



積分: 2299


發表於 06-7-24 00:10 |只看該作者

小小性知識 the birds&the bees

[size=large]ON TVB Peral every Sunday 8:05 The Birds & the Bees (Eng/Can Bilingual) (S)

小小性知識 the birds&the bees



‘I’ finds a picture without ‘I’ while looking through a family album and starts to get curious about where ‘I’ came from. ‘I’ starts to talk and imagine about sperm and ovum with her friends at the playground. The children go to ask the mom and dad about them in the end. So the mom and dad explain to them about the physical differences between men and women and tells them a story about the long journey taken by sperms in search of ovum.

就算全個世界 亦都失去 他也在這裡 全場突然寂靜 他都給我衷心的讚許 就算誰愛過我 又給收去他熾熱不退 旁人視為負累 他偏不覺苦 靜心等我歸去 如何大成大敗 他的寵愛中 亦都只有一歲 共誰玩 共誰做伴侶 進步到 某一點 熱情就會退 共同進退唯獨是父母這一對


積分: 6787

發表於 06-7-25 22:31 |只看該作者

Re: 小小性知識 the birds&the bees


thx for telling us

i missed the `1st one


積分: 6651

發表於 06-7-29 09:32 |只看該作者

Re: 小小性知識 the birds&the bees

我睇過廣告,不過上次唔記得左睇. 希望今次記得啦. 我d記性.


積分: 1224

發表於 06-7-29 21:56 |只看該作者

Re: 小小性知識 the birds&the bees

我係Dymock見到本書... 差不多$200.

Below are info from Amazon.com

It's So Amazing! A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families (Hardcover)

From School Library Journal
Kindergarten-Grade 4-Another barrier-breaking contribution by Harris and Emberley that seamlessly bridges It's Perfectly Normal (1994) and Happy Birth Day! (1996, both Candlewick). This oversized, attractive guide on reproduction and birth answers common questions such as "Exactly what is sex?" and "Where does the baby actually come out?" The familiar enthusiastic bird and reluctant bee narrate the comic cartoon panels, eventually deciding that the miracles of birth, families, and love are just "so amazing." Readers will appreciate the life-size illustration of a full-term fetus, and adults will be grateful for the many different ways Emberley portrays situations not always easy to explain to children. People are represented with a variety of body shapes and ethnicity, and Harris discusses sexual preferences and alternative family situations. While the illustrations are engaging and often hilarious, factual information is effectively presented in a clear, nonjudgmental tone that will inform and assure readers. Topics covered include basic anatomy, conception, fetal development, birth, genetics, adoption, and love. Sexual abuse and HIV are sensitively mentioned in short, informative chapters. An essential guide that will delight and inform and appeal to young readers as well as adults.
Katie O'Dell, Multnomah County Library, Portland, OR
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Product Details - hard cover
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 80 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; 1st ed edition (March 3, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN: 0763600512

Product Details - paper back
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; Reprint edition (July 22, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 0763613215


