



積分: 1295

發表於 11-3-21 06:29 |只看該作者
妳哋好!我2008年嫁過黎香港,2009年入籍澳洲,之後就一直居住喺香港;2010年6月生咗大女,喺佢4個月大個陣幫佢申請入籍澳洲同攞埋澳洲護照。諗住喺海外生,都應該無得攞baby bonus,所以都無話特別理會。但點知最近聽澳洲d朋友講開,話就算BB喺海外出世,一歲之前返澳洲都仲有資格申請?唔知係咪真有咁一回事?

[ 本帖最後由 Anni3 於 11-3-21 06:30 編輯 ]


積分: 7609

發表於 11-3-21 07:24 |只看該作者
有冇試過打去centrelink 131 202,可以講中文(廣東話)。
原帖由 Anni3 於 11-3-21 06:29 發表
妳哋好!我2008年嫁過黎香港,2009年入籍澳洲,之後就一直居住喺香港;2010年6月生咗大女,喺佢4個月大個陣幫佢申請入籍澳洲同攞埋澳洲護照。諗住喺海外生,都應該無得攞baby bonus,所以都無話特別理會。但點知最近聽澳洲d朋友講 ...


積分: 25364

發表於 11-3-21 09:36 |只看該作者
yes if you come back to LIVE IN AUSTRALIA within 52weeks after your baby was born.

原帖由 Anni3 於 11-3-21 06:29 發表
妳哋好!我2008年嫁過黎香港,2009年入籍澳洲,之後就一直居住喺香港;2010年6月生咗大女,喺佢4個月大個陣幫佢申請入籍澳洲同攞埋澳洲護照。諗住喺海外生,都應該無得攞baby bonus,所以都無話特別理會。但點知最近聽澳洲d朋友講 ...


積分: 1295

發表於 11-3-21 21:57 |只看該作者

原帖由 hk_woman68 於 11-3-21 07:24 發表
有冇試過打去centrelink 131 202,可以講中文(廣東話)。


積分: 1295

發表於 11-3-21 21:59 |只看該作者
Thanks Mrs. Kangaroo. & i've called to centrelink this morning. They told me tat as long as my daughter come back before 1yrs old, she still eligible to get the baby bonus~

原帖由 Mrs.Kangaroo 於 11-3-21 09:36 發表
yes if you come back to LIVE IN AUSTRALIA within 52weeks after your baby was born.


積分: 25364

發表於 11-3-22 08:31 |只看該作者
oh..forgot to tell you, the baby bonus is a 13 installment payment since couple of years ago. (used to be a one off payment)

If you don't come back to live, you wouldn't able to get them all as they have your arrival/departure record. Once you leave the country for a certain period, they will stop the payment.

Moreover, the baby bonus is income test payment. If your household income over certain amount, you are not eligible.

原帖由 Anni3 於 11-3-21 21:59 發表
Thanks Mrs. Kangaroo. & i've called to centrelink this morning. They told me tat as long as my daughter come back before 1yrs old, she still eligible to get the baby bonus~


積分: 1295

發表於 11-3-22 10:33 |只看該作者
,if so i'm definately qualified to get them... coz we're go back for good; i'm full time mother wit zero income; my hubby wil quit HK job n probably take some time to find new job in Oz so... d救濟金攞硬!

原帖由 Mrs.Kangaroo 於 11-3-22 08:31 發表
oh..forgot to tell you, the baby bonus is a 13 installment payment since couple of years ago. (used to be a one off payment)

If you don't come back to live, you wouldn't able to get them all as they ...


積分: 25364

發表於 11-3-22 11:19 |只看該作者
for the income test for baby bonus, FAO test your 6 months household income after your baby was born. not current income. You will need to tell them how much $$ you and your hubby earned for that specific 6 months.

but for 救濟金, then yes test for current income.

原帖由 Anni3 於 11-3-22 10:33 發表
,if so i'm definately qualified to get them... coz we're go back for good; i'm full time mother wit zero income; my hubby wil quit HK job n probably take some time to find new job in Oz so... d ...


積分: 1295

發表於 11-3-23 00:15 |只看該作者
What "IF" after 6mths my C6 still not able 2 get FT job? We still able 2 get the money? For me i got no choice but stay home 2 look after 2 kids

原帖由 Mrs.Kangaroo 於 11-3-22 11:19 發表
for the income test for baby bonus, FAO test your 6 months household income after your baby was born. not current income. You will need to tell them how much $$ you and your hubby earned for that spe ...


積分: 25364

發表於 11-3-23 07:31 |只看該作者
for baby bonus only

that 6 months income referring to the 6 months after your baby was born....if your baby was born on 08-May-10, then, they test your household income received from 09-May-10 to 08-Nov-10. not test the current income. Again, this is for baby bonus.

there is no "What-IF" here.

原帖由 Anni3 於 11-3-23 00:15 發表
What "IF" after 6mths my C6 still not able 2 get FT job? We still able 2 get the money? For me i got no choice but stay home 2 look after 2 kids


積分: 1067

發表於 11-3-23 10:19 |只看該作者
Mrs. Kangaroo,
How could they access our income in HK$ if that 6 mths period we are in HK? Do we need to provide the HK income tax letter to them? The taxable income need to be less than AUD75,000 during that 6mths, right?



積分: 1295

發表於 11-3-23 13:33 |只看該作者
Ic... thanks Mrs. Kangaroo =))

原帖由 Mrs.Kangaroo 於 11-3-23 07:31 發表
for baby bonus only

that 6 months income referring to the 6 months after your baby was born....if your baby was born on 08-May-10, then, they test your household income received from 09-May-10 to 08- ...


積分: 25364

發表於 11-3-23 19:22 |只看該作者
I don't know how do they access for that 6 months income.

but if you just landed and apply for FTB, you need to provide your HK income tax letter to them.

原帖由 rksun 於 11-3-23 10:19 發表
Mrs. Kangaroo,
How could they access our income in HK$ if that 6 mths period we are in HK? Do we need to provide the HK income tax letter to them? The taxable income need to be less than AUD75,000 dur ...


