




積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 18:07 |只看該作者
Hi sisters,

I start Chanel Part 5 now as we've already got 1994 posts in Part 4 :-P ... i am so happy to meet all of u here in Chanel thread... We will continue our discussion of Chanel, women's material obsession, shopping, family, kids, skin care...etc... here!!! See u!


積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 18:15 |只看該作者

Thanks for posting the beige jumbo flap with new chain in Part 4... the bag is so pretty, but i really cannot buy anymore bags la, at least not in Aug and Sept...


There are really many combinations of jumbo flap ga, i also got confused at first... let me use my little knowledge to summarize la:

1. jumbo flap with classic chain - CC logo with classic chain (chain with leather), can be gold or silver hardware
2. jumbo flap with new chain - CC logo with new chain (shiny chain), i guess only silver hardware
3. jumbo flap with MM lock + bijoux chain (vintage style chain)
4. 2.55 reissues - the flap is different from jumbo flap, MM lock + reissue chain, the width is not as thick as jumbo flap
5. medium / jumbo flap with classic chain - MM lock + chain with leather

The leather can be caviar or lambskin for jumbo flap... for 2.55 reissues are distressed calfskin...

Hope my information is correct la... Sisters, correct me if i'm wrong...

did i miss anything?


積分: 780

發表於 07-8-29 18:16 |只看該作者
Hi all sisters,

Part 5 開張喇~~
Let's chat more la!!!

原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-29 18:07 發表
Hi sisters,

I start Chanel Part 5 now as we've already got 1994 posts in Part 4 :-P ... i am so happy to meet all of u here in Chanel thread... We will continue our discussion of Chanel, women's ma ...


積分: 591

發表於 07-8-29 18:16 |只看該作者

wow part 5! 今日全日都唔見你既, 好忙呀?

原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-29 18:07 發表
Hi sisters,

I start Chanel Part 5 now as we've already got 1994 posts in Part 4 :-P ... i am so happy to meet all of u here in Chanel thread... We will continue our discussion of Chanel, women's ma ...


積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 18:22 |只看該作者

Yes ar, today quite busy at work... i will leave office now, talk more tonight @ home!

hee hee...


積分: 4701

發表於 07-8-29 18:58 |只看該作者
Yeah! Part 5 la!


積分: 4183

發表於 07-8-29 19:20 |只看該作者


我朋友都用緊Jumbo classic flap, 我覺得個款好靚,可能因為係new chain, 不過我今日張個Jumbo flap同227比較下個size, 好似細過227小小,對我來講都夠同,我想問下有咩色,同埋幾多錢呀?


積分: 1246

發表於 07-8-29 21:20 |只看該作者
Wow!!! Part 5 la ...Let's get a champagne and Cheers to ALL here!!!!
I'm so happy to know you all here..let's keep up this thread!!

Fatping, very detail explanation ar..actually i know nothing about chanel and all i know is just the classic style!! this thread enlarge my knowledge when i start chatting in this thread where everyone are willing to share their thoughts...plus some in tPF too la....if i have time, i definitely come here to chat..but my girl dominates most of my time lu..plus now im back to school too..hehe..too old to be in school now..


積分: 1571

發表於 07-8-29 21:34 |只看該作者
Yeah!!!!!! Is already part 5, we have been knowing each other for several months now. Let's keep up with friendship!

My DH is not very tall. He is only around 5'10 and he is always walking like a "shrimp", not straighten up his back. So I am a little bit taller than him when I am wearing high heels.

Repost the light beige jumbo flap for 320320 and Winniemama, if you girls are interested let me know.

Did you girls see the cover of one weekly magazine? Tsui chi ki is holding the bubble flap. I really like the flap, but in olive color. It looks a little bit different from the one I saw on PF and the magazine said it costs $35,000. Is that really so expensive?

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-8-29 21:36 編輯 ]


積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 22:08 |只看該作者

I really like the picture u posted for light beige jumbo flap with new chain... how much is it? May be BoBo1 or Kalani is interested wor...hee hee!

My shoes size is 36... when i got pregnant, my feet were 1 size bigger, now i'm back to 36 again la... :mrgreen:


I thought u have already had a jumbo classic flap black? I think the jumbo seems a bit bigger than reissue 227 wor.. ?-( anyway, i don't know what colors are available for jumbo classic flap ar... may be white, beige, black... when i bought it in HK, it is around $18K...


Wow, i won't have the endurance to go to school again... i wish i can, but don't have time and become lazy now... what are u studying now ar?


積分: 1246

發表於 07-8-29 22:21 |只看該作者
what do all think about this? I saw the gold one available in TST chanel last 2 weeks..and the price is reasonable..


積分: 1246

發表於 07-8-29 22:27 |只看該作者

haha...i always think i cannot back to school ga..but i want to do sth at least for my own good, so i just take some course lor..dont wanna to be too outdated ma!!
i'm taking Japanese and graphic design..just for fun and learn sth im interested lor..but my brain are getting too slow now, always in the "loading" mode !!! haha definitely not easy to get back to the fast mode when i was still in workforce...hehe...

You are all so right!! after i give birth, my feet get 1 size bigger, size 39 now....and my joints sometimes can hear some "gag" "gag" sound..so scary!!! so i try not to wear high heels for too long..becoz i have joints problem..and my hip which beneath my back bone hurts sometime if i stand on one leg!! may be i've lost too many calcium..do you all have that problem? shitty me!! im still planning to buy my first pair of CL heels....its so true that heels really killing me!!!

原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-29 22:08 發表

I really like the picture u posted for light beige jumbo flap with new chain... how much is it? May be BoBo1 or Kalani is interested wor...hee hee!

My shoes size is 36... when i got ...

[ 本文章最後由 kadie 於 07-8-29 22:32 編輯 ]


積分: 4701

發表於 07-8-29 22:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 kadie 於 07-8-29 22:21 發表
what do all think about this? I saw the gold one available in TST chanel last 2 weeks..and the price is reasonable..
http: ...





積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 22:34 |只看該作者

Is this the Le Marais flap? It is pretty ar, only i cannot use small size bag, no time & function to use... i will choose gold color... hee!:-P

I also wish to learn something just for fun if i have plenty of time, such as jewellery la... i won't get bored learning about jewellery ar... hee hee!

After i gave birth, i went to yoga for about 1 year, so my joints are okay, no "gag gag" sound... but i still won't wear high heels as too lazy to walk in balance... i just want to walk very fast all the time, i am a quick-temper person, can't wait...


U can try the medium flap in Chanel boutique and see if they fit u... i guess the picture is about medium size...

[ 本文章最後由 fatping1 於 07-8-29 22:41 編輯 ]


積分: 777

發表於 07-8-29 22:40 |只看該作者
Hello all,
Happy to see our PART 5 !!!
I wish we could continue on to part 56789.....30!!!!!

but I bet by then, I will be totally broke ga la!!!

so you finally decided to buy the exp flap la?? good choice, you won't regret it... but I do..... I just think the blk one looks better lor.... anyway, I 100% support you getting the blk !

so.. what did you get ? hm... you made me wanna to to Central tomorrow tim! but I can't... my girl will start school tomorrow... and I must go with her on her first 2 days...
HEe hee... I like you're idea.. Skull full of diamond with ruby eyes... hahaha... well, in fact, I only asked him to leave the eye out.. so it'll look BLk lor... I want a really SCARY SKULL ar hahahahahh

Sorry, lost track here.. since we're in part 5....

Who is getting the J12 blk?? fungwongphie , is that you?
wow... it's a really nice looking watch!!!! which one ar? have you seen the one with Ruby inside? ( 12 ruby only, one on each hour)... that's really nice ... just can't wait to see your pic ar..

Who posted the white Jumbo??? Yes, it's nice.... you know, since I 've bought the white exp... I notice for the same style of bag.. white looks better wor... perhaps you can see the details more ... as to getting dirty or not, I'm the NO.1 careless person in the world ga.. but turned out okay wor...
my white bag still looks pretty white..
so anyone who's interested in getting white bag, I 100% support ga...!!!!!!!

Also, I thought I saw someone mentioned about Blahnik shoes... YES! they're the most comfortable shoes in the world ga... my 4'... I can practically run with it.. go check it out la.. it's at Penn Hotel.

Sorry, I know I sounded rude... but I'm just too lazy to go back to see who says what.. sorry ... hope you all don't mind me!


積分: 777

發表於 07-8-29 22:42 |只看該作者
the gold flap you posted looks nice!
kinda antique looking!

sorry, forgot to say " thank u" for starting PART 5 for us.


積分: 1246

發表於 07-8-29 22:44 |只看該作者
fatping & Miki,

yes ar..they are Le Marais flap in gold and brown ar..i also like gold more..becoz i saw the gold IRL and the gold is kinda distressed and in between silver and gold...very chic!!! and price is 15k sth in hk vs 1795 in States...
according to PF - Larkie, she describe the size as a little bit smaller than jumbo size which is good wor..but what i saw in TST is the medium size..so not big enough for me!!

I used my met black today and kinda think it is not easy to stuff in my belongings..becoz it is not as wide as jumbo and little bit hard to close the flap!! and the headache part is the chain..as fungwongphie said about the knot problem and it is little "lei hair"....besides this, I love it!! it is a gorgeous looking beauty!!

Fatping, I love to study jews examine...but im so weak at geometrics and calculations..hehe

原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-29 22:34 發表

Is this is Le Marais flap? It is pretty ar, only i cannot use small size bag, no time & function to use... i will choose gold color... hee!:-P

I also wish to learn something just for fun i ...


積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 22:46 |只看該作者

Welcome u !!! I also wish we can continue this thread for many many Parts ar... i got your same concern, either I will get broke or my DH will leave me!!! haa haa...

Will u consider the off white / white jumbo + new chain? I also think your white ex. flap is very WHITE ar... hee hee! :) that's why i can recognize u last time..


積分: 4157

發表於 07-8-29 22:49 |只看該作者

No need to say thank you, it is my pleasure to start our Chanel Part x for all our sisters.. actually 雲妮媽媽 reminded me to start Part 5 ga...


積分: 777

發表於 07-8-29 22:57 |只看該作者
check pm pls/


