



積分: 78

發表於 07-3-6 17:53 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923,

here is another option too:
can your mom fly to USA with you? she can apply a tour visa. if she does, then she can take care of you & baby after you gave birth in USA. cos my mom came to Chicago when my baby is born, she stay for 2 months over there, and return to HK when I fully recover from the delivery.

if you choose to delivery in HK, then your US mirgration application need to add your baby on it, will that delay the visa granted?


積分: 78

發表於 07-3-6 18:29 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi 三月媽咪,

I use Avent bottles b'cso many friends were using it, it's expensive however it's quality is good. i have no problem in using this products.


積分: 724

發表於 07-3-9 06:07 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

um.. im still using Avent's bottle now... i think they're ok, and there's a letter from Avent's web saidin they've passed the BPA test.
I'm so busy n tired to take care of my son... he's getting fussy now... can't sleep well every night.. be4, after he drink his milk he will sleep within 10mins.... now he doesnt want to sleep after feedin......... wake up every 10mins n cry.... i fight w/ him at least an hr. (same times 3 or more hrs)then he finally went to sleep.. OMG so tired...... he is now almost 1month, n drinkin 5oz mlik already....... fat boy....


積分: 78

發表於 07-3-10 20:41 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


your baby looks so cute...
poor you and baby, both of you don't have enough rest. do you know what happen to your baby and what make him so fussy?
like my friend's baby boy, he got runny nose all the time that's why he always cry and doesn't sleep well. finally the grandma hold him to sleep all the night.
so you got to find out what's reason make the baby fussy and help him.

my baby drink 3oz when she was 3 days old...she is a big girl as well.
good luck to you.


積分: 724

發表於 07-3-11 13:12 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


thanks littlecow... i'll try my best!! gan ba de


積分: 269

發表於 07-3-12 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hello littecow

我其實有想過這個option ka..不過我媽媽有工作在香港. 如果佢去美國2個月.. 佢放來香港之後.. 可能冇了份工ka la... 所以我覺係香港生煩.. 係美國生都係好煩.. 而且我是第一次生bb.. 什麼都不知. 都唔知點..


積分: 78

發表於 07-3-13 15:01 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923,

I see, so...it's hard for to make decision then. anyway, it's common for a new mom to face complicated feelings when they are expecting the first baby. as my experince now, just relax and take it easy...you will be fine at your delievery.

I also felt worry and anxious about my pregnancy when I was expecting my baby girl. however, I finally done great b'cos the nurse, my husband and my mom were support me fully when i was in the hospital (private hospital's service is good). so i finally have a healthy baby girl within 6. this is my first baby too.

take care, and be a happy mom-to-be... :-P


積分: 269

發表於 07-3-21 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hi, Everybody

請問大家, 如果我係美國生bb.. 現在我壞孕有4個月. 去到美國大約7個月有冇醫生會handle我個case ka..而我又有insurance cover ka la.. 第二, 請問我生了之後.. bb有冇健康院去check住佢ka.. for example, 係HK 生完之後.. 有健康院check 住bb 成長, 發育情況..唔知美國有冇呢..


積分: 724

發表於 07-3-22 18:38 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

1. 有冇醫生會handle我個case ka..
of course 有la!
2. 請問我生了之後.. bb有冇健康院去check住佢ka..
of course 有la!
hey garfield0923 are you coming to chicago?


積分: 115

發表於 07-3-22 20:53 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

dear garfield,
don't worry!
when yr baby was born, you need find a baby doctor for yr baby, you can call to yr insurance company to tell them yr bb was born.
and then they will find a doctor for bb and post the bb insurance card to u.
and then after bb 7days born, you need go to check bb (where bb doctor you find)... a lot of check.
when you go to check, you still didn't receive the bb insurance card, i know the bb will under mother name about 60days (mom insurance card) but you need ask the details for you insurance company


積分: 384

發表於 07-3-23 14:29 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Hi, garfield and all

I'm also planning to move to the US (I can choose either Boston/Houston) in 1-2 years, so I read all yr messages to see whether there will be any clues to prepare for the action.

Further to Garfield's case, may be I can give you some ideas. Same as you, my husband is a US citizen and I'm HK residence. Our baby girl was born a yr ago in HK.

Because of the U.S. trip last month, we applied the US passport for her a few months ago. It is easy as we got the American visa. Now, my baby had both HK and American citizenship. As I mentioned to you in another topic, other than becoming the President of the America, he/she can enjoys all the other benefits as the american born baby.

Since you have applied for your own, I'm not sure if yours can be extended or what... I'm haven't apply for myself yet...

For myself, I think it is better to have family around for a short time (at least) after your delivery...

Hope my experience would be helpful.


積分: 269

發表於 07-3-25 10:08 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


多謝大家意見,我剛剛收到移民局寄信來通知我去做良民證及body check.. 我去問過移民局我case..佢就話我可以生完先來美國都得ka. 其實我擔心小朋友出世之後係唔係立即可以幫佢apply 入籍呢. 因為我老公已經入了籍ka la..移民局就話ok. 而且我寫了信俾移民局extend見管.現在等佢reply我.. 因為移民局話我make appointment 見了佢哋之後只得6個月time去美國. 而且我計過6個月我bb先剛剛出世. 點走ar.. :-(

其實我心大心細. 去美國生. 現在等見管及等佢批准我去美國都要5月尾. 到時我個肚到已經7月大. 航空公司話俾我上機. 不過如果我有事時. 人哋唔會因為我而停機lor. 而且又得我自己一個人去.飛機上都冇親人... 但我係香港生.. 又怕移民局要我重新apply我個visa及bb入籍有難. 雖然移民局話我個case應該冇問題. 但我都怕佢一時要改law..我唔係就死...


積分: 724

發表於 07-3-25 18:27 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

if your baby born in HK, then the baby comes to USA with you. your baby will not be a us citizen, you can wait until your baby grow up and ask your baby to apply 入籍 on he/she's own. but what about the medical card for your baby? i known you got insurance, but after you and your baby came, baby's having shots to take from birth to 12yrs old and lots of check up, so who's going to pay it?


積分: 269

發表於 07-3-30 19:01 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

現在冇得撰擇la..因為移民局唔准我extension,我現在只可以一定去美國la..我真係好唔開心lor..因為去到美國只有我老公. 冇其他親人, 朋友.. 可能你係我去美國之後第一位朋友la.. :-( :-(


積分: 724

發表於 07-3-31 11:32 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

唔好唔開心la, i will be your friend no matter what. when are you coming? 我可以推荐你去我生嗰間醫院到生ga...


積分: 269

發表於 07-4-2 10:22 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


現在最唔好開心la..因為我老公可能要失業la..之後佢可能冇工la..如果我來美國生bb.. 又冇insurance cover..請問要多少$$$生bb ar...大家知唔知ar.


積分: 269

發表於 07-4-2 10:23 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?


現在最唔好開心la..因為我老公可能要失業la..之後佢可能冇工la..如果我來美國生bb.. 又冇insurance cover..請問要多少$$$生bb ar...大家知唔知ar.


積分: 724

發表於 07-4-2 16:32 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?



積分: 269

發表於 07-4-2 17:00 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

Thanks.... 我都唔知點解會咁.. 我老公公司好少炒人ka..突然上星期炒了很多人. 下兩星期再會炒人. 所以我哋唔係好擔心lor.. :-(


積分: 724

發表於 07-4-3 00:54 |只看該作者

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

我幫你問左我朋友啦!(拒係我生呢胎既24小時"跟媽"係醫院做既,拒個POSTION係跟�幫Chinese大肚婆)我朋友話就算你個胎來到美國已經7個月大,醫院都會收你,如果你冇醫療卡我朋友可以幫你申請,一日内都可以搞掂,只要你係低收入 or 冇收入同要有身份(green card)就可以啦!我都有幫你問埋萬一申請唔到要用幾多$,大概係 USD $ 8,000-10,000 如果你都係怕有咩唔明你可以叫你老公打電話比醫院問下,電話係1(312)791-2614 如果你老公英文唔好可以打 1(312)388-3358 找委小姐(我朋友識講廣東話)我而加個小朋友都係係我朋友做果閒醫院生既,D醫生同護士都好好加! 甘你可以放心啦!


