




積分: 223

發表於 06-3-28 23:00 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

我個仔1歲半個月, 都你坐唔定唔肯睇書, 真勞氣!



積分: 4157

發表於 06-3-29 15:29 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

Amazon... there is promotion now for buy 3 get 4 books, which include Karen Katz and Sandra Boynton board books... u can take a look.

Jkwan 寫道:

May I know where to buy the Karen Katz board books and Sandra Boynton Board books?

Thanks a lot.


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-1 15:22 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

I found the price for Karen Katz books in Paddyfield in the cheapest amond a few online bookstore in HK. Free delivery once you purchase $100 or above. And you can earn "bookbucks" for purchase next time. For Amazon, I think the delivery charge to HK is very high & no need to order those books which are available locally.

I've got a Karen Katz book called "Daddy & Me" lately. My kid likes this as well.


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-9 10:33 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

Some latest favourites of my 2.5-year-old daughter that your 2至3歲的乖寶寶 may also find them interesting:

1) Papa, please get the moon for me (by Eric Carle) - my girl loves the drawing, esp the stars & moon
2) Where are You Going? To See My Friend! (by Eric Carle & Kazuo Iwamura) - she likes the distinctive ways Eric Carle drawn & the dialogues of the animals
3) Blue's Pop-up Surprice! (by Sarah Willson) - lots of exciting pop-ups in the book
4) Poppy Cat's Happy Day (by Lara Jones) - again with 40 fabulous flaps; my girl seems like exploring the flip-flaps of books & read the words inside recently!
5) Chocolate Moose for Greedy Goose (by Julia Donaldson & Nick Sharratt)
6) PENELOPE AT THE FARM (by Anne Gutman & Georg Hallensleben) - my girl likes the cute Penelope & pull the tabs of the book

Look forward to your sharings too!


積分: 7055

發表於 06-4-10 12:46 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

jychan :mrgreen:

最近,我乖寶寶最愛以下數本 ( 她是一隻為食豬, 有關食物的書一直是她最愛 )

1. If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff

我mimi 睇完這本書, 說得最多的句子是 :
if mama give mimi a party……
if mama give mimi a coke/ apple/ candy……
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

基本上, Laura Numeroff筆下的小老鼠, 我女很喜歡,還有這本, 都是跟食物有關,因為婆婆會焗蛋糕給她吃, 每次她想食婆婆的蛋糕,或者告訴我和daddy 婆婆的蛋糕好好味, 一定會找出這本書, 她雖然細細個,不過很喜歡分享當天一些很快樂的經驗, 食蛋糕對於我mimi來說, 很重要, 她可以自己講完這本書, 結合當天婆婆怎樣焗蛋糕的小事
The Best Mouse Cookie Board Book

整個系列,圖畫絕對很可愛, 句子都算是簡單, 我的乖寶寶都開始說完整句子, 跟她閱讀時, 我跟daddy會多些跟她一起讀書中的「句子」, 豐富她的說話組織能力
不過, 基本上仍然是以說故事為主, 亦會以一個open end的方式, 反問小女故事中的主角不當的地方, 盡量要她即時回答正確方法-----小女已經知道自己好些不當行為, 她很多時選擇不面對, 去o左去, 趁她享受閱讀的片刻,通常都要她反省 :mrgreen:

我女跟婆婆最親近, 她十分喜歡書中有婆婆跟孫兒當主角的繒本, 如What Grandmas Do Best What Grandpas Do Best

她這個階段識「代入」, 玩玩具時, 玩role-play
這些繒本,小女最愛讀給婆婆聽 :mrgreen:


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-10 23:50 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

小米米 :mrgreen:
Thanks for the sharing. Tempted to buy all your the books you shared for my babe. She also loves eating all kinds of yummy food & likes books about food

She read a book called "BISCUIT BEAR" by Mini Grey lately. Whenever she sees the Biscuit Bear in the book, she said, "it's so yummy!mommy, i like Bicsuit Bear"

That's why she also likes the book "Chocolate Moouse for Greedy Goose" I suggested. She pretended to lick the chocolate moouse & said, "oh! it's all gone!"

My babe also loves to 「代入」and often looks like an actress when she does role play.

Thanks for your sharing. Gonna order it online.

jychan :mrgreen:


積分: 7055

發表於 06-4-12 00:38 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

jychan :mrgreen:
傻咩, 買得幾多, 你借來睇下先啦 :mrgreen:

我女都是一樣,可能中文字難認吧 ?-(
她現在都背得不錯 :mrgreen:
其實,都是「諗口旺」, 當唱兒歌, 我相信將來讀小學時她會有些印象

另外,小女最愛Tongue Twister, 有Dr. Seuss,Fox in Socks
因為故事跟她的名字有關 :mrgreen:我一直都有跟她一起朗誦 Dr. Seuss的書本,字眼可能對她來說較深, 我只抽取簡單的句子跟她一起朗誦,如
Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say....
New socks. Two socks.
Whose socks?
MIMI( 應該是Sue,不過換左女兒名字) 's socks


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-12 01:44 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

Actually, I have also been teaching my daughter to chant a few "唐詩" in the past few months as a way to train her up to speak more Chinese (as the way she pronounces Cantonese is just like a Gweilo's accent which I think shouldn't be happened in her case as she's a 100% Chinese; no matter how fluent is her english)

Same as your Mimi, 她現在都背得不錯
其實,都是「諗口旺」, 當唱兒歌. Her favourite poems are 春曉, 靜夜詩, 詠鵝, 樂遊原 & she chants them like her favourite English rhymes sometimes. But her accent is still quite Gweilo plus a bit Indonesian (as my maid). Hopefully, glad to see her improving and getting less resistance to Chinese stuff. She even
try to learn to sing the songs "小時候" after watching the TV show twice when she was at Grandma's place.

For Dr Seuss, my girl seems not so interested when I showed her a few of them. She likes stuff of Eric Carle, Anne Gutman, Richard Scarry, Karen Katz most.

Again, nice to share with you (& please forgive my not-so-nice mixture of Chinese & English message as my speed in typing Chinese is really like a snail's walk)


積分: 7055

發表於 06-4-13 11:07 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

jychan :lol:
你不用太客氣, 難得有你肯跟我講下個女睇甚麼書 :-P
我不是太清楚門路買書, 幸好你不是問我這方面, 我才可跟你搭訕

我沒有用flash card, 沒有迷信某一個系列的英文書可以培養我女有出色的語言能力,不過,我信活動教學 :-P

我女發音一樣好似Gweilo, 她好些發音都未咬得清楚, 幸好我的書友提醒下我不要太擔心
mimi 自己個「己」讀「地」, 小朋友個「小」讀「屎」 婆婆已經少在她面前說上海話 ( 我mimi都識講小小 )其實, 我到現在都未拿得準她的年齡的語言環境是否英文、廣東話最好, 不過,現在學校都有講普通話, 我先生則覺得沒有問題,她又沒有混淆

我不是語言學家 :mrgreen: 早前看過龍應台<孩子慢慢來>,她的兒子在德國時都不是單一的語言環境長大,完全沒有問題……

說多了 :mrgreen: 我想培養她愛中文的興趣, 很久以前,曾經自己躺在地上扮一個「大」字, 橫「一」,直「1」,找過一些象形文字, 如鳥, 蟲, 很簡單的字型演變,讓她「識字」
mimi都學得不錯, 你不妨跟令千金玩玩 :mrgreen:

我最近跟她玩手指偶, 她識手指的英文名, 遊戲中學習
不過, 這本書都幫不少忙, 我推介 :mrgreen: 好書好書來, 將十隻十指頭變出我女明白,又充滿想像力的東西, mimi愛到屎的一本書
Piggies by Audrey Wood

再講, 不可以坐得太耐 :mrgreen:


積分: 4157

發表於 06-4-13 15:44 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?


My baby also likes the pop-up / flaps book... may i know where did you buy the below 2 books at good price?

3) Blue's Pop-up Surprice! (by Sarah Willson)
4) Poppy Cat's Happy Day (by Lara Jones)

Also, my baby tends to tear off the flaps when flipping them, do u encounter such problems?


jychan 寫道:
Some latest favourites of my 2.5-year-old daughter that your 2至3歲的乖寶寶 may also find them interesting:

1) Papa, please get the moon for me (by Eric Carle) - my girl loves the drawing, esp the stars & moon
2) Where are You Going? To See My Friend! (by Eric Carle & Kazuo Iwamura) - she likes the distinctive ways Eric Carle drawn & the dialogues of the animals
3) Blue's Pop-up Surprice! (by Sarah Willson) - lots of exciting pop-ups in the book
4) Poppy Cat's Happy Day (by Lara Jones) - again with 40 fabulous flaps; my girl seems like exploring the flip-flaps of books & read the words inside recently!
5) Chocolate Moose for Greedy Goose (by Julia Donaldson & Nick Sharratt)
6) PENELOPE AT THE FARM (by Anne Gutman & Georg Hallensleben) - my girl likes the cute Penelope & pull the tabs of the book

Look forward to your sharings too!


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-13 21:29 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

I bought these 2 books from Page 1 & Bookazens (at Lee Garden II). Forgot the prices & not sure if good bargain. But both below $90 as I can remember.
My baby never ever tears off the flaps of books. If she did it accidentally (as you know some flaps are difficult to flip), she will ask me or my helper to help her stick it back ASAP. I think when you read with your baby & flip the flaps, tell & show her to do it slowly & carefully. Maybe your baby is still small & not so understand the consequences.

Hopefully my baby felt very unhappy whenever her toys or books were broken or torn. She never deliberately make damages to her toys or books.

Don't worry. give your baby a bit more time & she will learn not to tear the books & love them.

fatping1 寫道:

My baby also likes the pop-up / flaps book... may i know where did you buy the below 2 books at good price?

3) Blue's Pop-up Surprice! (by Sarah Willson)
4) Poppy Cat's Happy Day (by Lara Jones)

Also, my baby tends to tear off the flaps when flipping them, do u encounter such problems?



積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-13 21:54 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

Actually I talk in both English & Cantonese with my babe (of course not a mix of both in one sentence). But she usually responses to me in English. However, she understands what I mean in Chinese.

Few months ago, I found her very sensitive to words. In order to let her learn some words to facilitate her reading, instead of flashing cards, I stick the word cards (both Chinese & English) in the wall since a few months ago. I only show her words she understands & are interested in. In this way, she can easily remember the words.

I don't either support or oppose to those using flashcards. However, I think "活動教學" is more effective for kids to learn. Besides, I think my girl can learn to recognise words by reading books. I don't want to push her & learn in fun is always my objective.

Same as what you said," 我沒有用flash card, 沒有迷信某一個系列的英文書可以培養我女有出色的語言能力,不過,我信活動教學" ( I think you use "迷信" perfectly here to describe certain belief of some parents)

On the contrary, I quite believe in myself & my own ways of mixing & modifying different approaches to teach my girl & I am sure I understand my girl the best, not any one of the authority or professional.
As I always says, take those advice or even advoates as reference is good enough. You need to know the possible ways but not to exactly follow what they said. I choose to make my own judgement.



積分: 7055

發表於 06-4-14 01:23 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?


嘻,我由mimi識扶著企開始,已經貼到周圍都是圖畫、字卡 :mrgreen:
洗手間門口貼的是蔬菜、生果中英文的名字----->灌輸食菜先有屎屎的觀念 :mrgreen: ( 我女不肯食一條條的菜, 佢連菜葉都勉強食d d, 好乞人憎 )

我mimi 分得好清楚, 好少聽佢對工人姐姐同學校外國人小朋友講中文, 她分得好清楚邊d 人講中,英文, 亦只會對婆婆講上海話 ( 詞語, 一兩句句子 )、廣東話, 我同先生就兩樣都講
不過,她愈來愈只喜歡講英文, 可能學校的語言環境,加上工人姐姐,愈來愈佔她大部分時間的關係

我想你寶寶上學時, 而你不打算讀國際學校就應該沒有問題

哪種教學方法,都要看小朋友性格, 我信種瓜得瓜 :mrgreen: 要女兒愛看書,主動學習, 父母都要愛閱讀
有一樣精神, 我跟書友Jelly學習 ( 希望她不要打噴嚏
:mrgreen: ), 我跟先生會先女兒幾步, 預先睇一些兒童讀物,而bk 這個書房, 正是我兩老抄下書本做紀錄的地方 未有bb前,可能所有書本都是自己喜好,現在, 十本有一半都是有關女兒的讀物

我跟著好些書友走,亦知道不會錯 :mrgreen:

找對嘴型 :mrgreen: 我好開心 :mrgreen:

我請你繼續講令千金進度,我mimi跟佢一起成長 :mrgreen:


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-14 02:14 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

"未有bb前,可能所有書本都是自己喜好,現在, 十本有一半都是有關女兒的讀物"
--> in my case, now 80% of the books in my bookshelf are my daughter's; 10% about parenting (still related to her); 5% my old books (as most of my old books were sold or given to others to spare spaces for my duaghter's stuff); 5% my own books not related to my daughter.

I like buying books for my girl as it's such a great pleasure to see her enjoy reading a book or listening to my story-telling. That's why I cut my shopping budgets to buy stuff for myself drastically & shift my money on her books. As I can remember when I was a very little girl, I treasure every books my parents bought to me & felt so good to own books which I love. I hope my girl can feel that too & enjoy reading her own books.

However, I seldom showed her books or toys immediately when I bought them home. I will only give her the new stuff as rewards to her good behaviour or sometimes to stop her from crying when she lost her temper.

I will borrow books from library more when she's a bit bigger. At this stage, she thinks her bookshelf is a library & takes the books out to repeat reading them & even put her favourite books in her bed to sleep with her.

"哪種教學方法,都要看小朋友性格, 我信種瓜得瓜 要女兒愛看書,主動學習, 父母都要愛閱讀" --> absolutely agree.

找對嘴型 我好開心 --> Me too :mrgreen:

我請你繼續講令千金進度,我Babe:mrgreen: 跟Mimi一起成長

Cheers! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


積分: 4157

發表於 06-4-14 23:04 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?


May I know how old is your baby now? I just hope my baby will feel unhappy if her toys/ books are broken, hope she can learn how to treasure her stuffs soon...


jychan 寫道:
I bought these 2 books from Page 1 & Bookazens (at Lee Garden II). Forgot the prices & not sure if good bargain. But both below $90 as I can remember.
My baby never ever tears off the flaps of books. If she did it accidentally (as you know some flaps are difficult to flip), she will ask me or my helper to help her stick it back ASAP. I think when you read with your baby & flip the flaps, tell & show her to do it slowly & carefully. Maybe your baby is still small & not so understand the consequences.

Hopefully my baby felt very unhappy whenever her toys or books were broken or torn. She never deliberately make damages to her toys or books.

Don't worry. give your baby a bit more time & she will learn not to tear the books & love them.

fatping1 寫道:

My baby also likes the pop-up / flaps book... may i know where did you buy the below 2 books at good price?

3) Blue's Pop-up Surprice! (by Sarah Willson)
4) Poppy Cat's Happy Day (by Lara Jones)

Also, my baby tends to tear off the flaps when flipping them, do u encounter such problems?



積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-14 23:46 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

fatping 1,
My daughter is now 31 months old.

I think every baby is different. Though my daughter never tear off books, she is naughty in other aspects. Please don't try to compare. Just try to teach her to stop doing the not-so-good behaviours. Besides, it takes time to change; be patient to your baby.


積分: 7055

發表於 06-4-15 02:21 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

jy :mrgreen:
趁我未生細b, 我又唔係好瞓到的晚上
再送Babe , mimi跟佢媽媽喜歡的繒本, 這本書, mimi一樣要放在床邊,跟她心愛的大頭狗放在一起
我很喜歡 Dan Yaccarino, 早陣子惠康的大頭狗是mimi至愛, 她見到這本書開心都叫出來, 你找來看看, 圖畫簡直perfect!!!!!
by Dan Yaccarino


積分: 1222

發表於 06-4-15 15:41 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

Thank you for your great recommendation!!! Actually, I've ordered another book by Dan Yaccarino named OSWALD:

>>>Oswald & Weenie have just moved to Big City and Oswald is worried that he'll have trouble making new friends. But his fears are quickly forgotten when his beloved piano falls down the stairs! One by one, Oswald's friendly neighbours offer to help. Soon Oswald and Weenie meet Henry the Penguin, Jonny Snowman, the Egg Twins, and many other charming characters.

My babe is an octopus fans ( though also a fans of doggies) She tries to count every octopus to make sure they have eight legs. I've also considered to buy the doggie picture books by Dan Yaccarino but my babe have lots of books about different doggies already & so I bought the Octopus one first to see if she is interested in Dan Yaccarino's style.

Unlovable has already been added to my wish list in my online bookstore order a/c for a month. Thanks for the recommendation again & I think I will add it to shoppping cart next time.


積分: 5600

發表於 06-4-19 09:14 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

Thanks for your sharing. I have borrowed 2 x 亮亮 from my son's day care centre


積分: 5600

發表於 06-4-20 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: 2至3歲的乖寶寶, 又看些甚麼?

I read the 1st 亮亮 book to my son last night, he is so so so interested.


