My hubby doesn't know how to do this at all!


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-12 23:19 |只看該作者
Actually I interviewed my current maid face to face too... I interviewed mostly Philippines maids and they're all not up to standard. Either not sincere or 'inch', or doesn't want to take care BB, or doesn't like to work in Kln side, or previously work with employers with over 1,500 feet apartment or with 2 maids working together... Finally interviewed mine and she seems sincere.

But then... aiya... I think all maids are the same. Lazy and lack of initiative.

Suen la. I hope my hubby is free this weekend and we'll go 'gambling' and interview Philippines maids again!!

I will NOT fire my maid until I found a replacement. I'm a working mom and my sister just borned a new BB so my mom will not be able to take care BB for me. And my mom-in-law is too old to take care BB la.. So I will 忍! till I found a new one.


積分: 242

發表於 09-3-12 22:32 |只看該作者
wow, after reading all the complains, i agree that you should fire your maid too.
Luckily, my maid is good, she can cook well, take care my baby well and tidy up my house(very tidy and clean). She has worked in HK for 8 years under 2 employers. When she first came to my house, i gave her the notebook, she wrote down all those stuff which i taught or told her what to do. Also after i gave birth, i emplyed the mui yuet for 2 months and my maid learned alot from her too. So far i think she's ok.
I think if you find a new maid next time, better interview her face to face, coz my husband and i were interviewed in person, so that you can through conversations to know her reaction.
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 23:05 發表
Finally some of you support I fire my maid.. hahahah

c-wong, are you okay without a maid? Do you need to cook, wash clothes and dishes and do everything yourself?? Do you have someone come ...


積分: 242

發表於 09-3-12 22:25 |只看該作者
after reading all those complains, i agree that you should fire her too.
Glad that mine is good, she can cook very well, she has worked in HK for 8 years under two employers. When she first came to my place, i told her to follow my way to cook and i gave her a notebook, then she wrote down once she learned the new thing. Also after i gave birth, i employed the mui yuet for 2 months, my maid learned alot from the mui yuet. She's sleeping with my baby, sometimes my baby might cries in the middle of the night and i'm afraid she didn't have enough sleep, then i asked her to take nap in the afternoon, she said( it's ok and no need).
I think if u find a new maid, should interview her face to face, coz my husband and i were interviewed in person, so we can through conversations to see her reaction.
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 13:50 發表

WA!!! Your maid is so 難頂! You can still send me her contacts so I can AVOID hiring her in future!

My maid shares the same characteristics of yours. Whenever I said she does something wrong, she' ...


積分: 242

發表於 09-3-12 22:17 |只看該作者
Finally you have fire your maid, though it's a hard time for you within these two months, but at least you dun have to see her anymore....especially the long face and no need to stay with her now. Hope you are doing fine with your baby.
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-3-11 23:09 發表

i now live in the same real estate as my mum, so I have dinner with hubby every night there. My hubby and I wash clothes, but mum's maid help me to iron them. My mother helps me to take care of BB ...


積分: 501

發表於 09-3-12 13:11 |只看該作者
It's very difficult to find a good helper nowadays. So, think twice, and even thrice before firing one, especially for working moms. There is always a chance that the replacement is worse. Full-time moms with only 1 kid can surely survive but not otherwise, unless there's family support.


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-11 23:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 23:05 發表
Finally some of you support I fire my maid.. hahahah

c-wong, are you okay without a maid? Do you need to cook, wash clothes and dishes and do everything yourself?? Do you have someone come ...

i now live in the same real estate as my mum, so I have dinner with hubby every night there. My hubby and I wash clothes, but mum's maid help me to iron them. My mother helps me to take care of BB abt 4 days/wk at night. I have to take care of her from 8.30am-7.30pm. At first I thought I would be depressed, but I am very fine because BB behaves very well, she rarely cries, I just leave her in her bed most of the times, that's why I can still surf on internet, and have 2 slots of afternoon nap with her. I don't intend to find a part-time maid because I don't want to monitor her (like stealing and breaking things).


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-11 23:05 |只看該作者
Finally some of you support I fire my maid.. hahahah

c-wong, are you okay without a maid? Do you need to cook, wash clothes and dishes and do everything yourself?? Do you have someone come over to her? I think it'd be very tough if there's no maid to help..


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-11 23:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 yamiyami 於 09-3-11 09:58 發表

我都唔贊成你用番佢, 因為佢一番黎, 即係佢勝利同埋更加覺得無左佢唔得, 佢番黎仲串, 到時你無擲企…呢個係大忌, 就算個工人點好都好, 都唔應該比佢覺得無左佢唔掂, 工人始終都係工人, 同埋最緊要佢day one ...

My maid is not a new one. She has finished 3 contracts before. She's rich. She can spend 3K to buy 2 leather jackets.......... So no need to feel pity for her. :;pppp:


積分: 3119


發表於 09-3-11 14:58 |只看該作者
c-wong, I think you're too good to your maid before. My mother-in-law previously hired a thai maid and let her take a nap for an hour. But she took advantage on this and the nap lasted longer and longer. She even took a thai magazine to the toilet, stayed inside and read it for half an hour every morning. Since she worked there for 4 years already and she took good care of the family, my mom-in-law was 隻眼開隻眼閉......Hence my in-laws asked me to be strict to the maid at the beginning coz 好多野無得返轉頭.

chowhui, your maid is not good wor. But before you fire her, you have to make sure someone can take care of your baby at the moment coz the waiting time for hiring a new maid is at least 2 months.


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-11 14:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 14:03 發表

你話工人同我爭bb 寵, 証明佢鍚bb, 咁諗似乎都好有道理... 不過真係好鬼唔識做!

講真, 佢成日都話好鍚bb啦, 但係我成日見到啲嘢都唔係:

1) 星期日bb喊都唔會想抱佢, 試過由得佢喊到c係toilet沖涼沖成 ...

normally maids who treat BB good will go to carry her instantly when she cries! this proves that your maid is lazy or doesn't love your bB lor. I don't see a reason why u shd keep her. Fire!


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-11 14:07 |只看該作者
Ms. Chow, I think you shd fire your maid too. She's not a good maid, she may even teach your girl to tell lies to you when she grows up. You still have time to look for a new maid. I hired a new maid, interviewed her in person and I quite liked her. She will be on board after 2 mths.

You are right, in office, we always have to smile, not even to boss, but to all colleagues to keep better relation.

She stimulated my anger (the last time she cld make me angry) when I went to kitchen and she said I scared her to death, then I replied (the only time I 'bok jui' to her) 'i always scare u ga, u have a small gut', then she 'bok jui' again saying lots of words which I cldn't hear as it was noisy in kitchen because she was cooking. i went mad and called agent immediately to pick her up and informed her that I fired her.

I treated my maid quite good, let her turn on TV to watch herself with BB, let her take afternoon nap (2 hrs!), didn't push her to do anything. I was even fearful to ask her do smthn because I knew I wld suffer from seeing long face or being challenged. Don't understand why she always 'ha' me. Next time I must be strict to the maid. I think I am too 'num seen' to the maid.


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-11 14:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 yamiyami 於 09-3-11 09:58 發表

我都唔贊成你用番佢, 因為佢一番黎, 即係佢勝利同埋更加覺得無左佢唔得, 佢番黎仲串, 到時你無擲企…呢個係大忌, 就算個工人點好都好, 都唔應該比佢覺得無左佢唔掂, 工人始終都係工人, 同埋最緊要佢day one ...

你話工人同我爭bb 寵, 証明佢鍚bb, 咁諗似乎都好有道理... 不過真係好鬼唔識做!

講真, 佢成日都話好鍚bb啦, 但係我成日見到啲嘢都唔係:

1) 星期日bb喊都唔會想抱佢, 試過由得佢喊到c係toilet沖涼沖成半個鐘有多都唔出離幫手 (平時沖15-20分鐘)
2) 夜晚bb醒要飲奶佢成日伸手"呵"下bb就算, 有次又係星期日bb超肚餓佢都唔餵, 要等到bb叫, 我係隔離房聽到bb勁肚餓的聲音先發現, 佢仲係度訓覺唔理, 聽若無睹, 俾我即炳
3) 因為bb重佢又lazy, 放bb係大脾上餵, 攪到bb成水平線咁滯飲奶, 跟住"族"親
4) 因為bb眼訓飲奶先飲得好, 又係佢lazy, 唔肯同bb換完片醒晒先餵奶, 費事佢飲咁耐, 就係咁, 試過飲完奶換片勁嘔奶!
5) 話咗唔俾bb食手指, 但因為bb訓要啜啜下先訓, 見到當見唔到, 由得佢... 唉!
6) 成日叫我地唔好抱bb暗佢訓, 每次bb自己訓就會同我地講bb自己訓先訓得好... 又係lazy唔想平日成日要抱住佢.

我又真係唔係好覺佢對bb好好喎! :;pppp:


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-11 13:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-3-11 00:06 發表

your maid is very 'dor jui', just like mine.

my maid's attitude is super 'larn ding'. whenever I went in the kitchen when she was there, she wld reply 'u scared me to death la' and then her body t ...

WA!!! Your maid is so 難頂! You can still send me her contacts so I can AVOID hiring her in future!

My maid shares the same characteristics of yours. Whenever I said she does something wrong, she's got an excuse. Like when I said why this is dirty. Then she will say today I'm very busy so no time to clean it. She said like she cleans it everyday but just not today. But the dust shows she hasn't cleaned for few days or week! Sometimes when I say something she did wrong, she will say 婆婆話 or 女麻女麻敎 but in fact they didn't.

She's super picky in food and her living standard. She doesn't like eating 隔夜餸 and refuse with many reasons, like eating it will make her have stomach, doesn't like, no need, will make her sick etc. Apart from pork, she still has a long list of other food she doesn't eat. ho ma farn! She ain't 捱得 as well. She needs to use hot water to wash clothes or even wash face in the morning even it's nearly 20'C now (and without my permission)!!!! Once I also found her using heater and relaxed in her room (with BB sleeping) at 3:00pm! OMG and she still lied to me she used the heater for BB changing diaper! Then I asked her when did she change the diaper she said around 2:30pm! Can't stand it relaxing at home but still enjoying the heater (and the temp wasn't THAT cold...) Once she worked the whole day on Sat. She asked me to feed BB on Sun and said she's feeling sick..

haaaa... so she's not as good as most of you describe.

c-wong, if I were you and if my maid 'haaa' to me or ask 'again?' after my instruction, I will definitely show her long face and ask her 咩意思. Can't stand we pay for them but still need to tolerate them all the time. I always wonder, we will never show long face to our boss, but why the maid will?!


積分: 3119


發表於 09-3-11 09:59 |只看該作者
Wa....after hearing all the above incidence, I found that my maid is super good. Her English is not fluent and only speaks single words or phrases to me, but she will ask if she doesn't understand. She loves my bb and likes to play with him. She cooks good food and sometimes tries new food. She's willing to take day off on any weekdays. The most important thing is, she never shows long face to me, she will only keep silence if she doesn't agree with me.

Last Sunday it's her birthday, I gave her "lai see" and she's so grateful. But after that, she did sth wrong which made my hubby angry. She cried and said sorry to my hubby, and even asked me what my hubby would like to eat for the coming days as she wants to 續罪.

Of course she has some common problems that most of the maids have, she likes to complete the task on her own way, make decision herself, always looks for an excuse when doing sth wrong...

chowhui, I think your maid is very ok indeed. Of course she should not be "dor jui". If I were you, I would stare at her and said, "thank you for playing with the baby, please go and do your housework now". I seldom scold my maid, but sometimes I will remind her "I'm the boss" in different way.

c-wong, your maid is really "inch". As you're a full-time mama and have to handle your maid 24 hours a day, it's really "lan ding". But it's not easy to look for a maid now. It seems we all expect to look for a maid with the following characteristics:

fluent Eng, love and can take care of bb, cook good food, obedience, smart...

But the truth is: there is no such kind of maid in this world. As long as she's kind hearted and devoted, it should be more than enough.


積分: 8618

發表於 09-3-11 09:58 |只看該作者

我都唔贊成你用番佢, 因為佢一番黎, 即係佢勝利同埋更加覺得無左佢唔得, 佢番黎仲串, 到時你無擲企…呢個係大忌, 就算個工人點好都好, 都唔應該比佢覺得無左佢唔掂, 工人始終都係工人, 同埋最緊要佢day one 一入黎, 就要食住佢, 要求嚴謹d, 但並唔係叫你成日鬧佢, 唉…總之manage 一個工人仲難過manage 間公司呀..哈…


唔好因為佢language 既問題炒佢, 你諗下, 佢黎左7個月都無, 仲要還錢比agent, 佢full payment 都未袋就炒佢, 佢會好慘架…佢又唔係因為偷野打bb犯c 罪, 照你咁講, 佢都好鍚bb 啦…我都做左人地呀媽2次, 我都好明你感受, 我大囡都好痴我舊工人, 當左佢係呀媽咁滯, 不過我可以話你聽, 佢大左會知邊個係佢呀媽, 邊個買玩具比佢, 邊個同佢出街, 邊個對佢最好….媽咪既愛同工人係好唔同….到佢大少少, 就要manage 佢, 呢d 後話啦, 遲d 可以分享下…例如點樣比佢知工人同媽咪既分別….你工人同你爭bb 寵, 證明佢都好鍚你bb, 所以你都要諗清楚…


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-11 00:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-10 23:37 發表
Haha c-wong, your maid seems good:
"good in cantonese and english, careful, loves my BB, can do chores well, can cook very very good food"! Perhaps you can ask your ex-maid to come to work for me!! : ...

your maid is very 'dor jui', just like mine.

my maid's attitude is super 'larn ding'. whenever I went in the kitchen when she was there, she wld reply 'u scared me to death la' and then her body trembled (she pretended to tremble). When I asked her to tidy up her bed after nap, she 'bok jui' and said she needs to sit on the bed to feed milk, I said u could use a chair ma. she finally tidied her bed but then gave me a big 'ai' (sigh) after tidying. she showed me long face whenever i saw her. My mum asked me to store the vacuum cleaner in maid's room, she heard and replied ' i have no way to walk la if i put inside'. when i asked her to do smth, she looked at me and long face, i didn't know if she wld do it or not. or sometimes i asked her to do smthn now, she said 'i always do this ga la'. she wld do the chores herself but if u asked her to do smthn, she wld not.

actually she's not too clean, only cleaned the floor once in 2 days, cleaned the car once in 2 weeks. once i asked her to clean car, she said 'again'??

PM me if u still want this maid, i know she's still in HK. My sis in law called her, she has intention to work for me again, but I'd rather 'sun fu' for 2 mths than seeing a long face for another 2 mths.


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-10 23:37 |只看該作者
Haha c-wong, your maid seems good:
"good in cantonese and english, careful, loves my BB, can do chores well, can cook very very good food"! Perhaps you can ask your ex-maid to come to work for me!!

It seems EVERYONE asked me not to fire my maid.. aiya.. Actually I admit that sometimes she's okay. At least I feel okay to let her stay with my BB alone. But sometimes she's really 難頂!

I quoted this incidence which I complaint in other forum (dun want to type all the text again...)

我同囡囡玩, 我係咁叫"媽媽媽媽媽..", bb一聽就係咁笑, 笑到咔咔聲, 從未試過笑得咁大聲架! 攪到我鬼咁開心!! 個工人行入房, 我就好開心同佢講"你睇下佢幾開心". 跟住bb又同佢笑, 佢就亂講一通, 係度"呀呀呀", "bu bu bu"咁, bb一聽又係咁笑, 跟住一盤冷水潑埋離話"講咩都笑啦", 跟住又再用不同的音引囡囡笑, 囡囡一笑佢就話"睇下"... 連續最少6, 7次唔識停, 仲要對住囡囡講"豬豬豬豬豬"咁, 囡囡又係度笑, 佢又話"嗱"!

瀲c我!! 好似唔抵得我同囡囡玩得咁開心咁, 佢有時真係好鬼超變態!


