



積分: 785

發表於 09-8-5 00:42 |只看該作者
Matthew start to pee into the toilet when he just turn 2 yr old two weeks ago(he refused to use his kid potty chair and need to stand up and pee). However, he never told us that he needs to go potty, so I just took him to restroom every 1-1.5 hour ... is it common for toddler won't ask to go pee pee in the beginning of potty training? will they let you know they need to go when they get more used to?

I have few more questions:

1. Matthew would only pee into the toilet, but for poo poo, he still want to use diaper. Should I pay more effort to teach him both pee & poo into the toilet now? or should I take care of 1 issue first, then go for the 2nd issue later?

2. We tried to use cotton training pant instead of pull up diaper at home. However, everytime when he just awoke from nap, he wouldn't hold and just pee on his cotton training pant and make a big mess. Should I just make him wear pull up even at home or any suggestion?

3. I'm a working mom, so granny are the care giver during day time. Unfortunately, Matthew seems don't like too much when granny took him to restroom. 90% of the time I took him to restroom, he would pee; but 60% of time granny told him to go restroom, he refused and said "no pee pee". What can I do?


積分: 2654

發表於 09-8-26 15:55 |只看該作者
Poo poo I guess should let him poo at the diaper at this moment. If you feel comfortable, take him with you when you are going to washroom. And tell him that's how mama does this business. My nephew poo at the diaper until he was 3. My husband said some child feel this is a very important business that he has to be done in a "do not disturb" situation <-- hide at a corner & poo. If you really want to encourage him too poo at the toilet, you could try to take him to poo on the toilet bowl but with his diaper on. May be, a few times later, tell him to try to poo without the diaper is so simple & clean (make some more good reason)...
wish this can help you.


積分: 785

發表於 09-8-28 03:44 |只看該作者
Thanks shiraz.
However, the most headache problem is he is not willing to go potty when granny ask him during day time. He always doing good when I'm at home after work. Let see how things go later la.


