



積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-21 16:35 |只看該作者
出年就要去美國. 而家睇緊多d 美國的生活需知.
成日聽人講呢, 美國睇醫生好貴好貴, 我想問我自己同老公都有係hk買開d medical insurance, 即係有咩事起來入院動手術都叫有得claim 果d, 但小朋友就冇買開, 我地係咪都要幫佢地買呢? 有咩傷風感冒睇醫生係咪多數睇private doctors? 一般幾多錢呢, 有冇所謂公立醫院/門診果d呢?

另, 美國政府有冇咩退休保障俾citizen 呢? 打工的係咪都係自己加employer 一起供retirement plan? 係咪compulsory 的? 老人家有冇好似香港果d 生果金果d野既呢?

好多問題, 請指教~


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-28 20:11 |只看該作者
我會盡量回覆因為我自己經歴過, 好多媽咪都係過客, 嚟咗settle down都消失, 但我唔想咁做...
clara幫我好多, 你可以向佢請教.
new info from Washington news 話佢哋會引入gifted program 俾Washington DC, VA 同maryland 等地, that is a good news
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-27 08:58 AM 發表
傻啦! 你咁詳細俾咁多資料我,我好多謝你就真呀! 其實你要返工又要照顧小朋友,仲咁詳細提供咁多INFO,好欣賞你咁熱心呀! 呢度D媽咪都好幫手呀! 如果你唔得閑,唔一定要答我的,討論區的好處就係可以大家分享嘛,冇壓力的,係咪? :) ...


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-27 21:58 |只看該作者
傻啦! 你咁詳細俾咁多資料我,我好多謝你就真呀! 其實你要返工又要照顧小朋友,仲咁詳細提供咁多INFO,好欣賞你咁熱心呀! 呢度D媽咪都好幫手呀! 如果你唔得閑,唔一定要答我的,討論區的好處就係可以大家分享嘛,冇壓力的,係咪? :)

其實我仲有D稅務問題想問,不過真係太TECHNICAL,我托左朋友去介紹左個 TAX ACCOUNTANT 去問了。我仲買左D講美國生活需知D書來睇,都知多左好多野呀~

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-27 21:15 發表
Dear Cathy,
I am so sorry for the message I wrote, I wish you will accept my apologies. As I don't have much time online everyday, and this messages did take all my effort.
Hope you will forgive me.


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-27 21:15 |只看該作者
Dear Cathy,
I am so sorry for the message I wrote, I wish you will accept my apologies. As I don't have much time online everyday, and this messages did take all my effort.
Hope you will forgive me.
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 08:12 PM 發表
我老公係美國讀書,已經係十幾年前了。物價各樣野都唔同晒。同埋佢一讀完就番左HK了,未試過係美國做野的。當時係INTERNATIONAL STUDENT 身份,冇留意過D醫療退休果D野。




積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-24 09:12 |只看該作者
我老公係美國讀書,已經係十幾年前了。物價各樣野都唔同晒。同埋佢一讀完就番左HK了,未試過係美國做野的。當時係INTERNATIONAL STUDENT 身份,冇留意過D醫療退休果D野。


呢度各位媽咪好幫忙,我知多左好多呢! 我同老公講番,佢先知原來美國D物價都唔同左好多了(話晒已經十幾年)。

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-24 02:00 發表
Well.... I delete my message which I posted with all my anger there.
I apology if anyone had read it already.

As your husband has the education here for at least 4 years.
He should know everyt ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-24 02:00 |只看該作者
Well.... I delete my message which I posted with all my anger there.
I apology if anyone had read it already.

As your husband has the education here for at least 4 years.
He should know everything better than I do.
I guess, I don't have any input at the moment which can help.
If you have something that your husband doesn't know, feel free to come and ask again.

[ 本帖最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-23 13:25 編輯 ]


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-23 21:14 |只看該作者
Hi Nillie,
我都會打算去到SETTLE左,會再搵野讀。NURSING 我諗未必了 (我連人地幫我打針我都驚 ),不過都LIKELY 會搵D專業野來讀。:)
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-23 20:27 發表
你老公份工有冇license/or special cert?? 如果有, 最好就先喺hk就定"verification of license/certification". 美國做工, unless 係美國大學畢業, otherwise 係要去做認證
咁就可以慳返時間揾工, 試吓monsto ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 20:27 |只看該作者
你老公份工有冇license/or special cert?? 如果有, 最好就先喺hk就定"verification of license/certification". 美國做工, unless 係美國大學畢業, otherwise 係要去做認證
咁就可以慳返時間揾工, 試吓monstor.com 有冇幫助, or 佢自己知係要揾乜嘢工, 就search 定, 知道人哋request 你provide 乜嘢資料, 咁到時就唔會寄出多份resumes而冇response.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 12:54 AM 發表

其實美國多唔多工有offer pension?
我地都係要自己儲一舊錢, 投資下令資產增下值. 其實我地父母冇樓果d 俾我地的, 我地而家要養父母, 養自己, 養仔女, 仲要plan 埋retirement, 真係好大壓力呢~ ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 20:20 |只看該作者
try monstor.com this is the global website.. for jobs..
Ask your husband to do some research on his own, and see what he wants.
my parents, they were the same as you.. they take care of their parents at the same time to take care of us and planning for their retirement when they were 30+...
Therefore, I can understand your feeling. as I was the child of my parents whom has to take care of their parents and 3 of us (me, my bro and sis).
My father worked very hard and have a job with pension.
That is what I learnt from.
Therefore, when I turned 18, I found out the first profession I was, will not provide such a thing--"pension", so I quit that profession, and go for another one-- Nursing. (see... 你會發現我唔係 80後因為我冇童年!..haha)
now, I don't need to take care of my parents, because they have pension, I will give them pocket money on and off, and paid their trip to travel, that's it, for the rest, I keep all my salary to daily bills and the rest into all kind of retirement fund.

It is not that hard to be a nurse in US, some BK moms here in NYC, they came and they met me, and they went for their RN studies from beginning, and this summer, one of them graduated and become RN.
If you believe that you need to make a different, once you send your children to school, you go back to school as well.. Our President Obama, wants all the stay home mom to go back to school with finanical support, although, I am not so sure you will be qualified.. but why don't you go and ask for it?
Get a profession with "LICENSE"... to secure your job, plus .. usually job with license will offer pension too.. and Union!!!!
Under Union, you will have better benefit.
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 12:54 AM 發表

其實美國多唔多工有offer pension?
我地都係要自己儲一舊錢, 投資下令資產增下值. 其實我地父母冇樓果d 俾我地的, 我地而家要養父母, 養自己, 養仔女, 仲要plan 埋retirement, 真係好大壓力呢~ ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 19:58 |只看該作者
That... hum.. your husband needs to go and do some research on it.
if your husband is going to work for government or big organization (like the one I work for, over 100 years), they usually offer pension for their staffs.
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 12:54 AM 發表

其實美國多唔多工有offer pension?
我地都係要自己儲一舊錢, 投資下令資產增下值. 其實我地父母冇樓果d 俾我地的, 我地而家要養父母, 養自己, 養仔女, 仲要plan 埋retirement, 真係好大壓力呢~ ...


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-23 13:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-23 07:02 發表
Please don't do it that way.. it is what people whom work for 30 or more years (whom salary were very low that time).
also, the $1500 at 2010 will not be the same at 2040. $1500 at 2040, will be noth ...

其實美國多唔多工有offer pension?
我地都係要自己儲一舊錢, 投資下令資產增下值. 其實我地父母冇樓果d 俾我地的, 我地而家要養父母, 養自己, 養仔女, 仲要plan 埋retirement, 真係好大壓力呢~


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 07:02 |只看該作者
Please don't do it that way.. it is what people whom work for 30 or more years (whom salary were very low that time).
also, the $1500 at 2010 will not be the same at 2040. $1500 at 2040, will be nothing, plus.. after this "baby boomers" Medicare might be bankrupt. So, do not expect that Government is going to support you when you get old. Me and my husband only get the job that offer pension, also with 403K (retirement fund -from us and our employer), plus having the IRA, and also have life insurance.
Well.. another thing is.. I agreed to do my naturalization last year, to fulfill my husband and my father in law's psychological needs.. as I am an American, I can keep my Social Security with me even if I wanna return to HK when I am old.
Well, my retirement should be fine, as I paid a lot of tax, plus the IRA, pension, 403K + life insurance (if my husband leaves first). Sure have to plan now.. and same here.. I don't want my children to take care of us (on finanical side) as I planned to get them house and vacation home when they get married. Just like what my father did for all of us. ^o^
American got 2 types.
they don't do savings.
one group, they spent every penny they have. and they are old, they apply for medicaid
another group, they don't have cash saving just like me, because it is inside all kind of retirement fund. Like me, I have no saving in my bank!!
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-22 08:35 AM 發表
Thanks Nillie,

$1500 (Assume老公+自己果份)的SOCIAL SECURITY, 如果自己有屋,可能會好D? 不過又有PROPERTY TAX,都唔少錢。ANYWAY 都要自己儲錢啦。 老左真係唔想搞到要D仔女養我地啦。
不過聽人講美國人冇SAVING,咁佢地老 ...


積分: 781

發表於 10-7-23 02:23 |只看該作者
opps sorry, I got mix up with Medicare and MediCal (medi-aid). Thanks Nillie for clarify it.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-22 08:19 發表

Thanks Bunnymonkey,
Medicare and social security 都要低收入/資產審查先可以有?不過都見好多WEBSITE 話,去到我地老時,可能呢D野己經不存在了。


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-22 21:35 |只看該作者
Thanks Nillie,

$1500 (Assume老公+自己果份)的SOCIAL SECURITY, 如果自己有屋,可能會好D? 不過又有PROPERTY TAX,都唔少錢。ANYWAY 都要自己儲錢啦。 老左真係唔想搞到要D仔女養我地啦。

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-22 19:51 發表
Medicare 係聯邦醫療, 只要係公民, 做40個credit, 有交稅, 65歲以上不查收入自動擁有.
如果唔符合以上嘅條件, or 只有green card. 只要你over 65歲, hold green card over 5 years, 自已親身去social soci ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-22 19:51 |只看該作者
Medicare 係聯邦醫療, 只要係公民, 做40個credit, 有交稅, 65歲以上不查收入自動擁有.
如果唔符合以上嘅條件, or 只有green card. 只要你over 65歲, hold green card over 5 years, 自已親身去social society 嘅human Resource administration (HRA) office apply亦可 (但只cover Part B-medical).

Social Security 係你由工作嘅credit, add up 而成, 千幾蚊係average...但租金喺Brooklyn, New York平均都1000, 仲有水電, 食, 搭車, 睇醫生, 配有co-pay--->邊夠用呢??
冇做工,全職/part time湊仔女嘅婦女, 只要與同一位丈夫已婚10年, 到65歲就會有medicare 同social security(1/2 老公SS嘅金額). 係政府俾我哋架... (政府點知???你年年有報稅-同老公joined tax file, 政府咪知囉!!)
Medicaid--其他州有其他名... 係政府救濟/補助--俾低收入, 要低收入/資產審查先可以有!!!!

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-21 07:19 PM 發表

Thanks Bunnymonkey,
Medicare and social security 都要低收入/資產審查先可以有?不過都見好多WEBSITE 話,去到我地老時,可能呢D野己經不存在了。


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-22 08:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 bunnymonkey 於 10-7-22 06:38 發表
If you don't work, you may get social security (when you are old enough) through your husband if he has 40 credits when he retired. I think when you are >=65, you can apply medicare if you are qualify ...

Thanks Bunnymonkey,
Medicare and social security 都要低收入/資產審查先可以有?不過都見好多WEBSITE 話,去到我地老時,可能呢D野己經不存在了。


積分: 781

發表於 10-7-22 06:38 |只看該作者
If you don't work, you may get social security (when you are old enough) through your husband if he has 40 credits when he retired. I think when you are >=65, you can apply medicare if you are qualify (low income enough?).


Depends on your situation and what you like. Some people like to take care of their kids and spend more time with them in daily basic. Some moms may prefer to work and let the school/babysitters take care of the kids during day-time. Many pre-k and elementary schools ended the day at 2:30pm - 3pm. My son's school has extended care till 6pm. So, if you are working full-time, you may need to consider finding someone to pick up the kids for after-school or stay in the same school for extended care (if available).

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-21 22:50 發表
Thanks Nillie,

老公會番工,但我會係家庭主婦,咁咪冇MEDICAL 又冇得儲CREDIT? 咁老左咪冇SOCIAL SECURITY 又冇MEDICARE? 我上網見D SOCIAL SECURITY 都成1000蚊播!
BTW,其實小朋友番左學係咪會多D時間可以返到工既呢?我D仔 ...


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-21 22:50 |只看該作者
Thanks Nillie,

老公會番工,但我會係家庭主婦,咁咪冇MEDICAL 又冇得儲CREDIT? 咁老左咪冇SOCIAL SECURITY 又冇MEDICARE? 我上網見D SOCIAL SECURITY 都成1000蚊播!

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-21 20:02 發表
如果係打老番工---好似我哋咁, 有check, 同有W2 form 報稅, 公司會有insurance plan俾你揀, depends on 你哋嘅職位, 有的全包, 好似做護士, 有union, 咪好啲囉, otherwise, 佢哋多數喺你pay check 扣錢, 幫你買insur ...


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-21 22:50 |只看該作者
Thanks Nillie,

老公會番工,但我會係家庭主婦,咁咪冇MEDICAL 又冇得儲CREDIT? 咁老左咪冇SOCIAL SECURITY 又冇MEDICARE? 我上網見D SOCIAL SECURITY 都成1000蚊播!

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-21 20:02 發表
如果係打老番工---好似我哋咁, 有check, 同有W2 form 報稅, 公司會有insurance plan俾你揀, depends on 你哋嘅職位, 有的全包, 好似做護士, 有union, 咪好啲囉, otherwise, 佢哋多數喺你pay check 扣錢, 幫你買insur ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-21 20:02 |只看該作者
如果係打老番工---好似我哋咁, 有check, 同有W2 form 報稅, 公司會有insurance plan俾你揀, depends on 你哋嘅職位, 有的全包, 好似做護士, 有union, 咪好啲囉, otherwise, 佢哋多數喺你pay check 扣錢, 幫你買insurance.
佢哋多數有family plan. 一家幾口包晒, 但唔包你哋父母架.
我哋冇點分公立醫院... 唔似香港.. 但醫院係有out patient unit 嘅... 以NYC 為例... out patient 係為冇身份同攞救濟嘅人咗會用, 你未必夠胆去排隊, 我哋有保險嘅, 係睇家庭醫生PMD (primary medical doctor-PCP).
你嘅insurance 係會有network, 指定你可以用邊個醫生 (within the network).
通常會有co-payment (co-pay) depends on 你個insurance plan 平定貴, 有啲冇co-pay, 有時會貴到$45睇一次醫生, 药都分正廠同副药廠, 原廠葯貴啲---我諗你會明架喇.
唔好指望生果金, 佢係一次過發1次得百幾蚊.
反而, 喺喥做工, 揾份有401B, 403K, 有pension嘅工仲好, pension係公司俾嘅. 唔係份份工有, 你要揾工時自已留意
一般有401 or 403..係公司同自己一齊供, 勸:切勿年年轉工, 揾自己笨, 一般at least 供5年至有得攞返or 帶埋去轉工.
做滿10年(40credits) 到老就有Social society.. don't expect too much,到時可能 Meidcare 巳破產....
你做工後可問CPA 會計師, 考慮買IRA.. 退休户口

資料唔多, 請其他媽咪幫幫手!!!
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-21 03:35 AM 發表
出年就要去美國. 而家睇緊多d 美國的生活需知.
成日聽人講呢, 美國睇醫生好貴好貴, 我想問我自己同老公都有係hk買開d medical insurance, 即係有咩事起來入院動手術都叫有得claim 果d, 但小朋友就冇買開, 我地係咪都 ...


