



積分: 25

發表於 07-3-24 23:47 |只看該作者

陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心

Sorry, I am not good at typing chinese but you must read below to aviod hiring of a bad 陪月.

I would like to share my bad experience to all of you so that you could watch out the confinement lady (陪月) named Tong xxxx Lin , 湯 月 X at HKID No. H 1193X8 (X)
whom I have hired a 24-hr confinement lady through a private agent.

Here were the incidents that I felt very uncomfortable and I fired her after 4.5 days.

1. NO Safety Awareness 好得人驚 唔安全 唔安心
I decided not to breast feed over midnight and let her to feed the baby with formula. But I discovered that my baby was sleeping under her “armpit” next morning without any security aid, everyone knows we have to put the baby back to the bed or carry and pamper him if he cried. It proved her way of taking care of baby was old-fashioned, not up to standard and unsecure. Even worse , she neither realise nor agreed there’s any problem even I pinpointed that it’s unacceptable (she’s 晦氣). In brief, she’s not doing her job well and worse of all is to cause dangerous to baby.

2. Irresponsible 不負責任
As per doctor’s advice, we should not allow newborn baby overslept and we must feed baby at maximum within 4 hours. That 湯 月 X slept through very well for more than 4 hours and would not get up until I awake her it’s time to feed.

She has taken advantage from using my maid for making lunch and washing all baby items. I don’t mind my maid take up more jobs because she will do all the works after I go back to work. However, that 湯 月 X can’t even wash the plates clean enough, my maid has to rewash them again as they were still greasy after cleaning.

3. Inexperience & Nonsenses 做得唔好 & 無經驗
Don’t rely her on cooking as she asked me how much water to use for making the Fish Soup.
And she seems a bit 大鄉里as she said she has never came across items like Baby Monitor, Changing Unit. And she don’t feel the need of using car seat for newborn, carry him tight will be fine in her standard.
We gave her a buying list for CNY. But she bought an extra item out of the list and we found weird and 唔好意頭 i.e “Fresh Octopus” for stir frying 炒魷魚 for Chinese New Year.

4. No Sense of Priority 無大無細
She washed all her personal items and used our very big hanging stand, and came to me said there was no space for hanging the baby towel. She seems nonsense and don’t know the priority.

5. Weird Behavior 好驚, 唔正常
She has many phone calls at daytime. But I allowed her to listen to radio at a acceptable voice level inside baby room. One night, I heard from the baby monitor that the sound of radio was so loud and I went to check, I saw she was using the blanket to cover herself up and talked with somebody over the phone inside the blanket. Obviously, she don’t want us overheard what she said through the baby monitor. The scene was very scary and shocking and my sixth sense told me it’s 唔慌好野.

6. Hygienic Problem 唔干淨
After I fired that 湯 月 X, my maid reported to us that she is very weird & dirty. She dropped the used toilet paper into the rubbish bin inside our guest bathroom instead of flushing away those toilet paper. This makes the toilet smells badly.

7. Not returning Deposit 唔退訂
We gave her $3,000 deposit upon confirmation to hire in half year ago. But she refused to return the deposit to us even we paid her for the 5-day salary 我計足人工比佢.

I would advise you to cross check the HKID before your confirmation of the confinement lady and not to pay for the deposit or agent fee until last minute. That’s all I have to share and I will leave you to decide whether she’s qualify as your baby care taker. Any question, welcome to PM me. Thank you.


積分: 108

發表於 07-3-26 11:47 |只看該作者

Re: 陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心

Can I know from which agent did you hire this 陪月?I am also going to interview some 陪月員in the coming week. What should I do to see if she is a good one?Pls advise. Thanks a lot!!


積分: 1212

發表於 07-3-26 17:30 |只看該作者

Re: 陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心

Many thanks Memostop, would you please let me know which agent you selected and where is the confinement lady comes from?

So that I can select the better one.

Many thanks.


積分: 25

發表於 07-3-31 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: 陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心

That 陪月 Tong Yuet xxx is referred by an old lady agent Mrs. Ax.

We had already cross check her reference from her ex-employer and everything seems alright. But in fact, different family has different standards. Her ex-employers were mostly 100% formula feeding and very hand-off.

During your interview, you have to voice out your requirement clearly, e.g. making soup or chicken rice purely for you but for dinner it covers your husband & maid once and for all; washing baby clothes? cleaning and sterilising baby items?? how would they handle the baby if they refuse to go to sleep or drink?...etc.


積分: 2822

發表於 07-4-4 15:26 |只看該作者

Re: 陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心

我個陪月好好架,有責任,有經驗,又乾淨,有興趣pm 我啦


積分: 76433

2024年龍年勳章 虎到金來勳章 2018復活節勳章

發表於 07-4-5 22:38 |只看該作者

Re: 陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心

Wonder maybe too early to employ confinement lady now?As so many available in NT.
Q1: will u ask her to handwash/machine baby clothes? I bought good quality clothes but consisted of few jeans which might fade out.
Q2: if I take c. operation & stay 5 days in hospital(Kln Tong which is too far),should I ask her delivery food or just give her holidays instead?
Many thanks...


積分: 140

發表於 07-5-1 10:50 |只看該作者

Re: 陪月月姐 - 七宗罪 小心小心


I am also looking for 陪月, please PM me.



