



積分: 7794

發表於 07-6-29 20:57 |只看該作者

乳牛媽媽 (母乳媽咪) 齊來分担喜與憂

2007年11月份起, 我大部份時間係使用Http://www.facebook.com 我email address 係 [email protected] 我有set breast feeding group over there, 如果有疑難, 可以加入facebook, add 我email, 講明係新一任媽咪, join 我嘅 discuss group, 我會盡量幫你/陪你準備做一位乳牛媽媽
Set up breast feeding forum..
希望為無助嘅餵人奶媽咪, 伸出幫助之手..
有餵開母乳嘅媽咪, 請一齊嚟幫助我哋嘅"新手乳牛媽媽", 齊來為下一代締造更健康嘅每一天!

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-11-18 20:18 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-6-29 21:03 |只看該作者

Re: 乳牛媽媽 (母乳媽咪) 齊來分担喜與憂

BB已有3個月大, 要阻止佢喇.. 一來, 你做人肉奶咀會令你milk flow 下降, 2來, BB 以為牙痕, 唔順心就可以咬媽咪, as you said.. 咁你點去街/沖澡 etc??
你係在職媽咪嗎? or 全職媽咪?? 有冇 alt home helper / care giver??

elmolly message:

I did read thru all messages, but your knowledge really impresses me so I just left message here and hoping to get some help from you, sorry that I probably left message in a wrong topic

To be honest, I definitely don't mind to waking up at night to BF my gal, I it just the crying problem that annoys my family, especially when I'm in the shower or so on but baby just keeps crying loudly. I think you are right that I misconcept my baby that she can get 人肉奶咀 once she cries, how should I do with this problem?


積分: 7423

發表於 07-6-30 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: 乳牛媽媽 (母乳媽咪) 齊來分担喜與憂


我暫時係全職媽咪, 八月到會再搵工. 我同我媽咪一齊住, 佢會幫手睇頭睇尾. bb呢排開始成日play around with my nipple, 佢啜完十零分鐘就將個nipple扯黎扯去. 我唔知係咪無奶, 用手去squeeze下通常又有奶出, 不過都試過無


BTW, how come做人肉奶咀會令你milk flow 下降?


積分: 7794

發表於 07-6-30 22:19 |只看該作者

Re: 乳牛媽媽 (母乳媽咪) 齊來分担喜與憂

你留意BB係咪teething.. if teething 要offer 牙膠, 只要佢一play with your nipple, 你要抽返nipple 出嚟, 由"嚴厲"語氣話佢. 佢一玩就stop offering her.
also, 餐與餐之間唔應該俾佢吮.
BTW, how come做人肉奶咀會令你milk flow 下降?

因為個breast 唔夠時間 restall breast milk.
plus, 次次食唔清, as 小B 只係玩.. 咁個breast 就唔好再造咁多奶.
as 你plan to return to work. 已7月喇, 要日間學 pump 奶, bottle feed, (also 等你習慣pump奶), and skin to skin at night, 放工skin to skin, bed time formula(等BB瞓過夜), 返工前 skin to skin.
所有其他時間--因bottle feed, 你要開始 stock up 人奶. 咪你初初會唔夠奶pump俾你小B食呀!
at weekend, 可以skin to skin 多啲.. BB 會慢慢 get used to it.


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-1 03:53 |只看該作者

Re: 乳牛媽媽 (母乳媽咪) 齊來分担喜與憂


teething you mean 出牙? 咁快

其實我有時會邊餵邊pump或者餵完再pump,希望stock up到一餐奶可以起我地晚飯前比囡囡, 等一家人可以有餐安樂飯食同埋我可以沖個涼咁, 因為bottle feed可以last耐d, 有時真係pump唔到咁多就唯有開奶粉, 所以真正全人奶只成功過兩日, 通常只比到90%, 好失敗.

she was refusing bottle at the beginning of this week, but ok again with bottle feed in these 2 days. I don't know what happened to her. so what if she cries if I 抽返nipple 出嚟 and use "嚴厲"語氣話佢?whenever she cries, she'll cry crazily and non-stoping, so just let her cry?


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-4 03:00 |只看該作者
老實講, 我會話你知, if BB 喊只為口痕就尤得佢喊, 唔可以竉壞, as 你返工後, 揾邊個做佢人肉奶咀? 佢都係要adapt 架喇! 喊吓個lung 可以expand 好啲, 對身體冇害.
要俾佢知道架喇.. 我 on maternity leave 時個仔都係冇事喊.. 佢係會"烘"人件衫, 尤得佢"烘".. 佢係 feed on demand, 但唔係可以咁樣吮住玩呢!
你要立定心腸小小, 咪 once 你返工, BB 個main care giver 就好慘架喇.
你日頭要多啲 bottle feed 喇.. only 1 month to go b4 你 return to work.
唔好俾BB 餐與餐之間 吮, 咁可以hold 到多啲奶 喺breast 喥.
BB 瞓前一餐改奶粉, so 你半夜pump 奶可以 stock up. also, BB 瞓過夜, 對你同BB都好啲.
想知食乜有奶.. 去0701 mami club, 我original forum 0701 乳牛媽咪廣播站, 有 diet list 呢!

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-1 03:53 發表

teething you mean 出牙? 咁快

其實我有時會邊餵邊pump或者餵完再pump,希望stock up到一餐奶可以起我地晚飯前比囡囡, 等一家人可以有餐安樂飯食同埋我可以沖個涼咁, 因為bottle feed可 ...


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-5 04:26 |只看該作者

其實點分bb係肚餓定口痕呢? 佢都好似你囝囝咁"烘"人件衫,有時喊有時唔喊,跟住婆婆就會話佢肚餓,叫我餵bb,同埋基本上埋身餵既話佢兩個鐘頭到就要食(通常連兩個鐘都未夠佢就會喊或者扭),所以都要比佢啜. and my mom always says don't nurse until she cries, is this true?

阿女之前每次都要啜20-30mins,但呢排佢成日食10-15mins左右就又吐又啜,將個nipple扯黎扯去,究竟佢係playing around定係點解,我唔sure because sometimes佢係食到好忟.


原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-4 03:00 發表
老實講, 我會話你知, if BB 喊只為口痕就尤得佢喊, 唔可以竉壞, as 你返工後, 揾邊個做佢人肉奶咀? 佢都係要adapt 架喇! 喊吓個lung 可以expand 好啲, 對身體冇害.
要俾佢 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-5 23:34 |只看該作者
message was deleted by my baby boy..
whatever, I don't type in chinese, that waste my time.

I can't say that your mom is not correct, but as your baby girl is 3 months old, as mom or care giver should able to recognise your baby's crying.
Basically, crying for hungry, discomfort, loneliness and tired.. these four main reasons of crying should make a different between with each other.
your baby is Breast fed. and should feel just on demand.
Also, if you feel your infant when she doesn't need it, she will just play with your nipple.
For a 3 months old, she should able to hold up to 2-3 hours behind meal.
If you feed her too often.
1. your baby is not hungry, so she can't drink much, therefore, she falls back to the bad cycle. and call for feeding very soon.
2. that will make her stomach reserver smaller. therefore, she needs to call for you soon.. as it goes back to the bad cycle.

your breast milk will change the ratio between water and fat while your baby is growing up. therefore, your baby suppose to call for next feed later.

Somehow, baby gets too tired, they will also烘人件衫 to find nipples for comfort. then you should ignore that. because when you return to work. who will do that for your infant?

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-5 04:26 發表

其實點分bb係肚餓定口痕呢? 佢都好似你囝囝咁"烘"人件衫,有時喊有時唔喊,跟住婆婆就會話佢肚餓,叫我餵bb,同埋基本上埋身餵既話佢兩個鐘頭到就要食(通常連兩個鐘都未夠佢就會喊或者扭),所以都要 ...


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-6 12:17 |只看該作者

oh... poor you but how smart your son is

actually I wanted to reply you yesterday, but my gal kept 扭計 last nite and she only wanted me, god...

I'm very shamed on myself that I can't really distinguish the crying, I only know the crying for hunger sounds much loud and it's 連續的由喉嚨叫出來. since she makes the same crying all the time, especially at night, so I really can't tell

in this case, how should I stop the bad cycle? make the feeding only every 3 hours counting from the time she starts last meal? also, should I give her my nipple again after 抽返nipple 出嚟, 由"嚴厲"語氣話佢 when she plays with my nipple? and when should I giver her 牙膠? she makes me very painful sometimes. the crying of my gal is like 拆樓,抱住佢真係喊到耳膜都穿,又勁扭,攪到成身濕晒 so finally my mom and hubby all compromise and ask me to be her 人肉奶咀

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-5 23:34 發表
message was deleted by my baby boy..
whatever, I don't type in chinese, that waste my time.

I can't say that your mom is not correct, but as your baby girl is 3 months old, as ...


積分: 253

發表於 07-7-6 16:43 |只看該作者


Pariis(差唔多一個月大)開頭果幾日都係咁﹐ 我餵佢﹐ 食到佢唔食我就以為佢飽﹐ 點知唔夠一陣佢又餓。

我老公點出一個問題﹐就係skin to skin好難計算餵左幾多安。 於是我就計﹐ 每次我漲奶﹐ 可以泵到4安﹐ 個胸會軟晒。pariis 依家食到3.5安奶﹐ 咁每次佢食到個胸軟﹐ 然後佢就算唔肯食﹐ 我都大概知道佢飲左幾多﹐ 夠唔夠飽。夠飽佢可以訓3-4個鐘。


BB有時唔係話一埋身就食到個奶滋﹐ Pariis 成日都係咬唔到﹐ 有時整好耐﹐ 我又滴不停。 佢食奶其實都好辛苦﹐ 又要就位。 如果訓著左﹐ 可以掃下個頭﹐ 掃下耳仔。

No need to be ashamed la 個個媽咪都係咁﹐ 邊度頂得到BB不停喊唔理?

努力D 我地一齊加油! :-P


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-7 09:16 |只看該作者
Good on you, see you can recognise some difference from your princess's crying.
At night, you feel hard to determine because you both are sleepy.
That is not right to use nipples to "shut" your sweet heart's mouth off. Make sure nothing goes wrong and also because she is hungry because you feed her. sometimes, she may tell you that she has gas, she is wet, she is loneliness.
Do you sleep with your daughter in the same bed?
have you got the musical miracle ride over baby's crib?
As we all know, complete breast feeding baby should feed on demand, so, don't just count round the clock over 3 hours. that may not work.
Let's try that.
old tale. the way I teach all moms with new born (may be a bit late for your infant as she is 3 months old)
I told moms that change your infant diaper because feed every meal, because it is psychology. Infant will learn that after they got change, they will be fed, then, reseach said that , infant cries less. it works on my both children, and works on many baby.. do you wanna try.
the way to see if she is having a good meal by the way you skin to skin her and pump on the other side. there should be the error of amount only +/- 1.5 oz.
Baby RnC 's method may be ok.. but need to evaluate very often. and need to base on your milk flow too.
For me, I can't judge my volume with that, as some time, I feel very full, but I can only pump 6oz 1 side.. but on the other day, I don't feel full but I can pump 9 oz on 1 side. (I have to say, I am very lucky, my boy is 100% breast feed, as I have about 600 bags of 6oz milk in my chest freezer) those are my 福氣奶.. if I need to use it, let it be, if I don't need to use it, it's my son's 福氣.
By the way, how heavy is your daughter? may be we need to do something. Do you mind to switch your daughter to part breast feeding and part formula feeding?
I know your difficulty at night.
I need to calulate her calories and growth development.
give me her weight, height, and her birthday.
See what I can do.

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-6 12:17 發表

oh... poor you but how smart your son is

actually I wanted to reply you yesterday, but my gal kept 扭計 last nite and she only wanted me, god...

I'm very shamed on mysel ...


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-7 11:55 |只看該作者
Nillie_Mami and BabyRnC,

If I bottle feed my baby, she can drink up to 200ml for both breask milk and formula. If I skin to skin and pump on the other side, I can only pump out aound 20-40ml ops:" /> but it's for only around 15 mins time cause I can't continue when she's moving around. If I pump after I skin to skin at night, then will have around 60ml. I can only get over 100ml if I didn't feed her or pump for several hours. so I think Nillie_mami you are really lucky to have so much stock. I understand it's feed on demand, just don't know when is she in demand

And yes, we are sleeping on the same bed, I tried to put her back to her crib after feeding her, but she will then wake up and cry. Since I'll only start job hunting by mid-Aug, is it ok if I start to bottle feed her at night by end of this month then train her to sleep on her crib? I have that musical mobile, but she doesn't pay attention to anything when she's crying.

Andrea, my girl was born on March 23, she was 2.85kg at birth, only 50-60%BF until June when I started to BF and sleep with her at night. Then she became 90-95%BF until now. She was 5kg and around 60cm tall at 2 months (May 23), and 5.91kg at 3 months (June 25), if I really don't have enough milk, of course I don't mind to give her formula instead of straving her, just want to BF her as much as possible. Sometimes when we give her bottle at night, she drinks so fast that my mom always says "哎吔,咁肚餓,真係陰公",攪到我都好內疚,唔知我既堅持啱唔啱.

唉,我好後悔阿女初初初出世時偷懶,成日補奶粉,攪到而家先黎catch up咁麻煩:-(

By the way, I notice that before she 扯 my nipple, she usually put it on the left side of her mouth, is it because of the teeething problem?

[ 本文章最後由 elmolly 於 07-7-7 11:57 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-7 22:40 |只看該作者
我嘅餵奶歴程係好辛苦.. 完全為BB而活.. 你唔好 blame yourself.. 第一次做媽咪又點知咁多.. 其實越識得多越湊得辛苦.. 無人會生BB出嚟之後得過且過咁湊自己個BB.
你唔好咁計自己嘅milk flow.. 唔準架.. pump 出嚟同skin to skin 嘅output 會有1-2oz error, that is almost 60 ml 奶嘅error 架.. as long as BB skin to skin 完,你再pump 都有奶剩.. that's mean 夠奶.
BB會越來越識嘢, 你越遲 introduce 番bottle for night feed, 就會take much longer. 小心啊!
我話你知點解B女可能 teething..
我大女2.5 months old starts teething.. by 4 months 巳有4隻出齊嘅門牙.. if 你小B成日牙痕...你可以雪塊濕嘅紗巾入冰格 for 2 hours, 之後massage 佢嘅gum.. 咁會help to ease the pain.
so.. come back at end of this month.. 我哋幫B女set bed time routine.

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-7 11:55 發表
Nillie_Mami and BabyRnC,

If I bottle feed my baby, she can drink up to 200ml for both breask milk and formula. If I skin to skin and pump on the other side, I can only pump out aound 20-40ml : ...


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-8 15:43 |只看該作者

唔該晒你呀,我琴日only fed her when she cried crazily and it was better! At least she fell to sleep afterwords instead of playing it around. I hope it will work cause my nipples are hurt already. I also feel like living for BF, I'm don't want to go out no matter with baby or alone cause it's hard to find a suitable place to BF in HK and the most I can accept is only to give her formula once a day max., hubby pushes me to go to back to work but I'm trying to make it as late as possible so then I'm sure I can BF my girl at least till 6 months. I spend so much time to either skin to skin or pumping milk that don't have much time to play with her or help in other things at home I'm catching up your post in 0701, did you share your 餵奶歴程 there?

We are still having problem to bottle feed her for the meal before sleep, Andrea is fine for bottle at any other time except for this one

I have already put the 紗巾 in freezer, I hope it can make her feel better too, thanks for your help!


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-8 16:22 |只看該作者
bad me that I chit chat here at my working time.. I work at night in hospital at a RN in charge.
therefore I can't type in chinese, as my pc doesn't suppoet chinese character.
Andrea needs to learn. that is very important to switch bed time to a bottle. because you need to sleep, also Andrea needs to sleep thru the night as well.
let her cries a bit. she will get used to it.
so, when she is not really hungry, do not offer BF. give your nipples a break.. I know how hurt it is.. also how hard to suffer (your ears)..
Gabriel is a bad boy as well.. not easy to deal with especially, I am from 100% skin to skin, switch to bottle.
I suppose return to work at March, but then delay to end of May.. just because we can't make Gabriel to drink from the bottle.
when you read from 0701.. you can see part of my pathway.. some I wrote it at any moms in usa.. and some other forum as well.. but mostly at 0701 forum.

both of my children, I hand wrote the blog on their diary book.. which wrote down how much they drink each meal or which side I offer for skin to skin, did they pee, or have bowel movement, any remarks (like I pumped milk, how many oz from each side). also a summary for that day.
Amanda's diary was stopped when she was 2
I believe that I will do the same thing for Gabriel when he attends day care as well.

Gabriel is 6 months old, still not teething badly.. so that is good for me.. ^o^

now.. Elmolly, we need to get Andrea to have her night bottle before bed.

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-8 15:43 發表

唔該晒你呀,我琴日only fed her when she cried crazily and it was better! At least she fell to sleep afterwords instead of playing it around. I hope it will work cause my nipples ar ...


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-9 12:17 |只看該作者

haha, I'm very bad too! I also like surfing internet when I was at work, although the workload was heavy, surfing the net or emailing with friends reallly released the pressure and gave me energy again . Do you need to catch up sleep during day time as you are working on night shift, any problem for spending time with your kids? Chinese typing is more 親切同到肉, but it takes a long time to write with my mouse and I know you also don't type Chinese as well, so English can probably save our time.

Do you think I should start bottle feed her for the bed time meal right away or can wait a bit? If she cries and rejecting bottle, how long I should persist? We tried it before and finally gave up after half an hour. If we can make it, should I put her back to her crib or let her sleep with us first? Andrea never sleep thru the night except for 1 time ever since she was born (it was just last week), which was like a miracle to us. She had milk at around 11:30 then slept until around 7 the next morning! But it only happened once. I don't know if she's really hungry or just attaches to me at night, cause she looks for my nipple every 2 hours and her movements tell me that she's not in a deep sleep. Any idea if it's normal for a 3 months old infant? It's so hard to put her to sleep both day and night time.

Does your profession make you to be so detailed? I guess your kids will be very much appreciated for your effort when they grow up and read the diary I used to mark down the feeding time and how long I fed or how much I fed for formula, I then found it really stressed me a lot if I found that I BF her less than 50% a day, so I stoped it.

Thank you very much Nillie_Mami, you are like a baby care tutor to me!


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-9 13:35 |只看該作者
30 min will be a maximum time.. if Andrea doesn't make it.
we don't want her cry too mad before bed time, but she needs to learn about it.
Get her a bottle is a important milestone.
As you plan to feed her bottle anyway, so start earlier will be better for her.
If she is bottle fed, put her into her crib as well.
somehow you find out that she doesn't sleep deep.. because you sleep next to her. she feels the same way as you do.
I know that in the coming 17 years, I am living FOR my children, not for myself. I lost myself since I got pregnant with Amanda.. haha
I am sleeping at day time.. as Gabriel is taking care by his nanny, Amanda attends school at all weekdays. I skin to skin Gabriel at day time, and nanny will bring Gabriel into my bedroom, so I can feed him while I am sleeping.
at saturday if I am not working, I will bring Amanda & Gabriel to park, to petting zoo, to book store, or shopping mall. Sunday, will be family day..
Gabriel is not able to sit without support.. we are training him everyday now.. too much things to catch up.. this lil lazy guy.. *sigh*..

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-9 12:17 發表

haha, I'm very bad too! I also like surfing internet when I was at work, although the workload was heavy, surfing the net or emailing with friends reallly released the pressure an ...

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-9 13:39 編輯 ]


積分: 7423

發表於 07-7-10 00:53 |只看該作者

We made it! but failed to put her to her crib because her crib is next to our bed with no gap, so she woke up after we climbed over our bed, and she's now sleeping with my mom instead. I guess we need to re-locate her crib and then try the next step. I skin to skin to feed her but she didn't fall to sleep, only became very sleepy, and my mom gave her bottle after she poo poo at the very sleepy state. I really want to thank you for your help.

In case she wakes up at night, should I feed her skin to skin or still give her bottle?

Andrea poo poo twice in this evening, it's quite watery, I wonder if she's having a diarrhoea cause she usually poo every 4 days, is it normal? There are some c9 told my mom that I need to give 開奶茶to my girl or she'll reach 厭奶期soon, is this the case?

Well, you sure your kids will let you live for them for 18 years? They'll probably have their own world when they go to high school...I keep telling myself and hubby that Andrea may just ingore us when she's around 14. Is your nanny staying over night or your hubby will take care for both Amanda and Gabriel at night? good that you don't need to shift over weekend. A friend of mine lives in LA and always complains that it's too costy to hire a maid in the States and 嗌辛苦with her girl, but you got 2 kids!


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-10 04:32 |只看該作者
All night will be given by bottle, this is the way to give her a good sleep. And when Andrea reaches 4 months. Feed her with formula before bed. so she can sleep thru the night. Once you give her formula at bed time by her 4 months old. she should have a better sleeping pattern. If by 6 months, she still asks for night feed.. the reason is just because she used to have it. "NOT BECAUSE SHE IS HUNGRY, IT BECOMES A HABIT".. then feed her water when she woke up. for 1-2 weeks later, she will not wake up at the night then.

Switch Andrea into another room. because your bed is too close to Andrea's crib. therefore she wakes at night.

Good on her that she sleep with last bottle. very good.
So, never change this schedule, you guys must stick with it every night. so Andrea will not get confuse.

Keep going, Elmolly.. Andrea is a angel!

Every four days for 1 bowel movement? even complete breast feed? Does the stool golden yellow, watery with white fatty drops inside? that is what we call 黃金便便..
Gabriel normally have twice a day to every 2 day. depends on if I work too many nights in a roll.
I need to work at weekend.. every 2 weeks, I need to work for a whole weekend by my contract. but just 13 days in a month.
for those chinese herbs, I never introduced any to my both kids. personally I don't believe it those, I would rather adjust my diet, so Gabriel will not have constipation or diarrhoea.
Only 2 times of bowel movement doesn't consider as diarrhoea. if Andrea has more than 5 watery stool in 1 days, plus fever and poor oral intake, you need to notify your paediatrician, and send Andrea to ER.. ok?

Hee hee.. I meant 17 years.. just because "they will ask me for money, and I need to support them to go for their university fee." I told myself, once I paid off their school fee and also, buy accommodations for them. " after that, they better left me alone.
原文章由 elmolly 於 07-7-10 00:53 發表

We made it! but failed to put her to her crib because her crib is next to our bed with no gap, so she woke up after we climbed over our bed, and she's now sleeping with my mom ins ...


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發表於 07-7-10 14:27 |只看該作者

Hey, your job makes us have no time difference

Andrea finally slept until 6 this morning, which I think it's quite good, I guess she probably doesn't need night milk, just when she's sleeping with me my smell and my movement makes her awake. I gave her formula last night instead of breast milk cause I was not sure if she'd take it, if then, then will waste my effort la

Yes, she usually only poo very 4 days, is she completely BF? she has formula few times a week. The stool is in yellow, but it was in 條狀 but soft, I guess there's some white fatty drop, not so sure cause I did see it, but my mom's doing the cleaning most of the time. Is she constipated?

The working conditions as a nurse are much better in the States and Canada, my friend told me the pay in the States is even better than Canada, working 13 days a month is very good!

haha, so good that you even planned to buy them accomdations, I just hope I can afford to pay off the tutition fees :loveliness:

Andrea is really an angel to me, I suffered from depression for some years before I got pregnant, then stoped the anti-depressant afterwords, glad that she was born healthy cuase I was still under medications in the first 10 weeks. and now, I'd say I'm fully recovered because of her!


