




積分: 3952

發表於 04-11-20 22:04 |只看該作者

2 months old baby

Hi all,

I've a question about my two months old baby boy... I read many books and heard from many other mummies said, baby will start to smile to his/her mom at about two months old, however my baby boy seldom smile, even I know he's very happy (he talk and talk with those BB lanuage and moving his hands rapidly). Everyday I will sing and talk to him for more than half an hour already, and my mom also talk to him when she has free time.
(As I am a working mom, my mom help me to taking care of my baby)
Moreover, I try to call his name on his left hand side (he's facing forward), he didn't give me any response (he didn't turn his head to me, but he pass the hearing test provide by the health clinic, so I assume he didn't have any problem of hearing). Should I bring him to consult those specialists? I am very very worried about him, hope someone can give me advice...

IYY :cry:


積分: 5896

發表於 04-11-21 01:22 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby

我記得我奶奶果時成日對住我呀仔講,床頭婆婆教你笑之類咁說話,我呀仔又真係好钟意笑,2-3個月己識 un 古 un 古


積分: 943

發表於 04-11-21 15:42 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby


I feel you are a very responsible mother because you care your son a lot and pay many attention to simple and small parts of his growth and development even though you have to go to work in daytime. Don't worry too much. Each child has his own growth progress and nobody will have the same as the other one. As you said so your son passed the health test already, why you don't believe that he is healthy enough as any other child ? Be relax and enjoy your time with your son.

My daughter is now 2 years and 2 months old. I remembered very well that when she was 2 months old. She liked her grandmother (i.e. my monther who take care of her when I go to work in the daytime) and father very much. She was very responsive to their voice and would turned around to find and watch them whenever she heard their voice. The same did not apply to me even though I was diligent enough to spend time with my daugther. This simple piece of occasion did not mean that the baby did not like me or any delay in development. This only because baby at different stage of her development will react differently.

There is a oversea baby web providing many useful info including experts advice regarding baby development. It is free of charge and they are operating like BK for advertisement. When you join and registered with your baby birthday, the website will send you info to your email weekly based on the stage of development of your baby. I found that the most useful part of info is the info told me special features of each stage when a baby growth up as well as what I should do to cooperate with my baby stage of growth. Do visit this web site. I think the info may help you to understand your baby more.


積分: 3952

發表於 04-11-21 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby

Thanks! KiKiMon.... The website you'd mentioned is very good... I'd already registered and hope can learn more in that website....
I am facing a lot of pressure of his development, as my MIL always compare my son to her friend's grandson, (they born on the same month), always telling me her friend's grandson knows how to smile when he is one month's old, know how to response to his grandmom and mommy when he's two months old. How come our boy still don't know how to smile and response.... judging me over and over again of I ate too little and gain too little weight during my pregnancy. (I gained only 20 pounds and I almost lost 13 pounds in first 3 months as I lost all my appertize) I start to think is it really my fault... and try my best to talk and play with my little boy in order to speed up his development... but seems no use.... may be I really have to consult a specialist to help...


積分: 943

發表於 04-11-22 00:41 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby


I see.
Of course, this is a competitive world.
But I do want to share with you my view that each baby is unique and special. Learn more positive information and enjoy every precious moment with your son to discover his unique talent. You would found that your son growth up so quick when you looked back at your son 1st, 2nd birthday day.


積分: 2739

發表於 04-11-23 00:34 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby

hello ivy,

As far as I remember infant would not response to his name until 6mth or even later. He would response to sound if he is interested. Some infant would be more sensative to sound but some to touch/light... Some kids laugh more than others while some others observe more.

In short, I can tell you are a good mother that have paid your baby as much attention as you could. You have done a great job, do keep it on. And remember, comparison is such a poison that you'd never want to give your beloved baby otherwise you would never find out how unique your baby is.

Besides, I suppose the doctor would have told you if you had not gained enough weight during your pregnancy. Do relax and enjoy your time with your little one.


積分: 80

發表於 04-11-23 03:14 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby

Yup, correct.... trust your doctor, some people's experience is such an oldies and they dun know it will be a hassle to you.

My baby also two month's old. I talk to him quite offen as I am a housewife. Sometimes, he dun know how to response just because he have a difficulty on moving his head around (see if it can solve your puzzle! ). As he is two months old, he cannot control the muscle very well including hand, neck, foot. Sometimes, his hand hit his face accidentally .
My name is Ho Yin


積分: 3952

發表於 04-11-24 21:23 |只看該作者

Re: 2 months old baby

Thanks for all the warm encouragement from all of you.... No matter he is clever or not, I will love him till the end of the world, so I will try my best....
Ha Ha!!!! My little boy also will hit his face accidentally sometimes... very funny...
I am reading a book called "baby fun" by Anne Knecht-Boyer, it's a stand-up guide to games and activities that will promote baby's mental, physical and social development... I am now follow the book and play with my prince... He seems quite happy with it....


