




積分: 1317

發表於 08-12-24 11:59 |顯示全部帖子
如題, 工人剛來香港幾日, 25號放假沒錢出街坐車, 我打算先借她幾百元, 月尾出糧再扣回, 請麻煩大家pm我借錢收據樣本給她簽收, 謝謝!


積分: 7740

發表於 08-12-24 14:33 |顯示全部帖子
幾百蚊噤多 ? 小心縱壞佢. 無錢咪落樓下行下算啦.


積分: 8007

發表於 08-12-24 15:00 |顯示全部帖子
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積分: 27067

好媽媽勳章 親子達人勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-12-24 15:08 |顯示全部帖子
你借100蚊比佢乜都夠用, 100蚊就唔使簽借據啦....



積分: 1317

發表於 08-12-24 15:32 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 2heiBBmama 於 高齡產婦 15:08 發表
你借100蚊比佢乜都夠用, 100蚊就唔使簽借據啦....



積分: 1317

發表於 08-12-24 15:33 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 satu 於 高齡產婦 14:33 發表
幾百蚊噤多 ? 小心縱壞佢. 無錢咪落樓下行下算啦.

唉, 我都唔知應該點做.............佢已經向我要求每日飲一柸coffee啦........................


積分: 15132

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 08-12-24 16:55 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 versolai 於 08-12-24 15:33 發表

唉, 我都唔知應該點做.............佢已經向我要求每日飲一柸coffee啦........................



積分: 512

發表於 08-12-25 00:55 |顯示全部帖子
<br />
唉, 我都唔知應該點做.............佢已經向我要求每日飲一柸coffee啦........................ [/quote]<br />


[ 本文章最後由 taimun 於 08-12-25 00:56 編輯 ]


積分: 256

發表於 08-12-25 03:51 |顯示全部帖子
Same as my ex-maid. 1st day ask for phone to her sister(work in HK). 3rd day ask me to buy her tel card for IDD to her son. 4th day ask for coffee and biscuts for breakfast(I give her bread/noodle) 6th day lend money. 8th day request dayoff (as the same as her sister's schedule).
After 10 days, fire by my husband.

As to me , not to entertain her request all the time. Treat them just like kids. Otherwise, their request will be more and more.(just like my frist maid)

P.S. You ask her to sign the payment just like salary, but marked it is an advance payment.

[ 本文章最後由 yimwmc 於 08-12-25 03:54 編輯 ]


積分: 1317

發表於 08-12-25 08:36 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 siusum 於 高齡產婦 16:55 發表


佢今個月18號先嚟做, 第三日見到我地有coffee (因為我老公飲coffee), 咁佢就要求問我可唔可以每日飲一柸coffee, 我買左的cheap cheap coffee 比佢飲, 跟住同佢講唔係 guarantee 有架, 如果佢做得唔好, 我唔會買比佢囉, 因為我有"肉心"係佢手上呀, 我都唔知應該點做.........................我地兩公婆都要返工.............得佢一個人同條肉心係屋企...................


積分: 1317

發表於 08-12-25 08:40 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 yimwmc 於 高齡產婦 03:51 發表
Same as my ex-maid. 1st day ask for phone to her sister(work in HK). 3rd day ask me to buy her tel card for IDD to her son. 4th day ask for coffee and biscuts for breakfast(I give her bread/noodle) 6t ...

唉, 我都知道, 我家姐都係咁同我講,話如果佢嚟左咁短時間都咁大膽, 真係要抄, 家姐叫我睇多少少時間睇下佢有冇改善.............唉, 我有肉心要佢睇, 如果抄左佢, 又要等第二個賓, 又要等成兩個月, 真係好煩呀...................我可能一開始太好人啦, 我而家已經惡左啦, 我見佢都好似開始有的驚, 唔知係咪因為佢仲要還緊錢比agency 呢, 還完錢之後佢可能會..........................


積分: 1317

發表於 08-12-25 08:41 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 2heiBBmama 於 高齡產婦 15:08 發表
你借100蚊比佢乜都夠用, 100蚊就唔使簽借據啦....

我已經係今朝借左兩百元給她, 沒有叫佢簽收據呀, 我講明話月尾出糧會扣返佢錢囉....................


積分: 27067

好媽媽勳章 親子達人勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-12-25 09:35 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 versolai 於 08-12-25 08:41 發表

我已經係今朝借左兩百元給她, 沒有叫佢簽收據呀, 我講明話月尾出糧會扣返佢錢囉....................

你唔好係糧到扣佢人工, 你叫佢比番cash你喎, 唔係銀碼上少咗就麻煩....


積分: 24395


發表於 08-12-25 10:48 |顯示全部帖子
yes, 你應該advance出糧俾佢嘛, 寫明係人工, 咁你就唔駛咁煩啦.


積分: 5317

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 08-12-25 17:59 |顯示全部帖子
我都好明白你的感受, 工人要照顧BB, 怕對佢不好, 佢又會對BB不好, 真係好煩呀!我個心成日都想話下個工人, 但一對住佢又講不出, 而且可能我同佢同年紀, 更加不知點話佢好!我都有買Coffee俾佢, 少少錢費事慳!

等到BB下年讀2歲全日班, 就不洗怕佢


積分: 15999

發表於 08-12-25 18:53 |顯示全部帖子
My maid just joined me 2 mths but I lent her $4k+ to go back to Indonesia to attend her dad's funeral. I gave her $1k as consolation gift. I asked her to sign a letter for me that she borrowed my money.

I also have "肉心"係佢手. Although I am a full-time mum, I am also a lazy mum, don't take care my BB myself. She loves my BB very much, my BB loves her too (although she's only 2mth+, but always smiles at her). So it's ok to give her more so that she can give her heart out to work for us. I just gave her $200 as Christmas gift.

In the 1 st week she joined me, I wanted to fire her because she asked for a mobile phone and other personal stuffs, such as mirror, comb, carpet for her toilet. Later she asked for shampoo, toothpaste. I know she also 'dar fu tau' which all maids do. I did entertain most of her requests BECAUSE as long as she treats my BB very well, she deserves to get all these.

I am happy to keep her because I am sure I cannot find another one who can treat my BB so good. She always talk to my BB, carries my BB when she cries, teaches my BB to speak (english and chinese as she's good in both languages).

Actually most maids are greedy ga la, depends on the extent of greediness. Like some maids, they don't ask for coffee, but 'dar' a lot of 'fu tau', which means they use your $ to buy coffee. Employers won't know how much they dar fu tau, because e.g. you asked her to buy $30 beef, she bought $25 beef but said it costs $30.


