




積分: 2521

發表於 08-1-12 22:36 |只看該作者
請問有無人曾經係暑假去過 Disneyworld 呀?會唔會好熱?又或者係唔係風季呢?

如果我住係 Disney 區內嘅酒店,又會唔會有 transport 去其他地方呢? e.g. Universal Studio & Sea World.


積分: 496

發表於 08-1-12 22:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 Rachethew 於 08-1-12 22:36 發表
請問有無人曾經係暑假去過 Disneyworld 呀?會唔會好熱?又或者係唔係風季呢?

如果我住係 Disney 區內嘅酒店,又會唔會有 transport 去其他地方呢? e.g. Universal Studio & Sea World. ...

Hi Rachethew;

Summer is good, it is hot, but it is not like HK. It is not typhoon season. If you do not have car rental, you can't go anywhere. I have been there five times. Last summer was there as my brother-in-law is living there.

You have to prepare the sun-cap, sun tank oil, a ice bag for cool drink. Better to wear sandles / short. Go to Disnery world.com to get the map idea and plan ahead. Otherwise you will miss a lot of thing as they are huge. Frankly speaking, I have been all parks, even Blizzard Beach.

Don't forget to go to Kennedy Space Centre. It is good for Kids. Also Orlando Museum.

Have fun.


積分: 2521

發表於 08-1-13 22:24 |只看該作者
hi, iberia,

Thanks for useful information!

其實我地一行有 4 個 family,一共16 人,想大約玩 2 weeks,除咗 Disney 之外,仲想去埋 Universal studio,sea world 同埋 Kennedy space centre,但如果係 Disney 區係無 transport provided 的話,可能我地會考慮換酒店。請問你有無好提意呢?
另外,Orlando Meseum 又係邊呢?有無 web-site 可以知多 d information?


積分: 651

發表於 08-1-13 22:35 |只看該作者
Well, if without a car...you cannot go anywhere outside Disney World....but of course, you may always call a cab....

However, within Disneyworld, the traffic is free and very okay....

Moreover, you may try try joining local tours also. Last time ijoined a local tour to the Kennedy Space Centre and its very convenient...



積分: 2521

發表於 08-1-13 22:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 victorf 於 08-1-13 22:35 發表
Well, if without a car...you cannot go anywhere outside Disney World....but of course, you may always call a cab....

However, within Disneyworld, the traffic is free and very okay....

Moreover, you ...

Hi, victorf,

Are there any local tours available in the Disney hotels, or where can I find the information about those local tours?
Thanks a lot!


積分: 496

發表於 08-1-13 22:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 Rachethew 於 08-1-13 22:24 發表
hi, iberia,

Thanks for useful information!

其實我地一行有 4 個 family,一共16 人,想大約玩 2 weeks,除咗 Disney 之外,仲想去埋 Unive ...

Hi Rachethew;

If you don't have car, you can't go anywhere. Even Orlando is very big. 16 persons can rent 2 mini-vans. Pls note the cost to take a Taxi from Orlando Int'l Airport to Hotel is not cheap. Wow, 16 persons 4 families, it will be many ideas. Have you been there before.

I suggest you can rent a vacation home. It is like a house own my private. You can rent it on weekly basis. I did rent it before. But please make sure do not damage any furniture. In the house, it is fully furnished and you can cook inside. Otherwise, every day you will spend a lot of money on food and transportation. First decide which area you will go to. Like North gate / South Gate / East Gate or West Gate of Disney world. Then go to the internet to find the vacation home, like 4 bedrooms / 5 bedrooms etc. Get the quote and pay by Credit Card. They will let you know the Pin Code to open the key box in the front door to get the key to get in. I was paid US$180/week on 2003 Christmas.

Otherwise you can try this hotel. Sheraton Vistana Resort, Lake Buena Vista. Most of the room are one bedroom suite. They have kitchen.

Look at the below Website to collect all the information and plan ahead how to go.

Kenney Space Centre is about 1 1/2 hours driving from Orlando heading east direction. It is very good for eduction. No other place in the world can provide such kind of stuffs. Don't go to Orlando downtown outlet mall, it is for south americano. Most of the items are one to two years old and expensive.

When you are taking the monorail to Disney World. Stand on the head, if you are lucky, your kids may have chance to get in the driver room.

If your hotel have kitchen, go to super-market buy the steak and cook it by yourself. It is very good and easy to cook. don't forget the Haggendie**** Ice Cream. One gallon is US$8 in Sam Clubs.

The high season is Mid July to end August. I was there on last end June, no line up is necessary.


Pls PM me if you have any other question.


積分: 651

發表於 08-1-13 23:08 |只看該作者
If you really don't want to drive, and majority of your trip and expectation is WDW, i suggest you better live inside WDW's resort. Last time i booked the package from United Airline, which includes transportation from Orlando airport to the WDW resort area.

After you arrive WDW, all transportation to the disney's theme parks and resorts are free and shuttle bus are frequent and easy to use.

For KSC tour, when i go there in 03, i just search from the net before I go..for web site such as:

http://www.KennedySpaceCenterTou ... tail.cfm?tour_id=25

At that time, i was living in the Caribbean Beach Resort of WDW, so i call the number and book, then on the day the Van will come to my hotel to pick me up and go...its about 1~2 hrs driver as far as i remember...

I think KSC is a "must-go" item...nowhere else can offer such visit....also remember to play "mission space" in Epcot too!

For other tourist spot in Orlando, actaully u may look for some Van booking service on the net...as you have so much people, may be its more worth....


積分: 2521

發表於 08-1-14 00:00 |只看該作者
原文章由 victorf 於 08-1-13 23:08 發表
If you really don't want to drive, and majority of your trip and expectation is WDW, i suggest you better live inside WDW's resort. Last time i booked the package from United Airline, which includes t ...

Hi, victorf and iberia,

Thanks a lot for all the information that you provided!!!!!!!

其實我好多年前去過一次 WDW,果陣係 honeymoon,同 husband 兩個人,住係 Caribbean Beach Hotel,淨係玩咗 WDW 就走啦!但當日嘅旅程到依家仲非常難忘,所以想襯 summer holidays 帶小朋友去玩一次。因為由 HK 飛 Orlando 起碼要 17 至 18 個鐘,所以既然去得,就希望玩盡先番!
我地多數想住 Disney 內嘅酒店,因為實在太有特色,至於其他嘅 theme parks 我諗就要 depends on d transpotation 啦!可能玩完 disneyworld 之後轉一次 hotel 都唔定。等我同其他幾個 family 傾一傾,再消化一吓你地嘅 information 先,再作決定。



積分: 3396

發表於 08-1-14 17:30 |只看該作者
係 Orlando 唔楂車,唔好講話去邊度玩,我只係想睇完醫生買藥都買唔到。


積分: 16977

發表於 08-1-15 14:17 |只看該作者
我去果次就0係disney resort大堂到call mears來回disney resort & 其他景點 eg. KSC, Universal Studios 電話中佢會比個confirmation no比妳,上車先比$$$,未luck拖過~

不過5知而家仲係咪有, you may pls try to look look~ http://www.mearstransportation.com/

[ 本文章最後由 小BMom 於 08-1-15 14:19 編輯 ]


積分: 12404

發表於 08-1-15 15:01 |只看該作者
我10年前都係去disneyland honeymoon, 都無租車, 因為disneyland 有shuttle bus 去universal studio 同園內各theme world/ hotel. 而去florida mall 同outlet 就打的. 都好快有的士接我走.
耶穌拯救人, 人間真有幸, 從此做人冇閉翳, 歡欣讚頌神, 好開心, 耶穌在我心,你與我樂共聚, 歡欣讚頌神.


積分: 1394

發表於 08-1-15 17:28 |只看該作者
Hello Rachethew

我兩年前第一次去Orlando, 仲多問題過你,好彩有小BMom指教.

我06 及07年 Easter Holiday去過, 兩次都無租車.

06年去Disney玩就住係Disney World 入面, 去Universal Studio 玩就住返番係Universal Studio d hotel, 去Kennedy Space Centre 就call Mears, 都係小BMom 介紹的, 不過5係天天都有車去, 要預先check.

去outlet shopping 由Disney World 坐的士去 about US$20.00

我由Disney World Resort 坐的士去Universal Studio轉酒店,about US$30.00

07年我凈係去左Disney World and Universal Studio, 跟住去左New York 玩3日.

如果我無記錯,Orlando 有好多local tour/shuttle bus services去Sea World 及其它Theme Park.如果你5租車,玩完Disney之後,可以住返出town, 去其它地方會方便d.

有車當然方便,個人認定為冇車都可以有冇車的玩法!Don’t worry.



積分: 16977

發表於 08-1-16 10:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 evelyn317 於 08-1-15 17:28 發表
Hello Rachethew
我兩年前第一次去Orlando, 仲多問題過你,好彩有小BMom指教.
我06 及07年 Easter Holiday去過, 兩次都無租車.

Hi evelyn317
我都想09年(結婚10周年:loveliness: )帶呀女去1次呀,到時要問番妳攞料tim bor:lol


積分: 12404

發表於 08-1-16 15:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 小BMom 於 08-1-16 10:27 發表

Hi evelyn317
我都想09年(結婚10周年:loveliness: )帶呀女去1次呀,到時要問番妳攞料tim bor:lol

小b mom>>>09 年結婚, 未到喎! 我都係99 年結婚去呀咋...不過我住universal studio o個邊d hotel,係響disney star hotel 搭shuttle(唔知係咪mears) 去o左universal再打的.幾錢就唔記得. 但好想帶阿女重遊舊地.

咁係咪如果唔shopping 住晒disney, 去universal 同kennedy space 都係call mears 就得?? 有晒來回程???

[ 本文章最後由 Jennie 於 08-1-16 15:25 編輯 ]
耶穌拯救人, 人間真有幸, 從此做人冇閉翳, 歡欣讚頌神, 好開心, 耶穌在我心,你與我樂共聚, 歡欣讚頌神.


積分: 16977

發表於 08-1-16 16:04 |只看該作者
原文章由 Jennie 於 08-1-16 15:23 發表
小b mom>>>09 年結婚, 未到喎! 我都係99 年結婚去呀咋...不過我住universal studio o個邊d hotel,係響disney star hotel 搭shuttle(唔知係咪mears) 去o左universal再打的.幾錢就唔記得. 但好想帶阿女重 ...

咁arm 0既,妳都係99年 咁妳幾多月去架?我11月尾 disneyworld + disney cruise:mrgreen: 我全程住disneyworld, so只需要搭mears就去到其他5同景點,我就覺得好方便law yes,包來回程,but當然有時間限制啦,我記得去universal 0係~5pm回程

[ 本文章最後由 小BMom 於 08-1-16 16:06 編輯 ]


積分: 496

發表於 08-1-16 16:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 Rachethew 於 08-1-14 00:00 發表

Hi, victorf and iberia,

Thanks a lot for all the information that you provided!!!!!!!

其實我好多年前去過一次 WDW,果陣係 honeymoon,同 husband 兩個人,住係 Caribbean Beach Hotel,淨係玩咗 WDW 就 ...


照您所講, 您對奧能道所知不多, 請找多一些資料, 如果只去迪仕尼及無車, 最好住在迪仕尼酒店, 比較簡單 , 或在Main Gate有一些酒店有Shuttle Bus去主題公園,您們可以去 Animal Kingdom / Epcot Centre / Magic Kingdom / MGM Studio / Holy-Land / Water park,. 如果您的小朋友太小, 要考慮到中午小休的問題, 住在附近最好不過., 要注意那一些不適合兒童的遊戲, 又有最低高度要求.門口有嬰孩車及老人輪椅租, 它會退回迪仕尼Coupon, 好有記念價值. 可以在樂園食中午自助餐, 因可以同Winnie The Poon / Pignet 等合照,.因他們會到每一張枱拍照. 如因人多時, 可以玩一些 不用Fast Pass
Fast Pass
時間短的遊戲 , 到晩上再玩那一些比較熱門的遊戲 .晩間的遊行及煙花也不要錯過. 我的政策是人哋食飯時, 我們去玩一些熱門遊戲, 我們則在上午11時及下午5:時食飯. Typhoon Lagoon, 可以同鯊魚同游泳, 小兒(5歲及8)在剛過去的暑假便試過, 很安全, 不用擔心.

其實在這麼短時間要玩這麼多主題公園,真的很累, 所以我們去年只挑選一些來玩, 但我亦明白香港人一定玩到盡為止 , 我亦試過由早上八時開車玩到凌晨才回到家. 所以翌日未能起牀, 只可以行Premium Outlet Mall. 那一天盡興而回, 因大部份遊戲玩兩到三次.

International Drive, 差不多大部份有名的餐館都在這裡, 記得去Rainforest, 從前在又一城有一間. Red Lobster’s Seafood Buffet 亦不錯.

Animal Kingdom只有在奧能道才有, 記得要去, 最重要看您的小朋友有多大.才決定去不去Epcot Centre. 因它設計比的high-school kid, 不是比小孩, 去年我都無去

又或者看完甘迺迪發射中心後, 可以搭迪仕尼郵船, 它離甘迺迪發射中心不遠.

如果是基督徒, 一定要去Holy-Land, 他們做得不錯.

To Be Continue……………………………


積分: 496

發表於 08-1-16 16:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 Rachethew 於 08-1-14 00:00 發表

Hi, victorf and iberia,

Thanks a lot for all the information that you provided!!!!!!!

其實我好多年前去過一次 WDW,果陣係 honeymoon,同 husband 兩個人,住係 Caribbean Beach Hotel,淨係玩咗 WDW 就 ...

Continue from previous page……………

記住帶Walkie-Talkie, 但最好用英文對話. 一到機場買T-Mobil充值咔, 可以從香港飛線去.

其實whole Florida 有很多地方 好玩, Tampa’s Brush Garden亦不錯, Tampa & Williamsburg’s Brush Garden, 我們都去過, 各有不同. 如要去
Kennedy Space Center,
要一大早去, 回到奧能道已經晩上.因高速公路塞車.

我所講的渡假屋應該是美元480/ (2003). 5 間住房.

航空公司, 請盡量承搭亞洲的航空公司, 因美洲的航空公司服務非常差.從香港飛LA, 後轉Orlando, 這路線比較合適不習慣長途機的搭客. 如路經LA, 可以去San Diego, San Diego Legoland / Midway Air Carrier (中途島航空母艦) / Submarine
/ Wild animal Zoo / Seaworld / Aquarium,
LA 亦有 Six Flag / Disney World California / Universal Studio etc.

Legoland 是一個非常值得去的主題公園, 所有東西都是用Lego 堆砌出來, 2005在英國錯過了, 因英國冬天關閉.

我們每年六月尾會回去美國 , 今年只回去 North Carolina探親及上暑期班而已, 先飛Washington DC, 因他們未去過, 再開車去北卡.




積分: 2521

發表於 08-1-16 23:18 |只看該作者
真係非常多謝你地 d information!原來都有好多朋友去過 Orlando,因為我見呢個 forum 大部份都係講日本,估唔到有咕多回應,真係

我地依家初步行程係先玩外圍,之後再玩 WDW,暫時會考慮先住 universal partner hotel (因比較平同有 shuttle provided),大約會去 universal studio, island of adventure, Kennedy space centre, sea world , +/- Busch graden,之後就會搬入 WDW 玩大約 6 日就會番 HK。唔知呢個 planning 大家有乜意見呢?


我想問一問有邊間 Asian airline 有機去 Orlando,因為我淨係知 NW 同 UA,我亦都知佢地 d service 一路都麻麻地,但勝在平,如果 Asian Airline 嘅價錢會係幾多呢?

原文章由 iberia 於 08-1-16 16:25 發表

Continue from previous page……………

記住帶Walkie-Talkie, 但最好用英文對話. 一到機場買T-Mobil充值咔, 可以從香港飛線去.

其實whole Florida 有很多地方 好玩, Tampa’s Brush Garden亦不錯, Tampa & W ...


積分: 12404

發表於 08-1-17 10:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 小BMom 於 08-1-16 16:04 發表

咁arm 0既,妳都係99年 咁妳幾多月去架?我11月尾 disneyworld + disney cruise:mrgreen: 我全程住disneyworld, so只需要搭mears就去到其他5同景點,我就覺得好方便law yes,包來回程,but當然有時間限制 ...

我遲你少少啦, 我4/12結婚, 6/12 去orlando, 就住disney 最cheap o既star hotel 同universal 唔記得邊間. 你印象中disney cruise 好唔好玩, 我上次只係玩晒d theme park 買o左好似5日pass. 你女幾大呀?? 我女今年5歲. 希望阿女再大d 帶佢去, 自己又玩多次.
耶穌拯救人, 人間真有幸, 從此做人冇閉翳, 歡欣讚頌神, 好開心, 耶穌在我心,你與我樂共聚, 歡欣讚頌神.


積分: 16977

發表於 08-1-17 11:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 Jennie 於 08-1-17 10:58 發表
我遲你少少啦, 我4/12結婚, 6/12 去orlando, 就住disney 最cheap o既star hotel 同universal 唔記得邊間. 你印象中disney cruise 好唔好玩, 我上次只係玩晒d theme park 買o左好似5日pass. 你女幾大呀?? 我女今年 ...

6/12我仲係wdw bor,因為我去左2weeks 我住左2間,dixie landings(而家好似改左名) & all star music 前者係cruise + land(即resort) package,後者係齋resort package,but 2個都包哂入場 cruise僅係好玩啦 妳1定要試下 我個女就黎6歲啦,黎緊9月就升小一~


[ 本文章最後由 小BMom 於 08-1-17 11:26 編輯 ]


