



積分: 1329

發表於 10-2-28 16:18 |只看該作者
我是澳洲CITIZEN,打算明年回澳。或者會生B,好多private insurance 都要12個月waiting period. 如果今年買,邊間好?(eg, medibank, HBA, HCF, etc..... )

唔知其他媽媽有咩意見? 謝謝!


積分: 25364

發表於 10-3-1 19:58 |只看該作者
they are pretty much the same if you are only focus on giving birth.

I guess the different is the excess which will affect the premium.

we use HCF, my friend said medibank is cheap. you can check on their web-site.

原帖由 tammy44 於 10-2-28 16:18 發表
我是澳洲CITIZEN,打算明年回澳。或者會生B,好多private insurance 都要12個月waiting period. 如果今年買,邊間好?(eg, medibank, HBA, HCF, etc..... )

唔知其他媽媽有咩意見? 謝謝! ...
Birth 15/3: W:4.2kg  L:52cm HC:37.5cm
Day 09: W:4.37kg  L:55.5cm HC:37cm
Day 46: W:7kg L:62m HC40.5cm
Day 82: W:~9.2kg L:~66cm
Day 112: W:~10.4kg


積分: 768

發表於 10-3-1 21:58 |只看該作者
If you have plan to give birth in private hospital, then you need to buy it. Otherwise it is not necessary.


積分: 1329

發表於 10-3-5 00:57 |只看該作者

回覆 3# ngtft 的文章

THANKS for your help!

But i dun know what is the difference of giving birth in private hospital vs public hospital?


積分: 768

發表於 10-3-5 21:11 |只看該作者
I think slightly same as in HK of giving birth in priviate and public hospital. But Oz public hospital is better then HK.

Basically, with private insurance and give birth in private hospital, you can choose your doctor, private room (may be) etc but out of pocket money around $2000~$4000.

Public hospital, depends on where you live and register to specify hospital, no choic of doctor, could be doctor student... but totally free of charge.

Medibank private require 12month waiting period which means after 3months you are entitle the claim provided that you give birth on 40 weeks later.

browse this forum you can have different state information, quite interesting



積分: 152003

秋日勳章 炎夏勳章 遊學勳章 春季勳章 趣教勳章 冬日勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 叻叻勳章 有「營」勳章

發表於 10-3-5 22:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 tammy44 於 10-3-5 00:57 發表
THANKS for your help!

But i dun know what is the difference of giving birth in private hospital vs public hospital?

我無買私人保險,我生第2胎時,都係政府醫院,我自己覺得服務非常好 我真係覺得唔需要去私家醫院生BB,而且政府醫院跟進得好好,設備一流!所以我好放心 BB出世後,醫院亦跟得好好 出院時仲1蚊都唔使俾 就算有買私人保險,係私家醫院,BB既費用都要另計ga....
如果係政府醫院生BB,甘產前檢查就會由GP or 醫院去跟進,如果私家醫院就同一個醫生跟進;其他野其實真係差不多,住院方面,其實就算有買私人保險,係私家醫院都唔係住單人房,我係政府醫院,最多人既房係4人房,但好多時都得2個人,所以都ok!

[ 本帖最後由 pigpig 於 10-3-5 22:29 編輯 ]
My Two Princess


積分: 25364

發表於 10-3-6 13:22 |只看該作者
Baby's hospital expenses also covered by insurance. What you need to do is change your plan to cover the baby when you are around 6 or 7 months pregnant.

My baby went to ICU for the first night. My insurance company sent me a statement claiming that they paid $1000 to the hospital.

原帖由 pigpig 於 10-3-5 22:27 發表

我無買私人保險,我生第2胎時,都係政府醫院,我自己覺得服務非常好 我真係覺得唔需要去私家醫院生BB,而且政府醫院跟進得好好,設備一流!所以我好放心 BB出世後,醫院亦跟得好好 出院時仲1蚊都唔使俾:joyo ...
Birth 15/3: W:4.2kg  L:52cm HC:37.5cm
Day 09: W:4.37kg  L:55.5cm HC:37cm
Day 46: W:7kg L:62m HC40.5cm
Day 82: W:~9.2kg L:~66cm
Day 112: W:~10.4kg


積分: 152003

秋日勳章 炎夏勳章 遊學勳章 春季勳章 趣教勳章 冬日勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 叻叻勳章 有「營」勳章

發表於 10-3-6 16:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 Mrs.Kangaroo 於 10-3-6 13:22 發表
Baby's hospital expenses also covered by insurance. What you need to do is change your plan to cover the baby when you are around 6 or 7 months pregnant.

My baby went to ICU for the first night. My ...

My Two Princess


積分: 25364

發表於 10-3-8 05:43 |只看該作者
baby was big and pushing too long. so when he was born, he didn't cry. Dr sent him to ICU for oxygen.

原帖由 pigpig 於 10-3-6 16:22 發表

Birth 15/3: W:4.2kg  L:52cm HC:37.5cm
Day 09: W:4.37kg  L:55.5cm HC:37cm
Day 46: W:7kg L:62m HC40.5cm
Day 82: W:~9.2kg L:~66cm
Day 112: W:~10.4kg


積分: 186

發表於 10-3-8 12:33 |只看該作者
My son was born in public hospital and then my daughter was born in private hospital.

I prefer private over public hospital because,
-- private hospital has night nursery. Nurses settle babies to sleep. Mothers can visit babies whenever they want.
-- In private hospital, I can choose to top up my baby with formula. I did that on the first 3 days when i breastmilk hadnt come in. However, while I was in public hospital, my son cried a lot as he was hungry. Nurses refused to give him formula due to public hospital policy unless i sign consent with it.
-- The private hospital provide a 'little luxury program' in which me, my son, my husband and the newborn daughter all checked in to the 'Coogee beach crown plaza' from day 3 to day 5. There were midwife 24/7 if we need them. We were so relax with our newborn in the ocean view room in compare to the noisy alarms in the public hospital.

With private insurance,
-- i can choose my doctor
-- i have blood test, ultrasounds and all examinations on time. As a public patient, i was waiting many hours for a test.
-- dr checked my baby with ultrasound every single antenatal visit so i can actually see my baby grow while there were only 1-2 ultrasounds done as a public patient
-- I can call my doctor who know me well in case of emergency but i can ring 000 only if i were a public patient.

However, one thing i do say public is better than private hospital because public hospital has better neonatal ICU and adult ICU. In case of serious illness of the newborn or mother, private hospital may bot be able to cope and do need to sent patients to public hospital.

The end result might just be the same, dr and nurses help mothers to deliver babies. Is it necessary to give birth in private hospital, it depends on what you want.


積分: 2106


發表於 10-3-8 19:05 |只看該作者
From my experience, it is not true about topping up with formula.

For my 1st bb, my milk didn't come till day 5. The nurses and lactation consultant did encourage me to keep trying, but they also offered my bb formula at night on my request, as by day 3 I was very tired and worried that my bb was hungry.

This allowed both my bb and me to have a good night sleep.


積分: 186

發表於 10-3-8 20:39 |只看該作者

回覆 11# sbandliz 的文章

Hi sbandliz,
Just wondering when did u give birth for your first baby? Was it long time ago? I gave birth to my son on 2007 Dec at RPA and i was asked to sign consent inorder to top up with formula. I worked there so i know it is the hospital policy.

While nurses in private hospital encouraged me to top up with formula as well as trying for the first few days : )


積分: 2106


發表於 10-3-9 05:30 |只看該作者
Yes, you are right. It has been a few years.

My first bb was in 1999 at Ryde Hospital, last bb in 2004 at RNS then Ryde.

All my bbs have night top up with formula as it took a few days before my milk came with all of them.


積分: 186

發表於 10-3-9 10:53 |只看該作者

回覆 13# sbandliz 的文章

Perhaps i was the unlucky one. I still remember fresh because i asked for formula from day one till day 3 and every staff told me to try more. Both me and my husband were so worry and my baby kept crying and ...i had to say ..starving . Nurses kept squeezing my nipples inorder to get a ml of colostrium for my bb. I asked and....I beg the staff to give him formula... got to the point that my husband was angry end up ...with the staff gave me consent saying that i have to take all responsibilities if the breastmilk not comes in as i requested for formula. This sort of experience i will never forget.

By the way, i just rang RPA to confirm that mothers need to be consent inorder to top up formula for their babies. But also been told different hospital have different policy. At RPA consent is required. So obviously at some public hospital like RNS and Ryde ...babies are encoraged to have formula before milk comes in.


積分: 2106


發表於 10-3-9 11:34 |只看該作者
not exactly encouraged as such... - they only gave it on request by mothers.

Also, they too make sure I try very hard during the day and early evening - but that bottle of formula half way through the night made it just a bit more bearable for me.

Maybe I was lucky - the staffs at the hospitals have been fantastic, very supportive.

(or maybe they changed policy in the last few years on formula top ups)

[ 本帖最後由 sbandliz 於 10-3-9 11:42 編輯 ]


積分: 186

發表於 10-3-9 12:05 |只看該作者
I have to say that all staff at RPAH..both nursing and medical are very nice, knowledgeable and supportive but they got no choice but to follow the ' formula top up' policy ; (


