



積分: 7794

發表於 07-11-16 08:16 |只看該作者
it is a bit off the topic..
if you like.. let switch to breast feeding forum..

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-11-15 12:32 PM 發表

good that your job and Gabriel is doing well! can he sleep on his own yet?

I let Andrea to sleep with my mom, just 辛苦阿媽.

Andrea is not drinking milk again today, other than I skin to sk ...


積分: 7423

發表於 08-4-3 22:03 |只看該作者

We just started the bedtime training again last night. Andrea cried for 45 mins then slept but woke up after 2 hours, her dad managed to make her sleep again without getting her out from her crib, but she woke up again after 2 hours, this time her dad gave up as he was already in a deep sleep... what should we do? letting her sleep on her own still can't sleep well... if she keeps waking up at night, should we just let her cry until she's too tired or hold her to make her sleep? no one can sleep if she keeps crying loudly at the middle of the night


積分: 7794

發表於 08-4-5 01:31 |只看該作者
you can't expect she will sleep thru the night at the beginning of the bed time training. certainly she will wake up several times during the night, and she can sleep 2 hours, that is a good sign.
Therefore, I always suggest you guys, to start the bed time training at long weekend or vacation leave. because you got 2 persons to take turns.
For Amanda, at the beginning of bed time training, she cried thru the night, and I just let her cries, go in and comfort her, when she was too tried and fell asleep then I left..
remember to prepare more bed linings and towel, and clothes, because she will cry and throw up.
as I was a stay home mom that time.. and my husband did not help me. it takes weeks for her to sleep on her own.
原文章由 elmolly 於 08-4-3 09:03 AM 發表

We just started the bedtime training again last night. Andrea cried for 45 mins then slept but woke up after 2 hours, her dad managed to make her sleep again without getting her out from her ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-4-21 06:59 |只看該作者


港嬰睡眠全球最遲最少 (星島) 04月 01日 星期二 05:30AM (綜合報道)







  美國兒科睡眠專家Dr. Judith Owens 亦謂,缺乏睡眠對嬰兒的免疫力、[url=]新陳代謝
[/url]等生理發展均帶來負面影響,問題可能維持到學前及求學階段,引發長遠慢性問題,情況不容忽視。她建議睡前為嬰兒洗溫水澡、按摩,並進行唱歌、說故事等靜態活動,可有效紓緩嬰兒情緒,令他們更快入睡,提升睡眠質素,減少夜間醒來的次數。記者 莊菀婷


積分: 7794

發表於 08-4-21 07:02 |只看該作者

香港寶寶 夜貓上身 晚上10時17分入睡 港嬰兒「最夜sleep」

明報) 04月 01日 星期二 05:05AM




每天睡12小時 少歐洲1小時



此外,美國布朗大學醫學院兒科學系副教授Dr. Judith Owens說,0至2歲嬰兒每天宜睡16至18小時,3歲嬰兒每天則要睡13至15小時。她解釋︰「嬰兒在睡眠時,體內釋放的生長激素有助嬰兒肌肉發展。」睡眠不足令大腦疲勞,易導致嬰兒反應遲鈍,記憶力和理解能力下降,這些嬰兒較易有情緒和行為問題,影響身心發展。


Dr. Judith Owens 建議父母培養嬰兒定時睡眠習慣,如每晚為嬰兒進行「睡眠三部曲」。她提醒父母別與嬰兒同而睡,宜把嬰兒置在嬰兒休息。睡房不應放置電子影音產品,盡量營造舒適的休息空間。港人父母多工作繁忙,多數請外傭照顧嬰兒,她表示培養嬰兒睡眠習慣,有助建立親子關係,若假手於人,則無助親子關係發展。若父母想進一步了解嬰兒睡眠質素,可登入www.johnsonsbaby.com.hk/sleep作「自定嬰兒睡眠評估」,以及獲得改善睡眠的建議。

明報記者 彭碧珊


積分: 858

發表於 08-6-3 01:05 |只看該作者
Hi, Nillie_Mami,

My baby girl is now 2.5 months old and is exclusively breastfed. She usually goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up around 7-8am. My maid feeds her my milk with bottle at 10pm (a scheduled feed). She seldom wakes up before this feed. Then I feed her skin to skin whenever she wakes up in the night, range from 2.5-5 hrs. She goes back to sleep quickly for all these feeds.

My question is although she seems to sleep quite well in the cot at night, she can't nap well in the day. She always wakes up 10 mins, at most 30 mins, after she is put back in cot. She then can't sleep back easily. Because she sleeps so little in daytime, I don't mind holding her to sleep but she still wakes up easily and catnaps a lot.

1. Why her sleeping behaviour is so different for day and night? At night, my girl sometimes can fall asleep on her own. But in daytime, she always needs rocking and holding.

2. How can she sleep better in daytime?

3. How many hours of nap and total sleep should she have for her age?

Many thanks in advance for answering my queries.

[ 本文章最後由 mother30 於 08-6-3 14:49 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-5 06:13 |只看該作者
1. Why her sleeping behaviour is so different for day and night? At night, my girl sometimes can fall asleep on her own. But in daytime, she always needs rocking and holding.
it is the habit, as she learnt it from your way of caring.
Infant sleeps about 20 hours when born, then they stay awake longer as they growth older. when she is about 2.5 months, she may only sleep about 16-18 hours a day.
For your concern, have you check my first message here, the way to set up a sleeping environment?
I will not hold infant on my arm to rock them to sleep personally, as it is a very "harmful--for you" habit. How may months to years you are going to rock your lil girl to take nap at day?? until 4 years old?? you better stop it.
2. How can she sleep better in daytime?
Provide a comfort envorinment for her to take her nap, if she only nap for 10 min to 30 min, wake up without getting cranky. You can just let go, because she is not ready to take the nap sometime. 2-3 naps a day for her will be good enough.
3. How many hours of nap and total sleep should she have for her age?
as I stated above, she is good thru if she takes about 2-3 day naps, and total sleeps about 16-18 hours (naps and night)
原文章由 mother30 於 08-6-2 12:05 PM 發表
Hi, Nillie_Mami,

My baby girl is now 2.5 months old and is exclusively breastfed. She usually goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up around 7-8am. My maid feeds her my milk with bottle at 10pm (a scheduled ...


積分: 858

發表於 08-6-6 00:44 |只看該作者

Thanks for your prompt reply. Actually, my elder son also had sleep problems before. I read books to sleep train him and he sleeps much better now. Therefore, for this 2nd child, I try to avoid negative sleep associations from day 1.

I have set regular bedtime routine and sleep clues (swaddling, white noise, key words) to indicate nap time and night sleep. If at home, I always put her down in the cot for nap/ sleep, either when she is in light sleep or very drowsy. Therefore, it is strange when my girl sleeps quite well at night but not in daytime. The problem started when she was over 1 month. Because she could manage to nap for less than 1 hr a day (yet, she is sleepy and cries a lot), making her total sleep 3-4 hours below the suggested amount, I recently revert to hold her to sleep, hoping to reinforce her nap time schedule first. If OK, I will then sleep train her later.

Is it too early to sleep train my girl as your suggestion is from 6 months? What to do for younger babies? Any more suggestions you can give me? Thanks.

[ 本文章最後由 mother30 於 08-6-6 00:51 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-6 06:45 |只看該作者
Ooomy my,
that is really a problem for a 2.5 months old not sleeping for an hour during the whole day. sure she must be very cranky.
would you mind to tell me what you normally do before nap time?
she sure sleeps well at night as she doesn't able to take quality naps at day time.
bed time training is for over 6 months as their cognitive development get ready.
for day nap, not really have any guideline.
I did not train my 2 children with any day nap, they just have to fall back asleep when they became tired.
Gabriel still naps 2 times a day (17 months) and 2 hours each time. we found that, white noise, key word doesn't work on him. and we found that he will sleep very well when there are people around.. so end up, me and my nanny turn on the radio (chinese cantonese channel), then he just sleeps by himself for about 2 hours each nap.
for Amanda, she needs the white noise, vacuum sound..
every child is unique.. so, you have to try and learn with your daughter.

I would say .. that will be a very bad habit to hold her to sleep, if she really needs a person beside her while she is napping, please just lay down in a bed with her, that will save your arm.. (you will have arm injury once you get tired, and you will use the wrong muscle to carry your girl, just only need about 1-2 weeks, you will suffer from should or joint pain). so avoid holding your infant for prolong period.
原文章由 mother30 於 08-6-5 11:44 AM 發表

Thanks for your prompt reply. Actually, my elder son also had sleep problems before. I read books to sleep train him and he sleeps much better now. Therefore, for this 2nd child, I try t ...


積分: 86

發表於 08-7-12 00:28 |只看該作者



積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-13 20:49 |只看該作者
nap time 應定時間, 視付BB年紀.
太遲Day nap 會影响 bed time quality 呢!
BB應自己訓, 不應手抱!

原文章由 happybabyboy 於 08-7-11 11:28 AM 發表

想問一下,如果是午睡的話有沒有要留意的地方?是否待BB眼瞓才給他睡,如果不攰就由得他玩耍呢?同埋應該給他抱著睡,還是跟夜晚一樣,讓他自己睡讓他自己喊呢? ...


積分: 7423

發表於 08-7-19 01:11 |只看該作者

want to ask for my friend, her baby is 1 month older than Andrea, also share the same room with her parents and having problems to sleep and to sleep thru the night. however, my friend's now pregant, her girl is getting more and more attahed to her don't know if it's because of the new family member or because of teething. in her case, what can she do? i asked her to start bed time training to her girl but she thinks it's cruel to her girl as she'll have another baby soon, any suggestion?

her hubby thinks it's ok to sleep on the same bed until whenever their girl can sleep on her own, but I suppose it's not good for her development

afterall, my friend really needs some good rest for herself and her baby in the tummy


積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-19 07:29 |只看該作者
If both of the parents believe that they have no problem with it, I do think that there is an issue at all. And I don't believe that they will accept any third parties suggest in this point. when they need help for bed time training, feel free to ask them to come and ask for advice.
At this point, we can not do anything. coz.. that child's parents do not complain for anything.
原文章由 elmolly 於 08-7-18 12:11 PM 發表

want to ask for my friend, her baby is 1 month older than Andrea, also share the same room with her parents and having problems to sleep and to sleep thru the night. however, my friend's now ...


積分: 11

發表於 08-10-5 08:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-19 07:29 發表
If both of the parents believe that they have no problem with it, I do think that there is an issue at all. And I don't believe that they will accept any third parties suggest in this point. when they ...

Hi hi! Dunno anyone can help me also...
My son, Aidan, he is 8 months old now. And he stil cannot sleep thru the night! He usually wakes up twice at night... making me and my husband so tired! Any suggestion?


積分: 7794

發表於 08-10-6 05:01 |只看該作者
The infant sleeps at the same bedroom with you?
does the infant have his own crib or co-bed with you?
Does he BF or bottle feed?
Daddy snor at night?
when was the last feed at night?
when do you/ your husband and Aidan sleep at night?

原文章由 Aidan+momo 於 08-10-4 07:05 PM 發表

Hi hi! Dunno anyone can help me also...
My son, Aidan, he is 8 months old now. And he stil cannot sleep thru the night! He usually wakes up twice at night... making me and my husband so tired! Any s ...


積分: 11

發表於 08-11-10 06:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-10-6 05:01 發表
The infant sleeps at the same bedroom with you?
does the infant have his own crib or co-bed with you?
Does he BF or bottle feed?
Daddy snor at night?
when was the last feed at night?
when do you/ your ...

So sorry for the late reply... very busy at work lately.
He is 9 months now and he wakes up 1 time at night. I still BF him. At first I thought he was hungry and so i fed him more before he sleep.. but it didnt work! I guess he just want me to hold him..
He sleeps in his own room since he was 2 months old.
Now, everytime when he crys, his dad will go into his room and make him falls asleep again, as if i go in, he can "smell" that it is me! : (


積分: 7794

發表於 08-11-10 09:33 |只看該作者
No wonder, but you guys did so well.. if he slept thru 12mid night to 5am.. we would say that he slept thru the night.
that is good if your hubby is the one who gets into Aidan's bedroom. you do not do it, because you will make the situation worse.
he will out growth it very soon.
原文章由 Aidan+momo 於 08-11-9 05:44 PM 發表

So sorry for the late reply... very busy at work lately.
He is 9 months now and he wakes up 1 time at night. I still BF him. At first I thought he was hungry and so i fed him more before he sleep.. ...


積分: 405

發表於 08-12-28 23:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 Aidan+momo 於 08-11-10 06:44 發表

So sorry for the late reply... very busy at work lately.
He is 9 months now and he wakes up 1 time at night. I still BF him. At first I thought he was hungry and so i fed him more before he sleep.. ...

Hi Nille Mama

I am so happy and have "discovered" this subject tonite. I am now basing on Gina Ford and training my almost 7-mmonth old boy. It has started for ard 3 weeks. We follow pretty close to Ford's routine. But the 7am-7pm sleep time is not that easy. He though can usually falls into sleep at 730pm but did wake up many times before between 10-10:30pm. Now it is postponed these few days and I am still watching the new pattern as it is not yet stable. But my concern is how to get him back to sleep again if he wakes up in the middle of the nite and starts making all the sound. He stays in the same room with me but in his own baby cot. I did let him cry and cry and went to see him after 5mins and then 10mins...and told him "mama is here, it's bed time..." He just kept crying. As I had to work in the morning, I gave in after few trials and gave him pacifier. So now whenever I find him awake I will resort to pacificer but will take it out after some mins. He ususally wakes up at 530-6am. Sometimes I can get him to bed again by holding him to sleep with me togeher and it only lasts 30mins max as it is close to 7am, his breakfast time. We must wake up. But most of the cases, he is very awake and only wants to play.

I want to cut him off from pacifier fr day 1 and also want him to sleep as long as possible. But bb's nitetime crying is really a torture to a working mom. Besides, I also feel bad (or guilty) that I do enjoy carrying him in my arm for a short nap in the morning, though he does not always welcome it but wants to play instead.

I don't receive a good support here for the new routine and many hkers find me crazy to have a 6/7-month bb sleep thr 12hrs (ideally) without feeding in between. I have also heard that foreigners (mainly the Europeans) do not find problems with pacifiers. Why not to use it n why to cut it off so early? I need some support to go through it. Can u give me more advice? Thanks.


積分: 7794

發表於 08-12-30 04:05 |只看該作者
I don't use pacifier on my both children, as they refused it anyway, they both are breast feeding angels, so they don't like bottles or teats.
hum.. pacifier is just something to give you and your infant a comfort and relief. if you believe that it can provide the relief you need, who cares what the other people talk about. I don't really care at all. especially, when I did my bedtime training for Amanda, no pacifier. I moved into her room, give her my hand for comfort. after a few weeks, she slept on her own.
I will not stick with 12 hours sleep as it is not healthy for a few months old infant. I will just stick with infant whom can sleep bewteen 12mid night to 5am. that is the meaning for me.. the infant slept thru the night.
even for my son and daughter, they don't sleep 12 hours in a roll. (they are good sleepers).
my son sleeps from 8pm to 6am, my daughter weekday slept from 5:30pm to 8pm, then 9pm to 6am.
As your infant sleeps at the same room with you, when is your bed time? Who else lives with you?
for infants, when it comes to their bed time, they can not accept any interference.
I would say, you should try the bed time training again on your vacation time. not at the weekdays that you need to go to work at the day time. How about your husband, how does he feel about bed time training, you need to have a conversation with him. because it is not the JOB for you. it is a life experience for mom, dad and lil one.
P.S. do not expect that every infant can sleep thru 12 hours, every infant is unique. also, if your infant nap too much or very well at day, he will not want to sleep at night anyway. also, he needs to have a lot of exerises/ or stimulation at day time, so he will feel tired at night, otherwise, he won't be tired.

原文章由 bbdenis 於 08-12-28 10:57 AM 發表

Hi Nille Mama

I am so happy and have "discovered" this subject tonite. I am now basing on Gina Ford and training my almost 7-mmonth old boy. It has started for ard 3 weeks. We follow pretty close t ...

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-12-29 15:07 編輯 ]


積分: 405

發表於 08-12-30 22:57 |只看該作者
Thanks for your advice.

I haven't given him pacifier for one day and he has immediately turned to his thumb for replacement.

My hubby is not in town and I am mostly on my own at nite but with helper in the morning of course.

Though I am not sure yet if Gina Ford's routine works on my baby, I do find him happier and less impatient after the training. Can you share wtih me the mealtime and what thhey are having from infant to toddler? I have received mixed advices and can't really tell when I should give him rice and three meals at fixed time.

More on top, can you recommend some books to me on baby and toddler care? Besides learning from experience and message boards, I would like to read as more books as possible.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


