




積分: 320

發表於 09-3-9 21:56 |只看該作者
我係9月媽媽, 去完吉之島同埋一田仍然冇乜頭緒, 想一次過請教以下有關bb用品的問題, 麻煩俾d意見:

1. 買bb床有冇特別要留意的地方? 如安全性, 質料, 原產地等等. 有冇話邊隻牌子好d?

2. bb車係咪 combi 好? 一田有隻超抵C-Max 台灣做嘅, 後來聽人講台灣野唔得, 所以冇買到.

3. 諗住喂人奶 - 奶樽+奶咀係咪 chu chu (for 人奶果隻) 最好呢? 係咪一定要揀PPSU呢?

4. 奶泵 - 邊隻最好用呢?

Thank you 晒!


積分: 49501

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 09-3-11 12:06 |只看該作者
1. bb床我買有牌子(minimoto)得嚟又唔太貴($11xx),因為身邊人的經驗是小朋友不会真的瞓到3歲
2. bb車我覺得最緊要穩!因為推住周圍去. 個人認為一分$一分貨.咁我又無買勁貴嗰啲(~$3000),but 係 made in italy 的
3. ppsu->無"雙分a",但我買了更多glass的,我怕事,覺得glass更安全
4. 我用medela的swing,很好用,但相對比較貴.呢样你可以再比較吓


積分: 320

發表於 09-3-11 20:18 |只看該作者
太好啦, 你答晒我d問題. 萬分感謝!

原帖由 hellomiffy 於 09-3-11 12:06 發表
1. bb床我買有牌子(minimoto)得嚟又唔太貴($11xx),因為身邊人的經驗是小朋友不会真的瞓到3歲
2. bb車我覺得最緊要穩!因為推住周圍去. 個人認為一分$一分貨.咁我又無買勁貴嗰啲(~$3000),but 係 made in italy 的
3. p ...


積分: 239

發表於 09-3-18 13:35 |只看該作者
~bb床,我都係用minimoto, 我覺得ok, 因為我唔會需要佢放喺我床邊落低個欄訓, 只要安全同埋可以效高低已經夠.

~另外bb車, 我用緊chicco,$2xxx果隻, 我覺得好大駕,但係好穩陣, 轉彎好smooth, 同埋下面個'dou'夠大,行shopping mall 可以唔洗拎野, 同埋最緊要BB可以訓得平d, bb訓得好c服, 同埋4邊包得好好, bb好有安全感, 但就大駕d lor, 一個人同BB出街,只係可以搭mtr, 唔好諗搭車, 你要諗呢幾點.


積分: 320

發表於 09-3-19 16:48 |只看該作者
唔該晒兩位, 請問邊度有得賣 Minimoto bb 床呀?
同埋 chicco bb車?

原帖由 apus 於 09-3-18 13:35 發表
~bb床,我都係用minimoto, 我覺得ok, 因為我唔會需要佢放喺我床邊落低個欄訓, 只要安全同埋可以效高低已經夠.

~另外bb車, 我用緊chicco,$2xxx果隻, 我覺得好大駕,但係好穩陣, 轉彎好smooth, 同埋下面個'dou'夠大,行s ...


積分: 806

發表於 09-3-19 17:04 |只看該作者
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積分: 40413

2024年龍年勳章 育兒性格勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 09-3-19 17:34 |只看該作者
後尾都係換返個pigeon咀, 但就keep住用返chuchu樽囉


積分: 1234

發表於 09-3-19 18:01 |只看該作者
To September mom

You better buy small things first and large item only at big sale, also u need to wait a closer date to actually know what u want.... mind changed a lot during pregnancy.....

1. bb床
I have bought the Bato BT-10 - the one on sale at Jusco, original price $1790, 20%off+5%off+5%off = less than $1300, size is a little big 27" x 48", can be transformed kid's bed/ computer table, the mattress is inclusive, but I also purchase Sinomax Sweet-B mattress topper - $609, 10% off + 5% off (if member) = $520

At 4-6 months , I think a small bed will do, but I change my mind at last, I purchase bed only close to delivery, because no place, some company can delivery at max. within 3 months, some others within 1 month

2. bb車 - in fact can buy after BB born, first 2 months, likely not use stroller to go out, but will use baby carrier

Combi maybe a bit too small, Chicco is good, got a Chicco Cortina as gift , really great, also on sale now at Chicco from $3xxx+ discounted to $2380
But my mom said maybe too heavy for her, I think it is stronger, and it is for children from birth to 50lbs (50lbs wor !!!!!!) the discounted price is similar to some medium grade Combi, personally I like Aprica, but even more expensive

3.喂人奶 - 奶樽+奶咀係咪 chu chu (for 人奶果隻)
Buy jor chuchu 人奶奶咀, also buy a lot glass bottle, only get a few chu chu PPSU at Jusco BB fair for going out use (heavy and inconvenient to bring glass bottle outside home), heard chuchu bottle can use nuk 奶咀 (my relative use nuk 奶樽+奶咀 for 人奶 ok, but I like glass bottle and PPSU bottle)

4. 奶泵
Do you really need it, for electrical pump, expensive. First, BB maybe not eat, then u may find it too tiring to 泵 when u back to work, if u don't work after BB born, why not eat direct. Chance of contamination of pumped breast milk.
I guess difficult to pump milk at toilet at office, and u need a fridge to keep the milk cold ......
You can buy a hand pump for trying lor if really want ... but don't try it before give birth, will trigger contraction....


積分: 320

發表於 09-3-19 21:12 |只看該作者
Thank you Fanny and V08.

我其實都係問定先啫, 因為9月先出世.

bb mattress 係咪要乳膠還是太空棉還是彈簧? 因為呢個直接影響佢脊骨發展.

Aprica / Chicco bb車真係好貴啊. 有冇平又正嘅choice?

我又未諗到glass vs PPSU plastic 奶樽邊樣好d嘅問題, 因為本身諗住全部用 PPSU 的. 咁樣有冇問題架 (即對bb健康)?

奶泵 - 冇錯, 我係想喂人奶, 但係放完產假要返工, 所以先諗住買奶泵. and 知道冇十全十美嘅事, 如果泵奶會嘗試屋企泵定先返工, 放工返家埋身喂, 唔知work唔work?

原帖由 V08 於 09-3-19 18:01 發表
To September mom

You better buy small things first and large item only at big sale, also u need to wait a closer date to actually know what u want.... mind changed a lot during pregnancy.....

1. bb ...


積分: 1392

發表於 09-3-19 22:07 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 chanfiona 於 09-3-22 11:43 編輯 ]


積分: 2672

發表於 09-3-21 12:55 |只看該作者
No you have to pump at least every 4-6 hours to keep your breastmilk output constant, otherwise your body will secret less breastmilk gradually if you cuts the stimuli. I'd still suggest buying at least a hand pump first (most mom recommend Avent) even I personally use a Medela mini electric, as when you go to work unless you have access to electric supply otherwise you might have to use handpump!

原帖由 edithwongys 於 09-3-19 21:12 發表
Thank you Fanny and V08.

我其實都係問定先啫, 因為9月先出世.

bb mattress 係咪要乳膠還是太空棉還是彈簧? 因為呢個直接影響佢脊骨發展.

Aprica / Chicco bb車真係好貴啊. 有冇平又正嘅choice?

我又未諗到glas ...


