




積分: 862

發表於 07-3-2 14:52 |只看該作者

Maid apply to work in Canada

Any mum has experience in the maid who apply to work in Canada when she not yet finish contract? Does she always leave before end of contract even she promise firmly? Pls share. My maid will do that and I need to plan to find replacement for myself as I am a working mum and my son is studying K1.


積分: 10865

發表於 07-3-2 15:12 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

Yes, they will leave you with one-month notice only.

If she is good enough, maybe 2-3 months. As the visa to report to Canada has a deadline, she must catch the deadline before it becomes invalid.
「多元社區,和諧並存;你我出手,聾健共融 」


積分: 4007

發表於 07-3-2 15:12 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

佢地唔會等到contract完先走o架, 收佢就走o架啦. 不過唔知佢地要等幾"來",得唔得咁啦. 所以你都係得閒就找定人先啦.
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 734

發表於 07-3-2 16:09 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

My maid told me that a lot of Philipno like to work in US/ Canada, since the salary is much higher than HK, they just treats HK as a step stone. Luckly, my maid doesn't want to work over there, she said too cold wor.


積分: 1964

發表於 07-3-2 19:05 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada


積分: 20956


發表於 07-3-2 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

my last BUN also just worked with me nearly 10mthns (it happen on last year nearly finish CNY) suddenly she told me she must go back to Phil as her husband was 走老 so nobody take care her 3 child, she crying looks very poor and i give her favour to let her take advance annual leave back to Phil to return to my home once she settle her home affairs (as my daughter just 1yr when she left), but she black face to me and said she must leave, she just give one month notice to me and i am very angry her attitude but ofcox i wont give any money to her to ask her leaving early so i ask my mom to come to look after her and then she leave me after one month, but later i know she is really apply to canada and i feel myself very stupid (step stone and i treat her very well) of cos within 1mtn icant find a new maid so i ask my mother to help and hire another new one, touchwood the new maid still work with me now but i dont knwo she will leave me or not but if she really go 我都化晒啦 呢d甘既工人 冇得同佢講心 我而家對呢個新工人係惡個上次個死野 算啦佢係要走 呂通我出double 留佢咩 


積分: 6071

發表於 07-3-2 23:45 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

my last bun also got the contract from Canada, would start her work in Mar. 07 and requested to leave in Dec. 06 before finished her contract with me...(Jun 07)

I had taken a look on her new terms of employment, much good as compared with HK, that's why they're eager to go.....


積分: 142864


發表於 07-3-2 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

my bun's daughter working in hk & she applied work in canada. she just got the visa & will be leaving next week !

my bun told me right now many bun apply to usa or canada since the salary almost triple of hk. as well as daily only 8 hour working, after 8 hour will be overtime work. think you should looking for a new bun first, since only the visa issued. they need to leave very soon !!

通常很快要走,因時間有限 ! 去加拿大前須回菲律賓的,不可直接 from hk to canada. 同埋她們申請時要用很多錢 , 太約 $ 25,000 所以有 visa 會馬上閃的 !!

希望幫到你 !!


積分: 1195

發表於 07-3-2 23:56 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

My maid gave me her resignation letter last night, told me that she will go to Canda to work, and her husband can go with her as well. She even told me that she can apply to be residence after 2 years of work. Is that true? She worked for me for only 13 months and my son is just 1 years old. I've just request my agent to find another maid for me, but she said this take at least 3 months as there are new policy for bun(train & take exam) who are comming to HK. :-(


積分: 20956


發表於 07-3-3 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

as i know they only work 5 days (8 hrs) and she can also apply her family as green card to stay in canada, and i heard from my boss (she is canadian) she said their salary is CAD500 around HKD4000 but the benefit is really good, at friday night, she can overnight outside and just return on sunday, moreover, canada is now really 渴市 of bun of take care new born and eldly


積分: 15050

發表於 07-3-3 10:50 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

我bunbun都係咁同我講. 係hk做左6months又有係degree holder再比幾千蚊就可以去canada. 人工係hk既3倍. 仲有可以一家move過去. 所以好多bunbun都係咁做. 不過canada只接受bunbun唔會接受印印. 所以如果驚可以諗諗印印(雖然我都唔係好like印印)不過如果咁樣真係無計. 不過我真係唔係好相信domestic helper咁好pay


積分: 1311

發表於 07-3-3 15:08 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada



積分: 363

發表於 07-3-3 15:36 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

我個Bun明日就去加拿大,佢比左3個星期通知我,我同樣係一個working mami,個囝都係K1,你話我幾麻煩!


積分: 127

發表於 07-3-3 23:22 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

Sorry, I am so ignorant and have many questions.

My bun bun will finish contract this Oct. and she won't tell me whether she wishes to extend the contract with me or not and i have to plan ahead as to whether to hire another bun bun or indonesian?

1. Do they have to be degree holder in order to get employment in Canada?

2. So both Philipino and indonesian can apply too?

3. Why do they have to use hong kong as stepping stone?

4. How long does it takes to apply to Canada, I am afraid that my bun bun is doing that right now.

I am so concerned as I have a 2.5 years old and a 11 months old at home right now.



積分: 127

發表於 07-3-4 00:13 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

I have visited the website of the canada consulate in hk, here are the information:


Still don't have the answer to my question 4. Can anyone helps? Thanks.


積分: 5893

發表於 07-3-4 22:33 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

I am considering hiring a maid, a teacher, degree holder. I am worried she also treats my home as stepping stone too.

So, Canada will approve visa even they work in HK for a few mths only?

I am worried that I need to hire maid again.... My current maid is ok and worked for me for less than 5mths and submit resignation saying she's missing her children.

I talked with her about the teacher maid. She said don't hire as Canada require HK experience....

Pls advise. THX
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積分: 6463

發表於 07-3-5 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

我想問問, 顧主係咪事先發覺唔到佢地申請, 唔駛顧主証明? 或者新顧主唔會check


積分: 6207

發表於 07-3-5 13:27 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

My bun also apply to Canada. She will go to pick up her visa on this Wednesday. As far as my understanding is that:

1) On June,06 she apply it thru agent
2) On Dec., 06 she got an employer in Canada & signed
3) Then the employer in Canada need to proof that they can't hire the job with the salary, then, the employer got a job offer from the Gov't, then, my bun can submit all the doc to Canada Consulate to get working visa.
4) At end of Jan, 07, my bun submit the doc. to Canada Consulate
5) On March 1, 07 she receive the letter for pick up her visa.

My bun will work till end of this month & I already hired a new maid to replace. I lost a maid she is quite good at taking care of bb.
:-( :-(


積分: 6071

發表於 07-3-5 14:16 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada

harrietma ,
For how long it takes to apply to Canada, I think it could not have a define answer, as my bun's example, she said that she got family members in Canada, just applied in Oct. 06 (she said), got employment and finished her visa very soon....consequently, left my family in Dec. 06.....

would start her new job in Mar. 07!!!


積分: 6598

發表於 07-3-5 14:52 |只看該作者

Re: Maid apply to work in Canada



